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Looking for ideas for unique recognitions for scout achievements.


Our troop (me!) started a tradition for our troop. When a scout earns the shotgun shooting merit badge we present them with a shotgun shell slide. The scouts love them.


Take a spent shot gun shell and cut (razor blade) a small square towards the top. This covers just about half of the width .... more like a rectangle. The kerchief is thread through the back as a slide. I add their name and when they received the badge (year and location).

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Ah, don't listen to those stick-in-the-muds, advancement lady. I think it's a great idea. People wear unique neckerchief slides regularly. I think there are various cool events that could have interesting recognitions. I like the idea of doing them for accomplishments that don't otherwise have recognitions - things like camping out when it's below zero, or sustaining an injury, or going out of the way to be helpful to someone. Just little meaningful things.


Now, while I like the idea, we don't actually do many, if any, in our troop. But I'd be happy to hear about what other troops do.

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I make up a variety of awards to give to boys and adults on suitable occasions.



Upon joining the pack each boy gets a colorful neckerchief and slide that their parent helps them put on, so they will be "in uniform" right away.


I cut about 20 neckerchiefs from a colorful sheet bought at a thrift store, and the slides are sections of tree branches with a hole bored in them.


I've made "Cub Scout Hero" medals to award to parents for doing good things. In this case the Cub Scouts help pin the medal on the parent. The medal is a ribbon stapled to a section of a tree branch that has been sanded and marked "Cub Scout Hero."



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Back when the Venturing Crew was just getting started we had a heck of a time getting the youth to actually be self-lead. The fact all of the boys were Eagle Scouts just frustrated me as they didnt seem inclined to do very much or plan or much of anything. We had a few young ladies in the group who were up to the task and did quite a bit, one is currently a Fieled Director in the Cradle of Liberty Council (it hurts so when they turn to the Dark Side).


At one meeting, in recognition of the work these ladies did, organizing a COuncil Wide Crew Rendezvous and starting the Venturing Leaders group, I gave the two the Sacajawea award. It was a Sacajawea dollar coin with a hole drilled in it on a leather thong to go around the neck. Both wore them for quite awhile. I called it the Sacajawea because the girls showed the boys how it's done. Not sure the boys ever got the significance of the name, the young ladies certainly did

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We had a campout where some boys did not dig a cat-hole but it the middle of the night "left a deposit" or two for discovery in the morning. Unable to find a perpetrator we asked for a volunteer to bury it properly and a scout cheerfully stepped forward.


We recognized the lad at our COH with our first "Golden Scoop" award without going into any details. He was quite proud of it.

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What you guys are doing is completely different than AL. She is giving a merit badge then adding on something to that....




The boys do that sort of thing all the time.....


The boys give the golden slushie award......It involves the max number of sour squirts consumed and keeping it down at summer camp....A gold spray painted plastic cup. 14 was the number to beat if the bragging is true.






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What AL is doing is adding FUN! So what if they are also getting a MB? I can see scouts valuing the slide more than the badge because of its uniqueness and that it comes from the unit.


A cool next step could be to engage the SPL / older scouts in making and presenting the slides. And having them suggest and take ownership of other fun unit awards.

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So far, I count one.

Sounds like a fun idea to me. Wouldn't need to be tied to a MB, but if that's part of the pride or identity of their troop, so be it.

Got any ideas for Landscape Architecture or Farm Mechanics?


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I love the nature aspect with the twigs and wood. Also, laughed a bit at some of the "gag" awards. We did start giving the blue ribbon (it says "great effort" and is in the cub scout section). We coupled that with homemade "pocket certificates" which we add name, accomplishment and date. It began in summer 2011 when our small troop took three of the four "awards" at summer camp. One was best belly flop ~ didn't tell anyone that he was the only contestant. We also had a scout who works all summer on staff ~ we gave him "most broken bones" because he found a hole during a camp wide capture the flag ~ fracturing four bones in his foot. The scouts loved them and the parents felt like they were included in the summer camp experience.


And yes, I do understand that shotgun shooting is a merit badge. However, our troop does not wear their sashes 100% of the time and this is a unique way for them to display an achievement. Not every scout in our area accomplishes earning shot gun. For us it is only available at camp and about 75% actually earn it. That was directed to ...... you know who the wet blankets are!














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Keep this kinf of thing going and next thing you know the scouts woll be going out and earning badges left and having fun, then where would we be? And what about all the non scouts wanting to join up?? this is just crazy talk! Must resist... Oh I give in... can I have one too?

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