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Was I one of the people "adding ethnic slurs"?


If anything, we all unfairly ganged up on the original poster and accused him of being an "intolerant, red neck, unfriendly, unkind, and unhelpful ethnocentric bigot."


I really don't see this thread as evidence of the Scouting world being "full of" said bigots.


(And no, I don't think the original poster is an "intolerant, red neck, unfriendly, unkind, and unhelpful ethnocentric bigot". But perhaps it seemed that way after he had to read through all of these responses to a perhaps inartfully worded question.)

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You just need to reread many of the posts to verify my point. In all my years in scouting I have personally witnessed many cases of prejudice and intolerance and many of the posters, not all of them, in this thread just brought all those memories back.

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You just need to reread many of the posts to verify my point. In all my years in scouting I have personally witnessed many cases of prejudice and intolerance and many of the posters, not all of them, in this thread just brought all those memories back.


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"Redneck" is definitely a slur in this context, when included with the words shown above. And it is definitely an ethnic slur. You all have a picture of said redneck in your mind right now, don't you? Just like "tea bagger," redneck is a cheap and easy slur to toss about because it does not target a protected minority,

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Come to think of it, I first learned the word "redneck" in Scouts. I had never heard that word before, but one of the older Scouts was doing some work in the hot sun (building a shelter for Wilderness Survival MB, IIRC), and he was joking around something about us being rednecks (becuase our necks were, indeed, turning red).


So I guess Scouting is full of bigots, after all. But we're a bunch of anti-Redneck bigots. :)

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In a fair world, the term "redneck" would be just as unacceptable as the "N-word".

Right, because redneck has come to symobolize the hundred of years of oppression white southerners suffered at the hands of . . . wait, never mind.

No matter how one tries to spin it, the impact of the two terms is not remotely comparable.

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