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“Senior Stafd”

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I'm not familiar with Wood Badge staff structure, but on the NYLT side we have Troop Guides who are typically first year staff, and the other Troop positions (QM, ASPL, SPL) are called senior staff. A normal Troop might do that too.. "Older" Scouts vs "Younger or "New" Scouts" 

What makes you say it's a cultish thing? 

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4 hours ago, malraux said:

Does having a senior patrol leader make a troop cultish?

Depends on the SPL. This weekend, I was getting a little worried about this Batman series audiobook that my older scouts were following. (One scout noted how the instrumental theme's first few bars was ... Ave Maria.) The series came with cryptography exercises, which they were mastering in order to plan some crime-solving treasure hunt at school. So ...

I suggested they go the extra mile and earn Signs and Signals MB. They seemed to take me seriously. Time will tell.

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Since I'm sending this off the rails anyway, wouldn't it be a cool WB assignment for each patrol to pick a merit badge that no member has any experience with, have them work the requirements between weekends, and present their results on weekend #2.

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