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LCMS Dissolves BSA MOU: Parallel policy thread


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Maybe.  Maybe not.  I helped recharter a troop whose CO, a one-of-a-kind congregation, regards its total involvement with the troop as providing a meeting space and signing some papers.  They would not even provide a COR.  


I had a troop in a Methodist Church who were pretty much the same.  We were like Al-Anon - just one of many good works.  When I had four Scouts who wanted to do their religious award, I was told the church had no one to work with them and I should try the Episcopal church down the street.  And they were Methodist - members of the congregation.  


Not many organizations are set up to give out free space for meetings on a regular basis without it being somehow connected to it as something other than an "outside group getting a free ride on the rent for meetings and storage."  If the CO does not see it as part of it's own program, then they have reinterpreted it differently than the intent set up by it's charter.  The CO has the right to say who can and who can't be part of the group, when and where it meets (for free), etc.  That's not a normal set up for outside groups coming in and using their space.


Some CO's don't care, but then some do and it's just a result of the individual choices, not the structure in which it exists.

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When I had four Scouts who wanted to do their religious award, I was told the church had no one to work with them and I should try the Episcopal church down the street.  And they were Methodist - members of the congregation.


Leaving Scouting aside, it seems to me that a religious organizaion does not have much of a future if it turns away its own youthful members who are seeking to learn more about their own religion.

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Wait, seems some of us (you) have very short memories. WHAT ABOUT THE LOCAL OPTION SAVING THE BSA?


And what are you guys talking about the BSA sticking its foot in the religious door? Because of the season, I was remembering back when I was selected to be part of our public elementary Christmas Boys Choir in the 60s. It was quiet an honor at the time in the community. Let's be fair, it's wasn't that long ago that religion and most anything associated with religion was a good thing. Politics and like minded media have been slowly polluting the minds of our culture. Scouting, schools and even churches just got dragged in.


I still laugh thinking back of the posters here who believed that all the BSA needed to fix the bleeding membership problem was just allow gay adult leaders.


Let's face it, our culture are just sheep following political wolves.



Edited by Eagledad
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I still laugh thinking back of the posters here who believed that all the BSA needed to fix the bleeding membership problem was just allow gay adult leaders.



I understand there was a record recruitment this year in Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts the likes of which we have never seen because all those folks who had been avoiding Scouting because of these policies have now decided to join AND volunteer to lead units. Didn't you see the press?  :rolleyes:  :cool:  ;)

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@@NJCubScouter if you look back at the threads all about gay scouts and leaders there were MANY supporters here that felt there was a huge group that hadn't joined scouting because of those restrictions. It's been nearly 3 years since that first decision and numbers are decreasing at a rate twice of the usual average.


Ain't getting better. Don't see that increase. I think that's the point.

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And what are you guys talking about the BSA sticking its foot in the religious door? Because of the season, I was remembering back when I was selected to be part of our public elementary Christmas Boys Choir in the 60s. It was quiet an honor at the time in the community. Let's be fair, it's wasn't that long ago that religion and most anything associated with religion was a good thing. Politics and like minded media have been slowly polluting the minds of our culture. Scouting, schools and even churches just got dragged in.

You mean when only Christianity was a good thing? To bad about those students that were non-Christian ("Oh your Jewish? Sorry, just shut up and sit in the corner. Only Christianity gets honored here."). Oh wait, those kids don't count.

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