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Finding new Cub Master


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This may have been discussed before but I am new here, and I am curious what is the best way to find a New Cub Master or an Assistant Cub Master? Our Cub Master we have now is great but burnt out. So how can I help him find a replacement or an Assistant. We have mentioned it to the parents and that is not working out for us. I want to start the new year off fresh and ready to go with a good team behind us. Without him that will not be possible. TIA :)

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ALCubmom, tag, you're it!


I'm in exactly the same situation. Can't get any energy behind volunteers. I'd prefer to stay as a behind the scenes support, but nobody else is going to do it.

We've asked the group

we've asked individuals..... all we here is, "well I work, so..."


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We have tried the group and individual. It just isn't working. I already do enough as it is and I am only on my second year in. But I have this feeling in my gut if no one steps up at the beginning of the year I may step up to help him out. Thank You for your advise though :)

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Like any other recruiting.....Jot a list of skills / talents / aptitude that any volunteer position requires. Then take a look at your parent roster and identify candidates. Ask each one in person. If the job is too big, cut it down in size. Tell your candidate why you think they would do a good job (not why the pack is desperate).... "I noticed how much you enjoy the scouting program. You seem to remember what it is like to be a seven year old boy. You seem like a natural ham. I like how you can tell silly jokes...."


Also, have you created a culture of "everyone lends a hand?". Expect all adults to fill a role in your pack. (Easiest to do at the fall gearing up time.)


Best of luck

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Time to read the riot act. "The cubmaster must step down; therefore, this Pack will disband at the end of the year if his replacement is not found by the end of next month."


Come July, if nobody steps up, start talking to other packs about taking on your transfers.

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How strong is you committee chair? The reason I ask is it seems like for some packs too much falls on the Cubmaster. In my mind the Cubmaster needs to be someone that can be entertaining and approachable to the boys and the parents. They need to be able to make the pack meeting engaging to the scouts. Therejob should not include all of the back office record keeping and planning thise should be the responsibility of the committee and ultimately the committee chair.


In reading some post on this site it seems like some packs have the CM as the end all be all and responsible for everything. I on;t think this is the intended structure. It can also lead to either burn out or people that are very controling (and not approachable) in that position.


I would look at you den leaders of the tigers, wolves and bears (I the Webelos den leader has younger scouts I would also look at them). Which den leader is the most out going? Tap that person for the role. Since that person knows that den he/she should be able to convince one of the other parents to become den leader.

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If you tap a Den Leader to do the dreaded DL/CM Combo, then make it known that the "Cubmaster" is just the mouthpiece guy who opens and closes the Pack Meeting, hands out awards, and maybe leads one song. Any added game/activity/event/song is rotated every month to each Den (W2 in September, W1 October, Bears in Nov, and so on loops back to W2 in February in time for Cross-over/BlueGold.

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Time to read the riot act. "The cubmaster must step down; therefore, this Pack will disband at the end of the year if his replacement is not found by the end of next month."


Come July, if nobody steps up, start talking to other packs about taking on your transfers.


Yep, that's what the Pack I was in 6 or 7 yrs ago had to do. Somebody stepped up at that time.

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