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hiring contractors for merit badge counselors


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Some may find this topic subject line off putting, but I want opinions on an important subject. The issue arises when a council does not have the equipment required, the expertise required, or the facilities required to offer a merit badge either at summer camp or elsewhere in its program. What is the attitude towards entering into an arrangment with a third party to offer the merit badge where that third paryt may already be offering similar training? What I have in mind is the new kayaking merit badge. Kayaking is growing in popularity yet we have no capability of offering this merit badge. Given the relative newness of the sport, we have neither qualfied experienced volunteersnor equipment. Is there a prohibition or process for entering into a contractual relationship with an entiry or business that already offers training in kayaking and already provides eqiupment and training to all comers? Anyone with experience in this kind of situation please share your experience.

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I second Tahawk. I have talked to local gear outfitters about getting registered as counselors to increase their business. This is effectively what the BSA has done with its PADI relationship for SCUBA merit badge - opens up SCUBA to Scouts, but requires a Dive Instructor who doesn't work for free in most cases (unless you are fortunate to have one willing to work for the Scouts on the side).


Thinking of badges that require professional certification or equivalency to be done right:



White Water



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The issue arises w Is there a prohibition or process for entering into a contractual relationship with an entiry or business that already offers training in kayaking and already provides eqiupment and training to all comers?

No, no prohibition. For example, many for profit riding stables "offer" horsemanship mb, U.S.Naval Academy offers STEM merit badges through its NESA chapter, many zoos handle the reptile...mb/

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By all means if a pro guide is best for the job hire him. It might amount to a nominal fee, but just think of the benefit to the troop if a small number of boys tap their ISAs to again those skills. ;) In all seriousness, most outfitters offer MBCs as part of their operation. The cost is little or nothing over their rental rates, and

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