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Internet Advancement File Format (for National BSA site)

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Can someone send me specifications for post their ADVxxxx.csv file? This is the file that is uploaded for the internet advancement reporting on the national BSA Internet Advancement site. I've tried the National support line and they were no help. Did not know what a CSV file was. I obviously did not get to the right person. If someone could just send me a copy of the file they uploaded for advancements that would be so helpful. :D:D:D

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What do you need it for? I won't send you mine for privacy reasons. Unless you are creating a new advancement program, I think you'd be better off just using the option in Internet Advancement and manually enter the information.


I have opened the file in Excel, and honestly, there isn't enough information in the .csv to allow you to recreate it. The first two lines of the file are information about the unit. Beginning at the third line, there are two columns of numbers that I have no idea what they mean, then three columns with Scouts first name, middle initial and last name. Then a column of the Scout's scout ID #, a blank column, then a date, then a code for what was earned--RT is rank Tenderfoot, R1 is rank First Class or a number (10 is Personal Fitness MB). There is a row in the spreadsheet for each Scout, and it ends with a row with two columns of numbers.

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  • 1 year later...

I too am looking for the format to upload our Rank and Merit Badge to Internet Advancement from an excel file instead of manually typing them all in. Anyone have the .csv format so I can save my in the same format so IA will accept it? We don't use Troopmaster.

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A .csv file is nothing more than a text file of records that separate the fields of the data with a comma. One can import the file into a spreadsheet or database but the file structure is pretty much just that, a database. If one wishes to make sense out of it they need the interface program that goes along with it. .CSV files are meant to transfer files between interface programs. You have the data, now all you need to do is write your own interface program and you're all set to go. It's doable, but you pretty much have to know what you're doing.




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  • 2 years later...

But if you know what the BSA required specifications for the CSV format is, you can simply have your data in a excel or other spreadsheet file, export it to a CSV format file (microsoft excel, google sheets, or any other spreadsheet program will let you do this) and upload it via internet advancment on scoutnet.scouting.org  that is what everyone asking here is wanting to know, what are the specification requirements for the SCV file format specified by BSA????? can someone either post them, or tell where BSA has them spelled out???

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I hope there is someone to help you, but in general BSA has been ignorant of open standards for databases. Thus we have reason for you to despair.


The logical location would be a page linked from the upload page by an info button. But, providing such specifications may be a violation of agreements with software companies that track scout advancements.


Developers of such software are welcome to prove us wrong by providing the location of your software's specs for portable files.

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Well first they say if you make the csv file out of troop master or troop web host or whatever,

they tell you do not open it, cause when you open it, that changes the file somehow so it won't upload properly.

So that's not helpful at all if the format is changed by opening and viewing it. 


The problem is there are some fields that make no sense.  They are numbers that mean nothing when you look at unit number, Internet advancement/unit ;log in number, or anything that makes it seem to be reproducible without knowing some secret BSA codes. 


If you could get the gobbledygook numbers figured out the rest is sort of

header for unit id/scoutmaster info/date the unit recharters, district in two rows.

then list by row for each rank or mb

with random number, count of what row you are on, then scout name, first, middle, last, date of birth, date of advancement earned and the code for the merit badge or rank


But the bsa codes at the top and several other places are unexplainable.

it won't let me upload this type of file to the message board.



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