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Comrade Obama is at it again!




The best part of the conversation is definitely when the go-between lackey Medvedev says, "I understand... I will transmit this information to Vladimir."


Maybe Emperor Obama should tell us what exactly he plans to do that's so secret he can't tell us now because he's positive it would cost him the election?

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Oh, come on... We all know that presidents do this kinda thing. It ain't news except that some techie (who is now out of a job) left the mike gain up.

Didn't we have a prez once that had a "secret " way to end 'his' unpopular war?

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Tried to hold my tongue, but I am simply disheartened by the occasional venom that is posted on this thread about the Presidents, both current and past. One would hope that people who pride themselves on being Scouters might set a better example. Some comments are simply over the line, in my personal opinion. This is one of them.

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Yah, I think yeh have to decide whether yeh think President Obama is a communist ("comrade") or an imperialist ("emperor"). Right now you're just being a bit incoherent.


This doesn't trouble me in the least. It's the sort of thing yeh do in diplomacy all the time. Feel people out, buy some space if yeh need it. Whatever. Obama's foreign policy record has been pretty decent.


Me thinks yeh doth protest too much. I reckon yeh should take a step or three away from the echo chamber media and read some news with some depth and real perspective. A Scout keeps himself Mentally Awake.




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Overkill. Though I might ask Obama why he'd say something like this anywhere there could be a microphone on. Of course, he probably never gets to have any conversations without someone overhearing.






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No news here folks keep moving on.....



Look at the Republican clowns......He will get reelected.....


the front runner who man job was to disassemble companies and sell them off.......Worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Or the second choice, too easily unhinged for the top job.

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So the same people who were pleased when the Emperor said he'd have the most transparent of administrations are recommending he operate with less transparency?


Obama has been a Foreign Policy embarrassment for the United States.



And now he's on the record saying he plans to do things once re-elected that he knows is unpopular. If it involves the missile shields and endangering Poland, there's no wonder.


Obama deceive and people believe. Obama lie and people die.

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Yah, like I said. Time to stop gettin' your news from the shallow echo blogs. Seriously.


There are all kinds of sources of news information that offer relatively sound, sophisticated reporting. Foreign Policy magazine, the Economist, etc. If yeh are lookin' at the blogosphere, try things like this: http://usforeignpolicy.about.com/od/backgroundhistory/tp/topusfpblogs.htm .


The link yeh provided is laughingly juvenile. "Obama lie and people die?" Really?


Time to grow up.



(This message has been edited by Beavah)

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