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Bad intellectual foundations lead to confusion

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. . . specifically regarding homosexuality and pedophilia. These forum discussions have made me looked into these areas. What have I found?


(1) NO ONE KNOWS what causes homosexuality.


(2) NO ONE KNOWS what causes pedophilia.



SO, therefore, on the basis of ignorance, we as a nation are making huge and sweeping social changes. I'm a prudent guy, a moderate, especially with social matters, and here our various governments are jumping on political bandwagons. . . with scanty acquaintance to facts.


I agree with scout policy in these areas, at minimum because it seems the better part of caution.

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Caution in regards to what?! These kinds of arguments seem to suggest that somehow homosexuals are morally equivalent to pedophiles, or that homosexuals are somehow less able to control their sexual impulses than heterosexuals, or that somehow openly or "avowed" homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles. I reject these suggestions out of hand.


Now I have seen some of your statistics that I'm sure you'll trot out again (BTW, please do!), and I'm sure that they provide you with comfort to cling to your narrow world view. However, keep in mind that I could just as easily point out the percentages of minorities in our prisons are higher than those in the general population, but that IS NOT an acceptable measure of minorities' propensity to commit crime in this country anymore BECAUSE SOCIAL CHANGES HAVE TAKEN PLACE!


I would submit that our nation has become better due to the social changes that have taken place in the past, and there is no real basis for opposing the social changes that are happening now.(This message has been edited by sherminator505)

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People began talking about global climate change. I spent some time and decided the concept was a worthy one. Increasingly there is good factual support for this idea.


I didn't deal in partisanship with that issue. I don't think we should partisanize other issues.


We should look before we leap.


I simply have not seen the scientific evidence for the social changes being advocated here. Give me the science, that's all.

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Since when is science needed to justify justice? There wasn't any science behind freeing the slaves. Or granting women the right to vote. Or ending segregation in this country. So I fail to understand your need for supporting science in this instance.(This message has been edited by sherminator505)

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To answer Evmori's question: That would not worry me.


While I do not know of any homosexual leaders in the troop my son is in, I am aware of several apparently-heterosexual women who camp with the troop. I don't worry about him going camping with them, either. The boys and adults do not tent together anyway.


(This message has been edited by lisabob)

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I wouldn't be concerned, either. My personal experience with Scout leaders who have been accused of doing inappropriate things has told me that people who would abuse kids don't call themselves out as being different; in fact, they try to appear as normal as possible.


By personal experience, I was a Scout during a time when one of our area Scouters was abusing boys. This man held himself out as being as normal as anyone. While I wasn't abused by this schmuck, a number of my good friends were. I recall reading on another thread how "safe Scouting" ramped up in the late 1980's, and I see some correlation between that and what happened in my hometown.


On the other hand, I have known a number of Scouters that I thought might be gay. I didn't act on it because I couldn't prove it and because there was no apparent negative effect on the program. These Scouters exhibited no abberent behavior, and they never mentioned their sexuality or sexuality in general because they apparently recognized that it was simply out of place in Scouting.


Yes, I have my antenna up to pick up on any bad behavior that might be happening in my corner of Scouting. But I base my judgments on facts and appearances and not on ingrained fears.(This message has been edited by sherminator505)

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I would rather have my son a campout with a known homosexual leader than with a leader who doesn't think that a "prank" involving the ingestion of urine requires at the very least suspension of those involved.


We had an adult leader around these parts. His name was Gregory Ritter, after he was arrested for child molestation he was known as Gregory Gene Ritter. You can find details on line under both names. He was a scout leader, heck of a guy as well. He taught middle school and was a year 2000 Disney Teacher of the Year. He taught Camp School and was on staff at one of the Councils camps. Every scout wanted to be in his unit and every leader wanted to be just like him. Until he was arrested of course. Oh, by the way, I said his name "was" because he blew his head off with his pistol on the day he was supposed to admit to having sex with the boy. So, yeah, continue to equate pediphilia or whatever the adolescent term if for abuse with hoomosexuals,


I am heterosexual yet there is no problem with me taking female venturers on camp outs, we always follow the G2SS rules, we have the required 2 deep leadership one being female. Not sure how the homosexual leader taking my son camping is supposed to strike fear in my heart.



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You forgot:


(3) NO ONE KNOWS what causes heterosexuality.


If you want to be intellectually honest about your argument, you must admit that the above is as true as your two statements, and that we, as a nation, have been making huge and sweeping social statements based on ignorance for decades.

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I would rather have my son a campout with a known homosexual leader than with a leader who doesn't think that a "prank" involving the ingestion of urine requires at the very least suspension of those involved.


Lesser of two evils, huh OGE.

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