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    South Carolina for the time being
  1. Skeptic was using the term 'illegal' so I was thinking more in terms of 'legality' rather than 'the right thing to do'. OK, so aside from the scout oath or law, or for that matter the golden rule (none of these, as far as I can discern are often applied in business), what law has been broken? Actually, please explain the application of 'Trustworthy' in this instance for that matter. You don't KNOW that persons purchasing the item are NOT 'qualified' to own the patch. Any opinion on this is just supposition. I'm just trying to play 'you-know-who's advocate.(This message has been edite
  2. KC9DDI, Because I do not pray or openly reveal anything like that about my faith, you or most other persons would only view the unavoidable display of a shy student. Nothing more. Living my faith is something that I experience and no other person can possibly understand its meaning to me or even see its effect on my life. I suggest that this is probably true, despite attempts or opinions otherwise, for everyone else as well. But I also can see that the private messenger a while back was correct and I have probably said too much already. I apologize for inserting myself into this discussion.
  3. For some of us, our faith is personal and not something that we display for the public, nor do we desire to be part of public display by others. To me my faith is not something I discuss or compare or openly display as a display but rather something I 'live'. I care not to bring anyone else to it nor do I wish for others to attempt to bring me to theirs. I do not understand this desire to display such things publicly. Is a personal faith not sufficient?
  4. Hello to all, I would say that my faith, Buddhism, is atheistic in that it does not require me to recognize any supernatural 'god'. I have discussed this with the CO (a Protestant church) and they have no problem with it. It has never gone beyond that. This is not to say I do not experience reverence, I do. The source of my reverence just doesn't require a supernatural entity. From what I am reading here, John-in-KC would do whatever he could to have me eliminated from the membership. I am saddened by this. But fortunately (and curiously) I haven't encountered this attitude from my fellow s
  5. WAKWIB, Thank you for your thoughts. I am flattered by such praise although I doubt that I am as deserving as you suggest. I will say that I find it more difficult and less tempting to be aggressive when I am totally exhausted and well-fed. It is an approach I think works with boys as well and maybe with other people too. You may think we are polar opposite in some ways and I accept that as your view, but I suspect that under most of those differences, we are very much alike. I think if we look deeply enough, we will find far more similarities among all of us, than there are differences. It
  6. Pick and choose. Interesting. NJCubscouter writes, "...you promise to do your duty to "God." Do you find a contradiction between that and your beliefs?" I guess we could quibble over the term, 'belief', but I would end up admitting that everything I believe is open to change if I see a good reason to discard one 'belief' for another. In my view, these things are merely ideas that seem to work for now. If someone can show me a better idea I'll gladly accept that gift. But to answer your question, well, I don't have a good answer for you. Yes, sometimes if I'm in a bad mood, it bothers
  7. I will answer Evmori's question but it only applies to me. As an atheist scout, I was attracted to the program because of the outdoor activities, the spirit of camaraderie among my friends, and as a team we could do things like high adventure that would have been tough to do alone. As an atheist leader today, I still enjoy these things but because I'm much younger than most other leaders, it seems that the boys think I'm 'cooler' than most. I'm good with that too. I sort of sympathize with Merlyn's viewpoint, and I understand what he means in his replies when someone asks him something that
  8. While I agree with Kahuna (and I have now read the entire thread), I sort of understand Merlyn's point of view. Maybe I'm still stuck as a teenager too. To me Buddhism is inherently atheistic, maybe even essentially atheistic (in an indifferent sort of way, LOL). After all, Gautama Buddha held that belief in a supernatural deity is unhealthy, that belief in what BSA refers to as 'God' basically chains the mind to samsara and diminishes the ability to achieve enlightenment and higher consciousness. I'm still learning and the more I learn, the more I agree with this philosophy. I guess I may b
  9. I agree with mds3d and Vicki, my Buddhism is focused more on a way to live than worship of gods. I merely shrug off the supernatural stuff when it comes up in scouting. It simply isn't my way.
  10. When I signed, I just ignored that part because it doesn't apply to someone who is following Buddhism, especially if they are an atheist. The concept of duty to someone else's God is nonsensical, irrational, and just not right if BSA means it to be interpreted as a specific 'God' in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic sense. However, because BSA hasn't singled out Buddhism for 'special treatment' yet, and because BSA would have to be profoundly ignorant NOT to understand this distinction, I conclude that Buddhists are not expected by BSA to make an oath to something they dismiss as myth. As such, that
  11. I would be OK with the council or BSA national, whatever, charging fees for everything. And stopping the begging. Some of the adults in this unit cringe any time the district executive shows at a meeting, and especially the council executive, because they're afraid they'll have to listen to one more pitch. Seems like if users paid the actual costs for whatever they are doing this would be more of a market-oriented approach to funding.
  12. From that article, "We cannot cage faith and claim that we are a pluralistic society." I'd rather cage faith than be caged by it. The case weighs the goal of diversity of views against public support for a group that restricts diversity. Seems clear to me. The decision may be to promote diversity of views by requiring public support of groups that oppose diversity.
  13. I've watched the 16-year-olds lead Environmental Science merit badge in summer camp and I can say that for the scouts, it was a waste of time. The 16-year-olds did read ahead of the boys and as a result were incapable of answering the most elementary questions. They sat in the nature lodge and read from the pamphlet, had no knowledge resources to complete the writing tasks, and basically were clueless with respect to some of the requirements. They didn't even complete all the requirements and awarded the badge anyway. I am unimpressed with this approach. Worse, the scouts received a stellar
  14. How about, you know....the Gold Award.
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