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North: Scouts 'under attack'


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North: Scouts 'under attack'




Dinner raises $160,000, surpasses goal

By Matt Garfield The Herald - Updated 02/23/07 - 12:59 AM


The Boy Scouts are under attack by radicals who vilify them in much the same way as soldiers fighting in Iraq, Oliver North told a sold-out audience Thursday night in Rock Hill.


Taking the stage to a standing ovation, the retired Marine lieutenant colonel famous for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s decried what he called the desecration of two of America's most storied institutions.


"The attacks on the military are very much like the attacks against the Boy Scouts, most of it by the media and politicians," North told 320 people at the annual Pacesetter dinner put on by the York District Friends of Scouting. "Faith, freedom and our Judeo-Christian values are literally under attack."


In a half-hour speech that mixed humor and personal memories with sharp criticism, North wasted little time responding to the controversy over his visit to Rock Hill.


Some former Scouts have criticized the local chapter in recent days for inviting North to headline the annual fundraiser, saying his outspoken conservative views and role in Iran-Contra make him a poor choice.


"It has nothing to do with politics," he said. "It has everything to do with the future of boys, this council and the country."


Returning to themes he has emphasized at scouting dinners in other cities, and in some cases repeating the exact words, North drew frequent comparisons between Scouts and troops.


"In all my ... years in the military, I have never seen so many so committed to their faith," he said. "Their sense of personal self-sacrifice is absolutely extraordinary. The very values the Boy Scouts instilled in them as young boys."


Thanks to North's star power, local scouting leaders said they raised $160,000, surpassing their goal by $25,000. Palmetto Council President Gary Williams said 20 people called in the past two days alone wanting to attend.


North wasn't the only speaker to address controversy over his visit.


"Several attempts have been made over the past few days to turn scouting into something it is not," said Travis Gause, an Eagle Scout and Northwestern High School student who addressed the audience before North. "My Scoutmaster does not tell me what to believe about the hot-button issues of today. Rather, they teach me the ability to decide for myself.


"Any attempt to politicize scouting is contrary to the spirit of the organization."


Matt Garfield 329-4063 | mgarfield@heraldonline.com

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You are correct Lisabob, I checked the dateline to see if ol' Fred has missed a date and this was from last year. Appears Ollie has become a one trick pony. The best part I remember from the coverage of his speech last year on the forum was that nearly everyone decried North and pretty much the consensus was he is a loser and not likley to the poster child of the BSA anytime soon

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"Loser"? OK.


If Ollie's such a loser, what does that make the 320 people who showed up and donated $160K to hear him?


One of the great things about this country is that we all have the right to call those we disagree with "losers" without going to jail for it.


What a country!

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I'm sorry, but Ollie and I took the same oath of office. He went for the power. The difference between someone like him and someone like General (and Secretary) Powell is General Powell's excellence caused him to be sought out, time and again.


General Powell uses the reins of power for the good of the Nation.


Ollie North wants POWER.


Here we agree to disagree.


Are you going to Relationships Week at PTC this year? I'm looking at the 08 conference cycle; that's when NLAS should have their conference.


Sorry to have to agree to disagree with your vis a vis Colonel North, but ... that's life.

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$500.00 A plate!

While I'm not wild about Oliver North. Me not being a great college football fan, have to admit to not being really impressed when our council got Joe Paterno as the speaker for a fund raising dinner (Only $350 for two tickets!!)

As it turned out Joe Paterno was a lot more interesting than I thought he would be.

Still over the years I have handed over my hard earned cash, not because I like chicken or because I have any real interest in the speaker but to support the program.

I am very impressed that any District can find 300 people with $500.00 to donate!!

I had a hard time finding 125 at $100.00 a plate!




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Does discrediting the messenger negate the message?


I really don't worry too much about who says it, but what is said kinda stands out for me.


I do think the BSA like many other traditional values in America have come under attack, been forced to change or have fallen by the wayside.


If John Doe said scouts were "under attack" by today's society, would it be taken seriously?

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I do think that the message and messenger should be separated, however, I also think that some combinations are just not viable.


Having Bill Clinton do a Public Service Announcement on the sanctity of Marriage may not be prudent.


Having Bobby Knight do a PSA on the vitures of anger management might result in incredulence.


Having Michael Jackson do a PSA on child safety may be a stretch


Having Simon Cowell do a PSA on the need for civility may not be taken seriously


Having the current administration do a PSA emphasizing the need to be thrifty would be ignored.

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Mr Blake,


Mr Secretary Robert Gates, late President of NESA (I assume he relinquished upon confirmation as SecDef) has a lot more credibility to make the statement than does Oliver North.


Going to Congress in your official persona to explain the Administration position on an issue is one thing...


Going to Congress as one of a group of individuals who've been told to testify openly and freely (soldier panels on conditions of service by various committees and subcommittees) is one thing.


Going to Congress under subpoena to explain the direct actions of your official persona is another thing altogether.


Majors and Lieutenant Colonels are supposed to do their work well nigh invisibly, unless they be in command. Last time I checked, Ollie was not a commander when assigned to the NSC

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Yes, I'm blowing our District's horn. We had our District Golden Eagle breakfast two weeks ago. We only had 195 people (vs. 320) and we had Jeff Foxworthy (vs. Oliver North) and we raised $212,000 (vs. $160,000) in one morning. Not only did Jeff fly in from LA late the night before (arriving at 2:00 am) and returned to LA right after the breakfast, but he also donated $5,000 personally! Jeff grew up in Scouting, but has no sons (two daughters). He was outstanding! His message about a Scoutmaster investing in him some 30 odd years ago, keeping him from taking the wrong path in life, was a great reminder about our mission.


This was not a $ per plate breakfast, but a fundraiser where the invitees knew we were looking for a serious contribution. Our goal was $175,000. Last year, our goal was $100,000 and we raised around $114,000. As you can see, we nearly doubled the amount this year.


I didn't jump in to defend Oliver North last year, but I sure don't consider him a "loser." I enjoy his programs on tv, and would like to hear him speak in person. When did he lie under oath? To congress or in court? I thought he testified under limited immunity, and was pretty unapologetic about what he did in Iran-Contra.

Hey, Clinton lied under oath to a Grand Jury, and has made $40 million in speaking fees over the last 6 years. The fact is people will pay to hear these celebrities speak. If you don't like it, don't go! The mission of the event was to raise funds - they certainly were successful. A high school Eagle Scout has it figured out - why can't some of you?

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"We only had 195 people (vs. 320) and we had Jeff Foxworthy (vs. Oliver North) and we raised $212,000 (vs. $160,000) in one morning."


Now that there's funny, right there, I don't care who you are...


Kudos to your district, Brent. I would definitely prefer Foxworthy over North any day.

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"If Ollie's such a loser, what does that make the 320 people who showed up and donated $160K to hear him?"


Forgetful? Unclear on the concept of "trustworthy?"


North essentially admitted to lying under oath to Congress, and only had three felony convictions overturned because the appeals court felt that his later public, immunized testimony may have prevented him from getting a fair trial. To my mind, he's in the same category as Bill Clinton in terms of serving as a role model to youth.

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Sometimes, I think we are losing our focus of the aims we are supposed to be teaching. One's character isn't a reflection of his fund raising abilities. I'm sure Bill Clinton (A star Scout) would raise $1 million, but I wouldn't view him as an appropriate voice for Boy Scouts.


Our council had U.S. Navy Commander Scott Waddle speak at our Character Counts breakfast. Who is he? He is a Submarine captain who made an error in his location as he resurfaced underneath a Japenese vessel killing nine people. His ethics he learned being an Eagle Scout made him immediately take responsibility for his actions. The story can be read here:




A tragic stroy, but one of true values as he never once passed blame to anyone but himself. A good man with outstanding character.


The breakfast raised $458,000. Maybe character does count.




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