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What? No Pants or Socks?

Balding Eagle

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Uniforming is another one of those things like smoking that seems to be open to interpretation. I had an interesting discussion with a scouter this weekend about uniforms. His take is that they are required for certain functions and that the "no uniform required" is an allowance for new scouts or scouts from financially challenged families. His take is that any unit worth it's salt will make sure that a full uniform is made available to any and every scout thru either an "experienced" uniform closet, a charitable contribution or fundraising. BSA does expect the boy to make an effort to pay his own way and the uniform is one of the items mentioned. His view is that even though national makes a financial allowance for not owning a uniform, the unit should make sure that is not an issue. If they do that, then they can require the scout to be in uniform. I found it to be an interesting take on the subject. Someone else mentioned it above, but one of the largest and most successful units in our area also has a boy decided policy of sending scouts home from meetings if they show up in an incomplete uniform. With over 100 scouts, it does not seem to be a problem for them.

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I am an advocate for all Scouts & leaders wearing full uniforms! I love them!


How am I wrong? Is a uniform required to be a member of the BSA? Is it listed as a requirement for any rank?


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Patrols are one of the methods of Scouting. Would it be OK to run a troop with no patrols? Nowhere does it say that patrols are required. Outdoors is also a method of Scouting. Would it be OK to do all of your camping in RV's? Nowhere does it say that you have to tent camp. Is doing any scouting method half way OK?


Some boys and some troops come from meager means and buying the full uniform can be a hardship. A fundraiser takes care of that easily. Most boys object to a full uniform because it is "geeky". That is no excuse for not wearing it. While wearing the uniform is not a requirement, you are letting them slide by which is comparable to letting them do less requirements for advancement.

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Yes Ed the uniform is not required for rank or for membership.

However it is a uniform and you can't wear parts of it or replace parts of it with shorts, blue jeans or dress pants.

You ( Or the Scouts in Troop 1) wear it all or don't wear any of it.

Sure there are a lot of units allowing Scouts to wear whatever pants they like. But this in no qay makes it right.


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I have been in 4 troops over the years and all of them have required at mettings full class A which was dress paints and shirt also neckshift or bolow and on camp outs class b dress paints and troop shirt but during the rides too and from camp class A

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On page 13 of the BSHB it says, "for outdoor activities, Scouts may wear troop or camp T-shirts with the Scout pants or shorts".

This is what most scouters call a class B uniform. It is simply easier to have a name for it Bob.

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Thanks boleta but why not just call it by the correct term, an 'activity uniform'? T


hat way we all understand what is meant. If you ask ten scouters what a class b uniform is you will get 10 different answers. At least with the correct term there is a 'uniform' answer to what that uniform is.

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You make the call (shades of the old MLB TV show!) -


Troop attends summer camp. Summer camp Leaders' Guide recommends that Scouts wear their uniform (field) 100% of the time but especially to dinner and flag ceremonies. All boys bring as a minimum a pair of scout socks, shirt, shorts, belt, neckerchief and troop hat. Time to go to dinner and flags. Troop is assembled by SPL. All boys except two (out of approx. 30) are in uniform, all adult leaders except one are in uniform. What action, if any, does SPL and or SM take?


(This message has been edited by acco40)

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I believe the correct answer to this question is that you wait until dark and take them out behind the dining hall and shoot them.


Seriously, most boys that I know only have one uniform shirt. After all, they only wear it 1.5 hour per week normally. We thank God if they even own a pair of scout pants or shorts.....and are willing to wear them. A single shirt and pair of pants does not go far for 100% wear for a week long camp.

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You call the shots.


I wearing the uniform for meals is a camp rule then I would recommend to the SPL to support it. If not I would not press the issue unless the junior leaders wanted to do it.


I would suggest the SM get trained, or at the very least read the handbooks again. The Field uniform is not appropriate or practical for wearing 100% of the time at summer camp.


I cant imagine a good reason for a SM to require it.


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BW, I'd recommend reading the post again. The Leader's Guide, issued not by the SM but by the council itself, recommended the 100% wearing of the uniform.


Now (said tongue in cheek), I'd hate to dissent from a higher authority in the BSA!

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Sorry I missed that. I would have the PLC decide when it would be appropriate to wear the Field uniform and especially support that it be worn to meals and ceremonies. Otherwise I would dress more appropriately for the activities of the day.


I would also work with the camp's program director to establish a more reasonable uniform guide.

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