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Eagle Project deadlines


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Just went to our district roundtable which had a presentation on Trail to Eagle & Eagle Project approval requirements. This is the third year they have done this, and a new requirement just popped up. They now have instituted a 6 month deadline for Eagle Project completion starting from when the project is approved. If the project is not complete within 6 months, the scout must petition the board to be able to continue, or redo their project. They claim this is a National requirement.


Does anyone know what source they obtained this from? Has anyone run into anything similar? I agree that trying to have your Eagle project complete within 6 months is a good idea, but to require and penalize scoute who cannot make this seems excessive (particularly when a scout can work on a single merit badge for years).



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The 2008 printing of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook shows no such requirement.


Ask them to show you - IN WRITING FROM BSA - where this "new" requirement is listed.


Remind them that they do NOT have the authority to add to ANY BSA requirements.



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A lot of good stuff comes from the Burg.

Primanti Brothers, Sandwiches.

Wholey's Seafood.

We were kind enough to let you have our cast off SE!

(He wasn't there long!)

But this seems to be yet another one of them there things that someone with the very best of intentions has got very wrong.

What is this "the scout must petition the board"?

What board?

While the District does approve Eagle Scout Leadership Service projects. This is normally done by a member of the District Advancement Committee.

A Lad doesn't see the Board till he is done and the Eagle Scout Board of Review is the final requirement.


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I can see one possibility for this "requirement." It could be that the District Advancement Committee is giving project approvals which are not good permanently but only for 6 months, telling the Scout that a priori. So they would say they are not adding a requirement because the requirements to say that the project must be approved by the district and their approval is only good for a certain period of time.


Having said this, I don't think that National would look kindly upon this approach if, and when, a Scout appeals his project being rejected because its approval "expired."

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Our new district advancement chair is putting together some new "suggestions" for our Scouts. He would like for all requirements, including BoR to be completed before 17 & 1/2. He is requiring full uniform, including MB sash at the Eagle BoR's. If a Scout cannot tell him about the merit badge he earned, he will be sent away to "remember".

I can see a lot of appeals beginning...



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Eamonn: You are correct in stating the scout does not meet with his BOR til the end. I mis-sppoke. He will need to petition our District Advancement Chair who will determine if he can get his BOR, if he is within the 6 month deadline.


As far as I know, this has not negatively impacted any scouts yet. Maybe this is the Chairman's way of "lighting a fire" under the scouts who are languishing. If so, I think it can be done in other ways. We have our monthly Eagle BORs this week. I am planning on attending for one of our scouts and will be bringing along the Eagle Project Workbook and the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures Pamphlet to ask them to show me where it is. I do not want to be confrontational, but I do not feel this will help our District (and our Scouts) if this is applied too rigorously.



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Go to the Scout Shop. Buy a copy of BSA Requirements #33215 and Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures #33088. Highlight the section about Councils and Districts not authorized to change the program.


Take these tomes to RT. Get with your DAC over a friendly cup of coffee. Show the books to the DAC and challenge him to show you where he got his ideas.

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Where do people come up with this stuff?


It took our last Eagle nearly 9 months just to get all the town boards to approve of his project to even get started. The actual work on the project took only about 6 - 8 weeks, but he never would have met this new "requirement".


I agree with some of the others. Sit down with the advancement chair and have a polite, friendly discussion. Personally I'd bring one or two like minded leaders from other units to show it's not just you and your unit, but other units have concerns as well. Don't bring so many that he feels like your ganging up on him, but he should know it's not just your issue.



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