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What year was the 1st Class Rank revised? And help settle this please...


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I am talking specifically about the requirement added - #11; "Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy Scout, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active."


It wasn't in the 2002 printing of the handbook. I have a bit of a disagreement going on whether or not a boy has to complete this requirement. He apparently may have joined the unit BEFORE the revision/addition of #11. So another person believes the boy doesn't have to complete the requirement. I believe otherwise, as he didn't complete the requirement before things changed. Now that the rank requirements are different I believe he should complete all the requirements not currently done.


What say ya'll? Is there a "grandfather clause" in Boy Scout Requirements?

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Beginning January 1, 2006, an additional requirement was added to the requirements for First Class rank in Boy Scouting. Scouts beginning their First Class requirement work after this date must complete the new requirement. Scouts working on First Class requirements prior to this date will have until June 30, 2006, to complete First Class rank without completing the new requirements.




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Thanks Cubmaster Randy! So now I wonder, is that a Central Wyoming Council decision or does that apply nationally? I can already tell you I am going to have a hard time convincing this particular person that because Wyoming says so, it's true for TX :)

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No it was implimented nationwide, That was just the first council website that I pulled up when I was looking for backup documentation. We had similar information here in Georgia but the website have been updated and I can't find the information.


FWIW, There was a discussion about it here last year http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=115951


and it is described here for




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Thank you! I printed out the one from Scouting mag.


This boy started his 1st class in June 2006, so he definitely needs to complete requirement 11.


He won't have to send an e-card, he has a Webelos II little brother he plans to invite to the troop.


Thank you CM Randy, ePalmer, et al. I appreciate it! :)


P.S. epalmer???? Why do all your posts show up twice?

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Gold Winger - I kind of agree with you but the BSA response is that this requirement helps teach the boys communication skills (a necessary Scout skill).


Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy Scout, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active.

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As has been mentioned, the requirement had a lifespan for Scouts in progress to get to First Class. That lifespan is dead.


I agree the requirement is poorly worded, I'd far rather see "Bring a non-Scouting friend to your Troop Meeting. Introduce him to your Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster. Tell him about the fun you have being a Boy Scout."


OTOH, I'm not on the National Advancement Committee, so I'll let my Council President do my voting for me.

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