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Forgotten 1st Class Requirment


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I've done it now. :(


I passed a scout on his First Class WITHOUT the scout having had done the new requirment of "telling a boy about scouting" (11. Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy Scout, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active.).


The BOR then also passed the scout.


The scout's book was an older one and did not have the requirment listed, and being old, I forgot about it.


What to do now?

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If the Advancement Report has gone in, you're done.


If not, sit down with the boy and explain your error!!! The start of school is coming, have him visit with a friend about Scouting.


He doesn't have to recruit the boy, he has to share the story.


All the above said, if the Advancement Report has gone in, or you've updated on Internet Advancement, you're done. He's First Class. Council won't let you recant because you goofed. Learn the lesson.

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BSA website:


Has an electronic greeting that boys can send to their friends to invite them to give Scouting a try. Just click on "Tell A Friend" at the bottom to get to the form.


There are those who say BSA has made this available to help boys with the new requirement. I personally accept this as a way for Scouts to tell another boy about Boy Scouting. I do make sure to ask if they told the boy how to join. In some cases, I encourage them to e-mail them information about joining and then to ask their friend if they received the information.


I would let the advancement go as it is. It was an honest mistake, but I would discuss the fact that a mistake was made with this Scout and encourage him to at least make a contact as shown above...



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I agree that this requirement is silly at best, which is why I like having our Scouts use the on-line e-card to fulfill the requirement. Its easy and does not require much time.


But what I find is that most of the time the requirement is verifiable.


In about half of the cases, soon after the invitation is made, the boy shows up at a meeting with the Scout that invited him; so we get to meet the invited boy.


In other cases where the invitee does not come to a meeting, the Scout making the invite has shown us a print-out of the e-mail that he has written and sent to make sure the e-card was received and to make sure the invited boy knows how to join.


And finally, many times a parent will come in with their Scout to tell us that their son made the attempt, whether a verbal invitation or by e-card invitation.




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I think I'd explain to the scout what happened and ask him, scout's honor, to please complete this requirement and touch base with you when he had. You certainly can't/shouldn't withhold his rank at this point. He'll probably understand and say "no problem."


I have to agree w/ Ed that the requirement itself is a bit silly, but it is a requirement none the less.

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That is what I am going to do, is to tell the Scout about the forgotten requirement and see if he will complete it, even though he is First Class.


I am also getting some stickers made up to place into those scouts whose Handbooks do not have the requirement listed.




(Added in edit)

ebay is a nice place to get bargins, but there is usually a reason for them being there, in this case, outdated Handbooks.(This message has been edited by PeteM)

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Interesting. This evening at our meeting, I was busy signing off Trail to First class requirements from the sheet we got from summer camp. These scouts were second year scouts and bought their books last spring. The requirement for recruitment was not listed. One scout was a first year scout who bought his book this spring. Same thing, not listed. It wasn't listed on the scout camp spreadsheet either as a first class requirement. Had it not been for this thread, I would have forgotten it.

Unless the scout shop dumps all the outdated books, can we really hold them to the new requirement?

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It's requirement #11


11. Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy Scout, about your troop's activities. Invite him to a troop outing, activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active.


As bogus as it is & even if it isn't in the old books, it still needs to be completed.


Is it on Troopmaster?


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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If the council scout shop doesn't retrofit their stock of books with addendums, or return unsold books to supply, how can they expect us field volunteers to follow it? They are still selling the "old" books.


The same way we are supposed to follow everything else! Beacuse they said so!


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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