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what are good refreshments for court of honor?


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First, what does the PLC want? Shouldn't the Troop Committee (which has responsibility for COHs) defer somewhat to the desires of the youth?


That said, I tend to wonder why we feed them lots of sugar as bedtime approaches.


Home-made things are really the best. Kids don't get enough of them.


The Troop of my youth took time to have pot-lucks, earlier in the evening, with family fellowship as well as awards. Kids love fried chicken :) ... and my Mom made the best fried chicken EVER! ;)



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Nephew's Troop generally does cheese/cracker trays, veggie platter, and a cookie/brownie tray along with coffee, tea and punch. If red punch stains wouldn't be joyous how about lemonade for the boys?


Of course if Nephew had his way CoH's would include large cans of Monster or Amp'd...or at the very least Mountain Dew....lol





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Yah, one of the best ECOH's I attended had all of the refreshments prepared by the boys - a combination of the small kitchen in the meeting hall and a set of camp stoves out back. The boys were encouraging each other to "be creative."


I think it did a great job of conveying the spirit of Scouting to all who attended. Much better than the supermarket veggie tray, eh?



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Right you are Beav little reason the boys can't make refreshments.

That's why Nephew makes the veggie platter....he puts the veggies he will eat on it (his way would be just cukes and carrots) and makes the dip. He doesn't like broccoli that the store puts on theirs. I have been able to talk him into adding celery for those that will eat it. He specializes in sliced cukes and mini-cheesecake bites (instant package mix, but all his own work). The boys take so much pride in being the food providers...."you've got to try my blah, blah".




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Back in my days of activity at the troop level (now district level volunteer), Court of Honors were done several different ways. We had a tile floor, so we didn't have to worry about the stain problem as much. Like others have said, it depends on what the boys want.


In our unit we had three regular courts of honor each year: Fall (pass out summer camp awards/badges), Mid-Winter (usually lighter on badges) and Summer kick-off.


By Troop tradition (and the boys never wanted to change this), the Mid-Winter was a potluck supper. The patrol leaders usually called around to their members and gave them a choice of what to bring to make sure we didn't get all salads or desserts--each patrol had to bring an equal mixture of main dishes, salads, desserts. Troop supplied papergoods/drinks.


Also by Troop tradition our summer kick-off in June was an outdoor BBQ in the town park. Troop supplied the meat/rolls/papergoods (we had some contacts for getting all this donated). Different patrols were assigned to drinks, condiments, sides, and desserts. This also gave the troop public exposure--look the town has an active Scout Troop!


Fall was always different and upto the scouts. Sometimes it was just snacks. Sometimes pizza. Whatever the boys decided.


All of our COH's were open to all family members of the scouts and the general public (as long as they also contributed to the food).

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If the carpet is red, Spare ribs.


If the carpet is beige, greenbean casserole


If the carpet is light blue, hold the CoH at the local BBQ place.


If the carpet is dark blue, hold the CoH at the local seafood place.


If the carpet is white or light grey, go to another church. How impractical for a high traffic area!!

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