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Everything posted by Chug

  1. I think your right about the USR. Does it follow a traditional Scouting program?
  2. I've asked this question on another Scouting forum. Does anyone on these boards belong to a Scout group that isn't affiliated to WOSM?
  3. I would explain to any new parents that this lad isn't doing this deliberately, that he has tourettes and needs understanding (Good grief, I sound like a right liberal) I can empathise, my son is autistic and his behaviour can sometimes be a problem.
  4. Thankfully things have improved in the last 27yrs.
  5. I've never known the water in the swimming pool to be green. Gilwell is a great campsite, they've built a lot of indoors accomadation recently to replace the smaller cabins. If any of you can make it along to the next reunion, I'll see you there and buy you a beer.
  6. Basic training/Leadership 1 Scouts - 1991 Woodbadge awarded 1993.
  7. We don't have patrols here, my certificate just says 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group.
  8. I think a discusion about out current government should be saved for another thread. England has had many Catholic Kings, every single one from Alfred the Great to Henry VIII for example. Charles II conversion to Catholocism during his dying hour was always highly suspect, I doubt if he was conscious or even aware of what was happening at the time, the witnesses to this alleged conversion were hardly independent. Then we come to James II, the reason why we won't have another Catholic on the throne. Of course, if someone disagrees with this, there's always the traditional method of disp
  9. A pure democracy would be a brutal and inhuman form of government, essentialy "mob rule" As the word republic means for the people, I have often maintained that the UK is a republic monarchy.
  10. Shock! Horror! That's bigoted discrimination against loyal American citzens who just happend to be immigrants. P.S. I already knew the answer, so it was a rhetorical question.
  11. Which leads me to another question. What is your opinion of the BSA's ban on homosexuals being in the movement?
  12. Chug


    Got it. Thanks for that.
  13. I guessed he was joking. There's a replica of Hengist ship at Pegwell Bay, named the Hugin.
  14. The Queen would only use her right to appoint government Minister in the event of a hung parliament with no possibility of a coalition being agreed. The Monarch is the head of the Church of England, and takes an oath to protect and defend the Protestant, Reformed Church. You can't be a Catholic and do that. Funnily enough their is other roles in the UK that don't accept Catholics. Archbishop of Canterbury and Chief Rabbi are two that spring to mind. Conversley, the chances of me being appointed a Cardinal are none too healthy. A question for you. If the Chug family upped sti
  15. Chug


    BCWhite, Sounds great. Pardon my ignorance, but what age range is Webelos?
  16. Chug


    No problem, I'll have a word with the Akela tomorrow.
  17. "If the colonists had insisted on following all the rules all the time, we'd still be taking highly taxed afternoon tea and speaking British!" For the love of Pete, please tell me you're being ironic.
  18. I went to Gilwell Reunion last weekend, it was a brilliant weekend even though it chucked it down on Friday whilst we were pitching our tents. BTW, The Scout Association is starting up a 1st Gilwell Park website; http://scouts.org.uk/1stgilwellpark/?pageid=1667 It's for woodbadge holders round the world.
  19. What have you got planned for next years Sea Scout Centenary?
  20. Chug


    I'll ask the Akela of my sons Cub Pack. That's if you wouldn't mind pen-pals from the UK?
  21. "Its nice that you can decide when the Queen can act and when she can't. Nobody ever said she has absolute power. Obviously she doesn't have to sign her death warrant. Tell me, when did the monarch lose the right to without assent?" Well you seem to be under the impression she can pick and choose which Acts of Parliament should be on the statute books. Cab you elaborate on your question "when did the monarch lose the right to without assent?" Furthermore, what parts of the Act of Settlement do you think should be repealed?(This message has been edited by Chug)
  22. If you want the proper label the UK is a Parliamentary Democracy, with a Constitutional Monarch as our head of state. The King didn't block the Liberal budget, that was thrown out by the Lords. Asquith wanted to change the make up of Parliament by increasing the number of Liberal peers. The Liberal government didn't have a mandate for such a drastic change to Parliament, so the King wasn't prepared to create the peers without Asquith going to the country. The Queens powers are there to stop the government from abusing theirs, e.g. In the UK the maximum time between elections is 5yr
  23. I've also just noticed your comment about the UK not being a democracy. Cheeky bugger, I've noticed this on several American sites, you think the only true kind of democracy is the American style.
  24. Question: What are all these Eagles, Antelopes and Beavers about? Anyhoo! on with the song. I used to be a Venture Scout and a Good 'ol Venture Scout too... And now I'm finished Venturing... I don't I don't know what to do... I'm growing old and feable and I can Venture no more... So I am going to work my ticket if I can... Back to Gilwell.. Happy Land.. I'm going to work my ticket if I can...
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