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Everything posted by AwakeEnergyScouter

  1. Please don't throw any stones, but what was so dangerous about making the raft and sailing it? Is that a heavily trafficked shipping lane with oceangoing ships or something? I did the same thing at summer camp as an ordinary landlubber scout with the difference that we sailed a lake. Patrol competition. It was super fun. Still seems safe to me. We all had horseshoe collar life vests, and of course we were about to be missed and immediately spotted if the raft were to fall apart out on the lake.
  2. Oh, wow. I thought @Eagle94-A1 meant MBO without proper regard to scouting culture but you don't need to have been a scout to know embezzlement and fraud is wrong 🤦🏼‍♀️
  3. You could totally have homemade scout cookies as an upsell. All the folks who are disappointed we don't have cookies would buy.
  4. Stupid question... Why does council care what item is sold for fundraising?
  5. Thanks for sharing this! I didn't know about Totor. And that tent sketch looks awfully familiar. How touching!
  6. YMMV, of course, but if I were in your shoes I would take the tack of what you said earlier about not crushing their enthusiasm for scouting and just focus on getting the right number of the right people in the kitchen. Then again it's really hard for me to see the problem with everyone scouting together since that's my status quo. The lack of patrol method, however, is most certainly a real problem for their scouting experience.
  7. Makes sense. Why go to lots of trouble to segregate yourselves from your fellow scouts?
  8. This doesn't seem to be an everyone together problem, this seems to be a too many cooks of the wrong kind in the kitchen problem.
  9. Welcome! What is happening instead of the patrol method?
  10. I'm only here because of the good, strong moderation. Unmoderated sites turn into nasty cesspools good for nothing real quick. Doing something constructive, therefore, requires moderation. Thank you, @RememberSchiff.
  11. The leader is question wasn't a US citizen at all, which is what the question was about, but since I've had to look at this myself I happen to know that this isn't accurate. The US government does recognize dual citizenships. https://www.usa.gov/dual-citizenship
  12. I wouldn't be too upset about the lack of pledge, oath, and law unless the leader really should have seen with their own eyes that this is actually expected by your unit for some time. You didn't say where the leader is from, but I personally have... unfortunate, shall we say? associations to groups of people standing in front of a flag pledging allegiance to it with some kind of hand salute, or even groups of children all reciting some promise all together with a hand salute. That style of expressing national loyalty became taboo in some countries after 1945. It can be hard to mentally r
  13. My scout and I did the same thing last year when the pack did a MOP project. Makes sense 😄 These awards are great. I hope they've done a good job with translating them into adventures for next year. Waiting for that bit of the new program clarification to drop.
  14. I assume the International Spirit Award? Fantastic! We're doing it as a pack too. Since it's so easy for me to help scouts with it, I'm helping not just my pack but another pack in town with it. I taught them not any two games but two campfire games, and it turns out that the scout promise and motto is exactly ten words in Swedish 😄 At the next campout, they will get the opportunity to cook reindeer chafing. (Vegetarian, solves both the reindeer meat supply problem this far south and everyone needs to eat problem.) We're also going to spend more time on BP himself and the worldw
  15. You're right! If I search in Swedish I get critically endangered, if I search in English I get least concern even from the same parent organization like WWF. Both sources do specify for what range, but neither mention that the situation is rather different in and out of the Nordic arctic. So, if the current efforts to save our arctic foxes take a turn for the worse, there's somewhere else you could try to reintroduce them from. Wonderful that there's a plan B.
  16. Who's going to enforce those per capita limits and how? I have heard many people suggest that in conversation.
  17. I see us scouts as upholders of what's left of the old ways and part of the conscious movement to bring them with us into the future. We are not separate from nature, and nature is not separate from us. It is most unwise to forget this inherited wisdom from our ancestors. Poetically speaking, we are tenders of the relationships of our societies to the land spirits. We visit, connect, and return to protect. Or, at least, we should. To save the polar bears, we need to restore their habitat - the sea ice. They are dependent on the sea ice for hunting their food - no sea ice, no polar b
  18. Are you truly confused about what to believe, then? I definitely can't speak for real Americans but because the mere existence of anthropogenic climate change isn't in real question in Sweden it is hard for me to imagine what kind of an intellectual-emotional journey ordinary Americans who think otherwise are on. The real Americans probably have a better idea but for me this is an element of culture shock probably compounded by that we hold STEM professionals in high cultural esteem. We see ourselves as a nation of scientists and engineers, probably not unrelated to where we are in the I
  19. Kind of how I see it. Maintaining a livable planet isn't political it's survival. This is exactly how I see it. Can't Build a Better World without maintaining the status quo close enough to pre-industrial levels for most people to continue their locales and lifestyles with modifications. Continuing to emit CO2 like we have been is the opposite of being conservation-minded. Doing the good turn of all good turns is cutting CO2 emissions. Some would indeed say the wrathful earth-protecting forest fairies have awakened, and it is precisely the upsetting of the global bal
  20. Well, not technically, I suppose. The BSA could become a breakaway group, in theory. But the sense in which it then would be part of a movement is debatable, and breaking a lineage comes with a lot of risk. WAGGS and WOSM are de facto our unified face outward. They are whom for example the UN contacts when they want to consult the scouting movement. In at least some countries it's not considered real scouting, merely scout-like, if it's not the WOSM/WAGGS organisation. I certainly feel that way, even if it isn't 100% true in every circumstance, because I've never lived in a country with a
  21. Of course we have, as WOSM members with a vote in the World Scout Conference we are also an active part in shaping the goals of WOSM. https://www.scout.org/what-we-do/world-scout-events/world-scout-conference Plus, since the US already has a different organization in WAGGS, WOSM is the only pathway for the BSA to be part of the scouting movement.
  22. The Arctic is warming more than three times as fast as the average, meaning that I believe my senses and my memory and I believe my parents' generation when they talk about how winters were when they were children. I also trust my fellow scientists , especially to rip each other apart if someone's wrong. I'm sorry, @InquisitiveScouter, I like you a lot, but there's no web link that's going to make me doubt my own eyes or believe that an entire community of my colleagues is perpetrating a hoax. When my mother was young, the ice in the Gulf of Bothnia froze thick enough that the Department
  23. Thank you for posting this! So glad we're speaking up for not just decisive action now but climate justice as well. Most of us on this board benefitted from the emissions that are drowning low-lying countries. It's only fair, now that we realize what we accidentally did, to help them. I've heard about needing to cut emissions since I was at least six and now I have a child older than that myself and we still haven't done what it's going to take, despite winters getting very tangibly warmer. The changes needed are getting more and more drastic so there's no time like the present!
  24. I'm trying to get my Bears to start learning how to plan an outing with their peers, and I can see we have very far to go. So many social skills to master before they can plop down and get to business in a functional way. They will need to talk over each other quite a bit more, I think, before they really get why they functionally need to all wait their turn to speak. They 100% rely on adults to silence and control people, and while that might be fine for now they need to feel the reins before they will be able to actually steer with them. I didn't go through this scout program so I have
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