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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. As mentioned the TCC said that the table of what a claim was worth was for negotiation purposes. If you read into that then the 103 Billion would be the same. I am not the one to say that it is the bankruptcy judges decision to reduce amounts (can someone else comment on this) I will say there is a large gap between 2.7-7.1 and 103 billion. I do believe that the judge could rule on some motions to get the figure above what has now been proposed by the BSA.
  2. Here is a link to what the TCC feels that an abuse is worth for negotiating purposes. Boy Scouts of America: Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones (pszjlaw.com) Couple that with the table Unique and Timely Abuse Claim Count by Local Council & Allegation Rows 1-264 (in white) list Abuse Claims against individual Local Councils. Rows 265-1,267 (in blue) list Abuse Claims against more than one Local Council Contained in: https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/213bd53f-b44f-45c9-97fc-246bcb7ca06b_4108.pdf And now we can see how the TCC came to val
  3. I would think that the BSA has another more robust plan for survivors (remember the motto "be prepared"). The "Death Trap B Plan" leaves all of the LC's and CO's on the sinking ship and the BSA National on the only lifeboats. Would they wave and say good luck? How much bitterness would that generate? BSA National needs the LC's or there is no BSA. Yes they can grant new charters but the publicity on the local and national level for the next 4 to 5 years will deter more parents from allowing their children become part of the organization. With out new blood BSA cannot survive and I am sure th
  4. So I looked up my LC it has over 17M in net assets as of now I am the only claimant. I am in California as is the LC. I would think they would have to pony up a big chunk now or a larger chunk later. thoughts?
  5. In my opinion ending the exclusivity would fast track the process. With more than likely two new proposals that could land on her bench in a couple of weeks and the BSA knowing that the TCC's plan will be very detailed and generous to the survivors they would have to produce something similar and then having a negotiated compromise between the two might work. Might scare the insurance companies and make them step up also.
  6. Do you believe the BSA lawyers are losing credibility with the judge and if they are would that matter?
  7. Or are dead, now so mentally ill they can no longer function as human beings, have a fear of acknowledging what happened, or afraid of what family and friends might think of them etc. etc. etc. but I very much doubt many would be in the two reasons you mention here. I say this as someone who has lived and carried this nightmare for over 50 years and this is not an attack on you or BSA or the YPT.
  8. I think one must be very careful about using the 85k number of claimants as a benchmark as to the number of victims. I looked at how many claims the LC that I belonged to had claims against it. I was shocked to find that I was the only one since when I looked at the perversion files and the BSA docs contained therein it says my perpetrator was suspected of abusing 12 to 13 boys. And that was in my troop. Could the real figure of victims be more in the 850,000 to 1 million range? Maybe not that high but it does suggest that it just might be way north of 85,000.
  9. I am sure that 20, 30 ,40 possibly 50 years ago there was some sort of tracking of abuse and that tracking showed low numbers. The UK has a centralized health system "the NHS" for many decades and there has been abuse. Society will only know realities when victims come forward and I can attest to the fact that abuse survivors are slow to disclose i.e. USA Gymnastics, Catholic Church and the list could go on and on. You cannot track in real time and that is the fallacy of tracking abuse and trying to say what what a good job we are doing now. https://www.boltburdonkemp.co.uk/.../scouts
  10. This is a strange conversation. The reason that BSA is in Bankruptcy is the abuse not because they had not payed their normal course of business obligations. I can say from my experience and I would tend to believe still occurs young boys/men are ashamed and confused after abuse and will not reveal to others in the aftermath of abuse. This would make any study moot. No one will know until 10 to 20 years from now if the YPT policies that have been successful. Some of the policy may work some may not. Just the fact that the Boy Scouts consists of young boys will always make it a magnet for
  11. Because the BSA is non profit they have the control whether they go into Chapter 7. They cannot be forced. Welcome to the forum.
  12. I think this would be a great idea. I have been searching for a forum were I could converse and talk about what I am feeling with other survivors. Most of us don't really no anyone else in our situation.
  13. Being new I have not shared my story but one day I most likely will. I thank you for thanking others and I also would like to thank @ThenNow. Because of this thread I read almost all of 27 pages of of @ThenNowpostings. His grasp of the law, his understanding of survivor emotions, and most of all his personal story has touched me. I have been struggling for a long time with my mental health but with the way he has no qualms about mentioning his own journey and mental health struggles put me over the edge and I reached out today to my health care providor to get me help. I am 67 years old a
  14. So far there are no bench decisions on assets and the TCC is still questioning the validity of what the BSA says is restricted. Money/assets are exactly as you stated " potential pool of local council assets and insurance policies and good luck fishing'". If the plan is turned down by the judge she will then rule on the exclusivity. If exclusivity is denied to the boy scouts then we will see most likely two competing plans. I believe that the TCC most likely has one waiting in the wings. This is also the week the TCC is supposed to give the BSA a plan to give to each indivi
  15. Within the filing: https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/213bd53f-b44f-45c9-97fc-246bcb7ca06b_4108.pdf there are 134 pages of local council insurance policies. With that many from numerous insurers I surmise their is major exposure. Quite possibly why the insurers want to extend the exclusivity period for BSA.
  16. It is OK to be snarky and I don't feel attacked. I feel like the Boy Scouts will not want any survivor to come around if and when there is some kind of conclusion for them to what has occurred. When they went thru the risk analysis and consulted with their lawyers and most likely the insurance carriers before entering bankruptcy I don't believe they foresaw the firestorm that has been been started. I think they may have predicted 5 to 10 thousand abuse survivors (and they also reached out themselves saying they wanted survivors to be taken care of with therapy etc.) which they could th
  17. I do not believe that could ever come to fruition. Could you imagine the stories that would be told around the campfires. I am sure the Boy Scouts would not welcome any of those conversations on their properties.
  18. I need a little help in understanding why the BSA is throwing a hail Mary. It seems to be quite clear that the proposed settlement if it goes to a vote will not pass. If the toggle plan is put into place and passes the LC's and the insurers will be left blowing in the wind per se. The line of lawyers at state courts will be very long filing suits against LC's (lets say 30% of claimants or approximately 25,000 individual claims). The cost of litigation would be in itself would be astronomical (lets say 250K per case times 25,000 = $625,000,000). The amount paid out to those who get judgeme
  19. I am a survivor with a lawyer. If I nor any other survivor in this bankruptcy had no lawyer we would have no restitution. The TCC lawyers have a plan for the continuation of BSA that gives fair compensation to survivors. The people who are fighting this are lawyers for the BSA and for the insurance companies.
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