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Everything posted by ThenNow

  1. I think you're incorrectly defining the words as giving "active permission." Although allow does sometimes mean, "to permit," it does not necessarily or often mean to grant permission. More accurately, it means to fail to prevent. "He allowed the dog to roam the streets." "She allowed the water to run off the table and onto the floor." They failed to affirmatively act to prevent is to allow. Definition of allow transitive verb 1a: PERMIT doesn't allow people to smoke in his home b: to fail to restrain or prevent allow the dog to roam
  2. If you are interested in discussing, feel free to DM me. My therapist has a great network of colleagues. I would never push, but I think being in therapy is critical for most of us. That's my take after 20 years of it. I'd be in worse shape without it. Much...
  3. Personally, I don't. But, and I hope you are aware of this, the BSA will pay for your therapy. I will give you the contact information via DM. If anyone knows, I would be interested to know more about the abuse counseling reimbursement program they implemented some years ago. What spurred it? Who's decision was it? When did it start? I was not aware of it until the bankruptcy and I began surfing the various survivor sites they set up. I wish I had known about it years ago. Yes, very late. But you have started. I'm proud of you for going through that door, late or not!
  4. Yeah. Maybe. I tend to think it's so long it was only read to check for things to redact. To me, in this context, the length negates the impact and the content negates the intent. It seemed more like a letter to the BSA executives than to the judge about the impact of abuse and the need to do right by victims. Same. See above. I have no idea what's true in there and what's not. To me, sorry to say, it's less than material because it blurs the focus of what I hope to see from all of this. Me too. I'm not interested in inflicting pain, per se, though that may be the result. I'm r
  5. I didn't see reason to mention it, but I have caught un-redacted documents that were marked redacted or sealed. I click on things just hoping I can get in. I called it to the attention of the clerk who linked me to the Omni Agent folks. I now have their contact info to go direct when these oopsies pop up. In fairness, they are absolutely mobbed by this case. From what I've learned, that handoff has been the point of communication breakdown. (Hm. I could post another music video on that note. Get it?) I was referring to the Docket postings. If I missed the point, apologies.
  6. Well, I am a bit wrangled about Matt deleting my music video. I'm kidding!! You guys have truly been AMAZING and especially gracious to me when things have gotten heated and sideways. I admire what you do tremendously. Not a job I would want or could do so well!!
  7. For gee whiz, I'll add another article. It provides the basic underlying understanding of CPTSD. The best book I've read on CPTSD was written by Pete Walker, a professional therapist who is also a survivor. It's titled, "Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving." It's not an easy read, though. (I hope these posts are not considered off-topic. They could be very helpful for anyone interested in what lead to this Chapter 11, as well as provide insight into what we survivors live with, sometimes on a daily basis.) https://cptsdfoundation.org/2019/09/03/what-is-complex-post-traumatic-stress-d
  8. This is on topic, but a bit to the side at the moment. For any who care to read about Complex PTSD as it relates to men and thus the case, here is an excellent article. https://cptsdfoundation.org/2019/11/04/complex-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-and-men-how-men-express-the-symptoms/
  9. Ok. I tried. Too much invective and ranting for me to wade in too deeply. I'll take you at your good word. As I've said, I think he's extremely smart and strategic. This prescience doesn't surprise me.
  10. Where did you see his arrow? I don't Twitter, Tweet or twiddleedeet.
  11. You did an exceptionally good job. Yeah, it certainly appeared so. Assuming little is accomplished in the mediation sessions, perhaps they will at least flush into the light issues like this that have no hope of negotiated resolution.
  12. There was a scuttlebutt about all of this last summer. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/838822_1084.pdf
  13. Any thoughts for us on this? https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/6a3a77a4-56e8-4223-85e5-2f79660d2138_5057_A.pdf
  14. I had no idea. My apologies. I was following what looked like a clean lead, but was a false trail. Maybe you should direct me to the rules, bitte. I'll see if Tim Kosnoff will post it for me. JK!!
  15. Oops! I take it all back... Enjoy the video in any event. Ha. I'll be surprised if anyone joins me on that score.
  16. If anyone wants to connect more "personally" regarding the victim/survivor/claimant perspective, please feel free to DM me. That's an open invite to survivors and non-survivors. Not looking for sabre rattle, though.
  17. He's not "in" court or before the judge. He's the war hammer beating the drum. Remember, he's one of many and not getting face time with the judge. Among his cohort are surgeons and cat herders and skilled craftsman. I'm beginning to understand his role as we go along. I repeat myself, but this man has made a career of representing sexual abuse survivors, has seen and heard untold horror stories, and knows a thing or 100 about this stuff. Crazy like a fox, me thinks. When he beats the drum, it sends ripples through the case. Others ride the waves. Okay. Enough poetry for one day. Is there such
  18. It was clear during the hearing that the BSA has taken multiple opportunities to press maximum statutory timeframes for some of their responses, as well as held out on requests from the TCC they will have to cough up anyway. I go back to the discussion about Summit and their refusal to prove restricted status by delivery documents. I have tried to get inside the Riddler's war room mentality, but my head ends up aching. I don't get a bunch of it, unless it is "embarrassment-driven." It sounds silly just reading it. I also wonder about the revelation of more LC asset protection trusts
  19. Agreed and after waiting another two bloody weeks. My friends in the know are more skilled at patience then I am and have a "let's see what happens" attitude. I'm trying to borrow some of that while we twiddle. I don't disagree with Mr. K on this one. Not even a teeny. I might have said it slightly differently, but I thought it.
  20. Bottom of the ninth. Two outs. Tying run on first. Ace reliever on the mound. Playoffs on the line. Coach is pacing, vexing over the DH options.. Jimmy: Put me in coach. I’m ready now! I know I can do it. Please coach. Gimme a chance! Coach: Jimmy. I appreciate your spirit, son, but you’ve struck out every at bat the all season and the playoffs are on the life. Jimmy: Please coach. I promise I can do. Coach: Ok, slugger. Let’s see what ya got. Watch the high heat and that splitter... What a steaming pile of chili dog all over my lap.
  21. In case you can't get to it. Used by permission. Such mysteries lie beyond the reach of my little brain and gumshoe capabilities.
  22. https://www.wsj.com/articles/many-boy-scouts-victims-find-little-comfort-as-bankruptcy-nears-end-11621854003?page=1
  23. 11 USC Sections 548: (a) (1)The trustee may avoid any transfer (including any transfer to or for the benefit of an insider under an employment contract) of an interest of the debtor in property, or any obligation (including any obligation to or for the benefit of an insider under an employment contract) incurred by the debtor, that was made or incurred on or within 2 years before the date of the filing of the petition, if the debtor voluntarily or involuntarily— (A) made such transfer or incurred such obligation with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any entity t
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