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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. Ahhh...re-read, please...a) BSA national, b) local council, c) chartering org... Units are not mentioned, as they are not legal entities...
  2. Units are never legal entities...that is the purpose of the chartering organization. But I know you knew that! You could incorporate a unit, but it would not really be part of the BSA. The legal entity you created could charter a BSA unit that would have the exact same membership as the incorporated entity. But, the entity must have principal officers and a board which can, potentially, be held liable for actions of the corporation.
  3. A great resource... https://tap.scouting.org/ Check it out
  4. Save your money, book a week on the Chesapeake, DelMarVa Council: http://www.delmarvacouncil.org/high-adventure-opportunities/high-adventure-sailing-on-the-chesapeake/9297#Registration Save even more money...eliminate the middle man of the council, and book directly with the company: https://www.experiencesail.com/ You'll have to plan for and bring your own meals...but they will give you guidance on that...
  5. Wonder what drove this? https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/trail-to-adventure/the-highlights-of-short-term-camp-an-interview-with-the-ncap-chairman/
  6. Yes, but any licensed provider could do it. They just have to enter their info, just as on the BSA form. And yes, people cheat. We have had parents fake Part C's before, and called them on it, discretely of course.
  7. Agreed...and they have already done it. But download the form, then get it filled out/signed, then uploaded again is horrible. Even the government has figured this one out...the FAA has an online "secure" medical clearance website called MedXpress. https://medxpress.faa.gov/medxpress/ https://www.faa.gov/pilots/safety/pilotsafetybrochures/media/medxpress.pdf Aviators and air traffic controllers (in the works) create an account, and put in all their medical info before their provider visit. At the visit, the provider logs in to complete some additional data and "clear"
  8. Ever hear of Price's Law?? https://dariusforoux.com/prices-law/ 50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who participate in the work.
  9. Wow! No wonder there is a high turn over rate...I wouldn't do any of that...nor ask the DE to do it. Our previous DE, when he first came in, pulled me aside and asked what is the one thing our district needed to focus on. I told him we need Commissioners. I think we have two...and I don't even know who ours currently is... And we currently have no DE. I twist our CC's arm to come camping with us...a lot!!
  10. Will you move here and be our CC, please?? (with no pay ) concur
  11. Another pro tip... Carry a few copies of the BSA Health and Supplemental Insurance Form (or other form if you have a different insurance) in your medical binder. If you give those to the provider and explain it is supplemental, you can save parents aome headaches and bucks down the road. Our supplemental insurance through our council covers any co-pays... https://www.hsri.com/forms/claim forms-approved/Boy Scouts of America/Boy Scouts of America - Council & Unit.pdf You will still need to fill out and get a form signed at your council office when you return home, thoug
  12. Agreed, but we often do Patrol camping where each Patrol selects their own destination...so two or three books going out is not unusual for us. It keeps the Medical Forms Grand Poobah on her toes
  13. HIPAA only applies to providers/insurers/etc... https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/190/who-must-comply-with-hipaa-privacy-standards/index.html The BSA no-scan guideline exists to protect you from identity theft and fraud, as well as safeguarding personal and private health information that you don't want plastered all over the internet...
  14. Also impossible to develop a solid set of outdoor/Scouting skills... the decline and fall of the Scouting Empire
  15. We instruct parents to make and keep a copy (e-copy is their choice), keep their original, and provide the Troop with one paper copy. A registered Committee Member, the "Medical Forms Grand Poobah" (or MFGP) holds and manages our forms, including inputting dates into Scoutbook, and sending out reminder notices when forms are expiring. (It is almost a full time job for our unit.) Prior to every outing, the unit leader designated for that outing procures the binder for all attendees (only), and reviews that binder prior to the outing (sometimes this happens at the very last minute.)
  16. When we had our kids in private school, this was the case. The school said pay an additional fee now, and if you volunteer x number of hours, we will refund you. And it wasn't pro-rated...reach x number of hours, or no refund...
  17. @ParkMan, great points in theory...but I have never, in over 40 years of Scouting, seen a program where the lion's share of the burden does not rest on just a few people begging for additional volunteer (parent) support... And we have the best Troop in our council because of a few overburdened, yet dedicated volunteers... That is what paradigm shift implies, no?? Wholeheartedly concur...but would you elaborate on this one a bit, please? Who abuses the DE, and how?
  18. Why would you hang up your uniform?? If a person spends 40+ hours a week making a great program that benefits the youth in our community, why would you "muzzle the ox while he is treading the grain?" We all know it is a good program which attracts membership. And we all know it is quality unit leaders who ensure a good program. A great unit leader can have a program without help or support from the district or council (except for the registrar...and maybe a local Scout shop, but these days, with Amazon and next day delivery, that could be overcome...)
  19. @CynicalScouter, Interesting read... "As a consequence, the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee of jurisdiction instituted a moratorium on granting new charters in 1989. (The Senate generally defers to the House on chartering matters.) On several recent occasions, however, Congress has established Title 36 corporations despite the moratorium." "In 1992, Chairman Frank [I am no fan of Barney Frank, though] called charters “a nuisance,” a meaningless act; granting charters implied that Congress was exercising some sort of supervision over the groups and it was not. “When I fi
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