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Gilwell_1919 last won the day on December 29 2018

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42 Excellent

About Gilwell_1919

  • Rank
    Senior Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Grand ol' US of A
  • Occupation
    I work 40-hours a week at my paid job... the rest of my time is dedicated to making scouting better.
  • Interests
    Being the change I want to see in others.
  • Biography
    Scout, turned Eagle Scout, turned combat veteran, turned life-long scouter.

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  1. Ah, easy to read... easy to understand. Thank you for the clarity! I wonder if AIS folks can fire their attorney and hitch their wagon to another train? I was at a recent community/scouting event and one of the CORs brought a package they had received from National. The COR took it as a notice they are being "left out on the fray". The LCSE pretty much avoided answering any questions and side-stepped the conversation. Within our council... COs are dropping units at a very fast pace. If national doesn't do something to shore up the damage... I don't think there will be anyone lef
  2. So Ken Rothweiller sent out a message last week urging surviors to vote yes...(video here).... but the TCC just recently sent out a vido (here) stating that the Rothweiller video was simply a scare tactic that included misinfornation. Any thoughts or opinions?
  3. That's why I said "scouting"... and I agree with the latter part WRT BSA.
  4. IMHO, Scouting shouldn't be thought of as a business... and therein lies the problem. I'm going to rephrase a section of a book I am writing and make it more apropos to this topic... but it hits on a much bigger issue. This particular section was illustrating a point about why we are caught in this perpetual funk of "unhappiness". I wanted to share this because it helps set a better playing field for everyone to start questioning everything. For me, I'd like to know why the Forbes 100 CEOs would be a better pick than... let's say a successful small business owner in middle America tha
  5. I got my wife involved and WB trained, so yes. But... I volunteer my time with two other non-profits as well. To me, it's about serving youth and helping the rising generation in this country eventually become the controlling generation. Sort of ... "if not me, then who?". It certainly made me rethink about my continuance in BSA, because you're right... no volunteer should have to take out an umbrella insurance policy to serve in the community. But, if you look around... it seems like everyone has a lawyer on retainer in the off chance they are offended or simply just don't like another p
  6. I've been in five councils over 35 years, associated with a dozen or so others, and this was status quo. In our current LC, we are told the 30% is to pay for the use of the BSA logo and to cover standard "OH / G&A costs". Sounds like you have been in three great councils, unfortunately... I have never heard of a council not charging a fee for fundraising. Maybe I keep finding the councils with bad SE's? In fact, when I was told, as a district commissioner, to shut down one cub scout pack's drink fundraiser because they wouldn't pay the 30% fee, I told the SE to push it over to his le
  7. Therein lies my frustration... the ever ambiguous "Program". LCs/LDs tell donors and parents, during their "Investment in Character Campaigns" (ICC) or other Friends of Scouting fundraisers, that the money goes to pay for “the program”. When talking to BSA professionals, they always use ambiguous terms like "program" or "youth activities" so they can illustrate something grand they are delivering to youth. The last time I checked my personal and unit bank accounts... Scouts and Scouter pay for everything they do. They pay for national membership fees, event fees, training fees, camping fees, a
  8. That is my general fear... and why I called it, "salting the earth".
  9. Understandably... it was/is a difficult job. But, with the level of visceral anger from scouters and the general public... one could agree to a modest "white collar salary" with the agreement of an exit bonus after completing the task. That may have improved public opinion. I think we needed someone that understood the full spectrum of scouting... from the den meeting to the board meeting. I've met some pretty astute SE's that we're also Eagle Scouts and had the business acumen to man the helm of their LC.
  10. @CynicalScouter I'm really not trying to nitpick here... but, during ILST sessions, I try to help scouts understand the anthropological and internal biochemical aspects of "leadership" because I think it is important for them to know how chemicals produce the emotions that make us do and say things in our own self-interests. This is an excerpt from one of the leadership training guides I wrote for my ASMs: I am bringing this up because Dopamine produces the feeling when you've found something or achieved something. It affects your emotions, movements and your sensations of pleasure and
  11. That was precisely the point I was trying get across the bow.
  12. I took out a hefty, personal umbrella policy when I agreed to take on the role as SM. Why? Because the sad fact is... we live in a litigious society.
  13. I am simply applying discourse analysis. Generally speaking, language is processed through the respective left (logical) and right (emotional) hemispheres of our brains. Psychologically speaking, the left hemispheres of our brains are more verbal, analytical, and orderly with greater propensity towards logic, sequencing, linear thinking, mathematics, facts, and thinking in words. Whereas the right hemispheres of our brains are more visual and intuitive with greater propensity towards imagination, holistic thinking, intuition, arts, rhythm, nonverbal cues, feelings, visualization, and daydreami
  14. Negative, kind sir. You keep peppering your statements with "hyperbole". (e.g., "what, should they work for free?", or "so, should they only make $1?", et cetera). You can't keep mixing sensationalist language into your analytical comments and not have me call it out as moral equivalency.
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