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Everything posted by curious_scouter

  1. I think I'm a duty roster believer. This weekend we went to a camporee and ... well I'd like to say we "decided to try" the "everyone helps" method but in reality we just ended up there for ... reasons. I didn't love it, the boys were split. There were literally too many cooks in the kitchen in my opinion I see value in the duty roster. It sets expectations clearly, helps ensure everyone takes their turn, breaks larger tasks down into more manageable pieces, it helps those who need a turn for advancement get it, and it avoids congestion. The patrol leader can make an executive c
  2. I suspect the answer to this is going to be "you need to call your council" but I've seen a lot of Charter orgs pulling support and have seen that you can now do a "Council Unit" charter directly with your council if needed vs. a traditional nonprofit organization. For anyone who has done that, how does banking work? Can you still obtain a bank account to conduct business or do you need to do everything via reimbursement? I can't find a lot of details on how a Council Unit works. The agreement is here: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Annual-Registration-Agreemen
  3. Does seem a bit ungrateful to complain about what you get when nothing is owed. If friendly with the council peeps, I'd say so respectfully. We want to help and especially now, but that kind of response is off putting and certainly I'll think twice about doing this in the future. Not everyone will speak up and say so, if you're doing this routinely - I'd consider you're doing yourself more harm than good. An effusive "thank you" and highlighting the support in a newsletter or round table would generate a lot more benefit than dickering for an extra 10%. That said, it's easy to imagine
  4. Kudos on stepping into the role to enable the scouts to keep benefiting from the program. It's a lot of work in general, even more when you're taking over cold turkey. Hopefully you will get as much out of it as the scouts, despite the work - I hope you have a ton of fun!
  5. Young cubs don't need the handbook, they are lead through advancement. Leaders could benefit, but the pack could have a rotating library. I think Webelos/AOL should have a book if the troop(s) they are likely to move to use them so they get in the habit of always bringing it with them and taking it to leaders for signoff. For Scouts BSA, as prevalent as electronic stuff is getting, at least in our troop we're not there yet. The paper handbook is still the source of record for a boy's advancement. I do feel a Scouts BSA scout should have a handbook, but I think it should be a one-t
  6. As a follow-up here is where some time and additional research has lead. " The way my brain works, I think of it as the CO ultimately has ownership but it's under the care of the unit." This was basically what our council exec advised me. Anything purchased with any pack monies, den dues or otherwise, is instantly the property of the CO. It's kept under our care and you can even permit the Den who initiated the acquisition to have exclusive use of those items. But they are the property of the CO and the CR has final say over their disposition. We have no bylaws or documentation a
  7. @all, thanks for your feedback. @@qwazse, "If you're getting this much push-back, apologize to your people and move on." Frankly, this concerns me more than anything. If everything were above board, why be so outraged at the mere conversation? If I have a concern and I voice it - should it not be discussed? @@Fred in particular, As the pack permits the den to keep donations earned during fundraisers and it is not just den dues from parents (and some would say "from the boys") in play. Beyond that, if a den is accumulating money at a profit year to year and still asking parents fo
  8. First post, and I apologize making it a heavy one but I'm in need of some objective advice from other scouters. Apologize for the length, but please - read and comment. I could use some advice from folks without a horse in the race. I'm involved in a well established pack and starting this year we are transitioning the CC, CM and treasurer roles to new people to give a bit of overlap between the "old guard" and the "new guard" as the old guard is all crossing over in January. I stepped into the treasurer role. Over the summer I worked with the former treasurer and CC to learn about
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