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Posts posted by st0ut717

  1. Obedient? I hate seeing leaders fall back on that one. I'd like to remember that a scout is not submissive. Scouts is not the military and not a dictatorship. Too many leaders confuse obedient and submissive. Too many leaders confuse leadership and dictatorship.


    Sounds like by BSA by-laws, the issue is really the troop should not have accepted non-Catholics as members. If you want to be a faith based youth program (which BSA scouting can be), then you need to only accept scouts and leaders of that faith.


    More specifically, you can't make a deal with the devil where you have an agreement at the start that members of other faiths agree to attend your faith services. Eseentially, if you accept other faiths into your unit, you can't make them agree to attend your services.


    I reality, I'm 100% fine with charter orgs that would run their units as a church youth group. 100% fine with it. That's what later day saints (mormons) do. But, I've never seen a unit chartered by a Catholic church do that. All Catholic units I've known are open to anyone and very accepting of multiple faiths. The funny thing is that while I've seen the church and the units very accepting of members of other faiths, I've seen multiple members be down right rude and disrespectful to the church that charters their own scouting unit.

    in reguards to the last statement that is also reprehensible.
  2. Once BSA works through the homosexual ... issues' date=' maybe they can tackle the pull-up issue.[/quote']


    Pull-ups ARE gay.


    Transgendered to be precise.


    Pull-ups are not a requirement until after the "leadership skills" crowd sliced "Patrol Leader Training" off the program.


    The outdoor naughty bits gone, Hillcourt's training to lead a Patrol into the woods was replaced with sedentary office theory.


    You can hardly tell its fake!


    Apparently you flunked Diversity Wood Badge.

    Apparently you did however.

    Really the first comment sound as if a 6th grader wrote it.


    Otherwise it is classic homophobic stereotypes that you can demean someone.


    For some reason I truly think you can run a scout PT program without this type of motivation.

  3. sleeping in a cave is reasonable for campout as others have stated however if it is a hotel in a cave thats a different story.

    Even if you only camp as a troop 4 or 5 times a year you can still get the merit badge it will just take longer. If you think it too low ask the SM an PLC to step it up.

    Its not a race to eagle.

  4. Our Cub scout troop did hand out toy and such. I routinelytold my son do you part but dont do it just so you can get a nerf rifle.

    As we where crossing over I told the PL that I think the incentive should be functional Items that would be useful as boy scouts. Compasses, fire starters and the like. I hope she took my advice.

    Yep Pack Leader
  5. Our Cub scout troop did hand out toy and such. I routinelytold my son do you part but dont do it just so you can get a nerf rifle.

    As we where crossing over I told the PL that I think the incentive should be functional Items that would be useful as boy scouts. Compasses, fire starters and the like. I hope she took my advice.

  6. BP created scouting to ensure that young men had basic outdoor living skills.

    JB What you define as Scouting has only one thing in common with scouts in that it has the word scout. I would like you to review my previous post and read carefully.

    You say

    "I'm not advocating some sort of para-military organization, just using the skill set of a military scout. Remember, although trained in weaponry, a scout is not there to engage the enemy, just check out where he is and report back. I'm thinking this is why the word scout is so important."

    The skill set of a military scout? I dont think we need INTEL and CRYPTO merit badge requirements.


    Why are you surprised that a young man that attained Eagle would succeed in the military? this is exactly what the military is looking for a person with survival skills, with an understanding of the world around him and has and leadership experience.


    What about a youth that is really not into the military but whats to serve in another capacity either the peace corp where BSA skills would greatly enhance the young mans ability to succeed or as many youth in my area will attend universities that are DARPA centers.


    it concers me that you say you are civil air patrol but not a combat vet. Yet you want to impart military thinking on scouts. In short the BSA traiing and merit badge system builds good citizen. If that citizen desires to serve in the military then the BSA will give that youth (girls included via Venturing) the skill required to excel in that career path.



  7. With the changing technology based military, all the video games are possibly preparing the boys better for the future military than scouts can. Just a thought.
    I think the new computer merit badges are a reflection of the needs of the military cyber warfare. they cant find kids that can code right out of high school anymore.
  8. I am a Vet I was never a scout. But now I am a Scout Dad. I was a vet long after Vietnam. I served from 1988 until 2000.


    Several of the scouts in my troop want to pursue the military as after high school. I will assist and encourage the boys who want to make that choice.

    Do we do some militaristic things in scouting absolutely. however the scouting program is also fine for boys that do not want that career.

    We teach skills that can be applied for the military if the boy chooses.

    As of this writing my son has indicated that he wants to join the USAF and has his MOS. OK what merit badges would apply for that MOS so when you hit the school you dont get dropped:

    All Eagle requirements

    hiking and swimming







    But if I had a scout that came to me and said I was watching project runway and I want to do that....

    OK let make sure you are on a path to Eagle you will need those skills for business


    leather work




    Both are valid goals for the boys. Our job i think is to prepare the boys so they have the best chance at success in whatever choices they make.


  9. I did not respond to the poll. I very rarely respond to polls, since the choices offered almost never reflect my thoughts, opinions, or beliefs.


    I love Scouting. I truly believe that it is a great program that can prepare a boy for the rest of his life. I especially agree with what Lord Baden-Powell said about the Scout Law, as quoted by Scouting ("Worth Retelling: Baden-Powell on the Scout Law", Scouting, March-April 1991, page 12, quoted from Scouting Digest published by the Boy Scouts of South Africa):

    The Scout Law is our binding disciplinary force. The boy is not governed by don't, but led on by do. The Scout Law is devised as a guide to his actions rather than as repressive of his faults.

    When I had become an atheist (around the age of 12, I started reading the Bible and very quickly realized that I couldn't believe what I was reading), I toyed for a few minutes with every Christian teenager's wet dream of total hedonism by being an atheist*, but I immediately realized that that was a false concept. So since neither Christianity nor the Bible would be my guide, what would? The answer came to me immediately: Scouting. Every moral precept that I could ever need was embodied in the Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan. Decades later when I read that Baden-Powell quote, it certainly looked like he was referring to the Ten Commandments as governing by "don't" and hence was demonstrating that the Scout Law is actually superior; am I the only one or did anyone else also see that?


    BTW, I'm still a big Boy Scout. A 61-year-old Boy Scout.


    OTOH, I have no use for BSA, Inc. I view BSA as being more an enemy of Scouting than promoting it. BSA does not live nor operate by the Oath and Law and they constantly endanger Scouting by creating discrimination lawsuits and alienating sponsors and donors. I wish that BSA would just go away so that an actual Scouting organization could take its place.


    { * FOOTNOTE:

    Having been involved in creation/evolution since 1981 and in contact with fundamentalists since 1970, I have had a lot of dialogues with fundamentalists. One theme that keeps coming up is that if God doesn't exist, then there is no morality and we can do whatever we want. Absolutely ridiculous, but that is what they insist upon most emphatically. A local creationist activist claims to have been an atheist, but he never was. As he describes it in his own writings, as a teenager he accepted evolution and "became an atheist" (HINT: no such decision is necessary) just because of his bubbling hormones. In reality, it was his own religious training that had offered him that legal loophole, not evolution. And in reality, he never was an atheist, since he admitted to me that he prayed to God every night during his "atheism". Using atheism as an excuse to misbehave is a Christian practice, not an atheist one.


    Why do christians claim to have the sole authority on morals?


    Qwaze : While your pastor may have had the ten best ways to live and wow that looks like the scout code. the scout code also reflects well with Bushido which is an offshoot of Buddism. (kinda it a little more complecated than that really)


    What I object to is those of you that want to force christainity on scouting. Christanity is not the only means to god. Scouting is not about the bible scouting is about scouting an ensureing that the scouts have a moral code that is outside of scouting to support the scout laws.

  10. my 0.02..

    I think sewing is an important skill however the results from most boys not interested in sewing should not be on a dress uniform. using a needle and thread for a pack or a tent is one thing insignia that is misaligned and sewn haphazardly while at a consulate discussing world citizenship another.




  11. T2Eagle,


    The shortage was not evident as soon as you believe. They tried to do just what you suggested but not all college students could do it. One must be fit and possess much upper body strength. So when the problem became evident, they tried recruiting as you suggested but it turned out to be far more difficult than they would have believed. When I learned of the problem, I thought that it would be easier to recruit than it turned out to be. The BSA was flexible, thought outside of the box but things did not work out as they had thought. The folks doing the programs worked extremely hard, are very intelligent, very oriented toward the youth having a great time, and excellent planners in their professional careers. They are far more than competent - they are leaders in their fields. So it was a learning experience and it will be better in four years.

    Umm Be prepared?


    Be prepared for the max amount of interest in an event that was heavily advertised.


    My troop did not attend and as a new scout parent I held my tongue in questioning the SM in his decision. I see he had the right insight.

  12. My wife and i had the misfortune of having an infested hotel room in which she was biten. It turns out that I seem to be unaffected b bed bugs where as she was highly allergic. She required several rounds of medical procedures and is still terrified of bedbugs. the psychologial factor is sometimes more that the physical. My luggage and clothes from that vacation stayed in plastics bags until winter and luckily we had a harsh one. :)


    Depending on your environment and location if the neighbor house of this lad is infected there is nothing the boy or is family can do. dont be too rash. these things are damn near impossible to eradicate. Chemicals are becoming useless on them.


    I think your Y may be onto something.


  13. One of the reason Baden Powell created the Scout Guide was that his soldiers under his command where showing up to his outpost in Africa without proper knowledge because every one was a shopkeeper.


    Where else are our young men going to learn these skills that are imperitve in becoming a well rounded male?




  14. The reality is most strong units with great programs can pretty much stand alone without council interference or those bozos at National who really think the membership change they construed and shoved down everyone's throats is really going to have real impact on the program or getting back corporate sponsors they have lost. Boy scouting is still IMHO the best youth program out there and the political game playing by National does absolutely NOTHING to improve, promote, or solidify scouting's reputation or credibility or program.
    Well said!
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