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Everything posted by Brewmeister

  1. How is that any different from the BSA still "discriminating" against current groups, such as girls and athiests? Or from LDS units having only LDS members, or other religious groups creating effectively closed membership units, etc etc etc.?
  2. My answer as CC of our pack: "Scouting is a youth organization. Sexual behavior is an adult behavior and has no condoned place in scouting and never has. It's no different than when boys are involved in sports, other youth clubs, extracurriculars, or even school where they interact with other boys and adults who are responsible for them."
  3. I don't think you can demand answers from "the other side" be strarting Questions with the phrase, "Are you really homophobic enough..."
  4. The purposes of the corporation are to promote, through organization, and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods that were in common use by boy scouts on June 15, 1916. The ability of boys to do things for themselves and others. Helicopter parenting. More grown kids living at home. On your parent's health care plan until you're 26. Moms and dads showing up at job interviews. Exploding disability and food stamp
  5. Brewmeister, this move toward local option doesn't alter in the least the standards your CO might want to apply for membership. It means that BSA is giving you and your CO the freedom to choose, just like everyone else. I can't see the down side to that. Clue me in. Sexuality is an adult behavior and as such should never have been a qualification for youth membership. As far as adult leaders go, it will be interesting. I doubt most COs will do anything at all as in my experience most are tangentially involved in their units at best and simply rubber stamp leadership apps. But if they
  6. Oh give it up Merlyn. You're assumption was wrong, yet again, so just sit their in your wrongness and be wrong. Oh, and being called a "bigot" by you is pretty much a compliment, you godless agitator.
  7. Did you ever hear of COFFEE, Merlyn? Your incorrect assumptions about the origin of my user name are not my problem. Idiot.(This message has been edited by brewmeister)
  8. WAHOO! Now if we can just get rid of this whole God fixation we'll be, like, totally cool!
  9. You are confusing respect with approval. The fact that the same people who consistently denigrate conservative viewpoints in these forums will dare to wag their fingers in self-righteousness would be laughable if not so blatantly hypocritical.(This message has been edited by brewmeister)
  10. Absolutely, it's much easier to live your life by no objective standards because then you and others never fail to meet them. It's outcome-based morality! Everyone's a winner! Do whatever feels good at the moment. It's also easy to use the failings of those who have standards as a condemnation of the standards themselves. These are key reasons why modern liberalism is such an attractive choice to many. It's easy and lazy.
  11. Haven't been in the 3G forum for a while (God, Guns, 'n Gays), but it looks like I haven't missed much. The same arguments being made for and against and the same useful idiots (in the historic sense of the word) dismissing the concerns of many as being nothing more than terminal nuttery. Meh, I'm sure everything will be just fine. Our elected leaders won't do anything rash. It's not like our govenment has ever interred any of own own citizens or anything crazy like that. Oh look, a cute kitty video!
  12. Regarding weak merit badge clinics, why not go back to the boy? They're supposed to be the ones in charge of their advancement and achievements after all. I usually ask my son about badges he has done. Some of them he will say "I really learned a lot" and then go over some of his favorite parts. Others I will ask him, do you think you completed all the requirements fully? And there have been instances where he has said no and gone on to redo them despite already having a signed blue card. Every merit badge counselor is a volunteer and you will have great ones, good ones, not so good
  13. Now you know Beavah is going to jump down your throat with the McDonalds comparison... Standards are great but standards are a minimum. However unlike sports or other your activities that have intramural competitions there is no way of qualifying one program versus another or measuring one participant against another in scouting.
  14. The Scoutmaster is the Unit Leader, always has been. Just check your charter paperwork.
  15. Including propane stoves along with lightweight stoves is an interesting change.
  16. Yeah, here we go again. No sooner does the fire die down to a simmer on the BSA scandal caused by scoutmasters having gay sex with young boys, when it's time again to start clamoring to let gay leaders in. And don't give me that garbage about gay men not being the molesters. I don't care how they self-identify--the BSA's IV files aren't filled with stories of men molesting GIRL scouts, now are they? Is every gay man a molester? Absolutely not. Is every molester of young boys a perpetrator of having gay sex with young boys? Absolutely yes. We already have parents refusing to let
  17. The difference is those old westerns celebrated rugged individualism. Well so long as you got past all the Native American stereotyping. Much different than Saw, Hostel, or any of the other torture-porn that passes for entertainment these days. Add to that pushing God away...making basic (dare I say "common sense") morality quaint...fewer fathers...more acceptance of perversion. Sports heroes aren't heroes any more, they're common thugs. Just catch an open mike on an NFL sideline. There's another thread about the Boy Scouts being the last bastion of anti-gay bigotry. I would arg
  18. the ONLY way for you to avoid losing much more than is probably warranted (witness the NY kneejerk reaction) is for YOU to bring a better, more-reasonable solution for people to consider. You haven't. Yes I have. Not my fault if you didn't read them or don't agree with them. I have made my position against bans on scary-looking guns and 10+ capacity magazines well known because they are a feel good solution, not a common sense solution. They don't work. Columbine proves that. Someone with a regular ol' 5-capacity shot gun loaded with double-aught and a pocket full of shells can kill
  19. Far as the glock goes, I will give it to the government when asked, -sigh-
  20. Not having gone as a youth or adult I am not speaking from a position of experience but it seems to be shaping up like an overcrowded, highly priced Scout-Disneyworld. I dont know anyone who is going. I'll be curious to read the first hand reports of those who go!
  21. And your point is? Well never mind I know what your point is. This is another example of how most murders involve people who know each other. The type of gun is irrelevant. Access to the gun by a 15 year old is the issue, not to mention the motivation which at the moment we do not know. You are continually fixated on gun and magazine designs when it has been proven to you that it is unfortunately easy to kill large numbers of people in short periods of time using firearms other than so-called assault weapons. Chest thumping and proposing feel good solutions does nothing to
  22. The right to ride a horse isn't enumerated because, just like the right to bear arms, it stems from the natural right of "liberty." Freedom to move and to be. The constitution limits government intrusion on personal freedom; it does not limit those freedoms to only those delineated therein.
  23. Thanks for those well thought out opinions. You are most welcome.
  24. Christie is a bloated bag of uselessness. Who cares what he thinks.
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