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Everything posted by Brewmeister

  1. With rights come responsibilities. Very sensible. But the next thing you know we'll be saying that there is a responsibility that comes with the right to vote, such as by showing who you are or bothering to register. And we all know that's just crazy talk, eh?
  2. Beavah opines: And by and large none of 'em are suggesting all guns be confiscated and destroyed Wow, that's a fib about as big as claiming that all the Columbine killers used were pistols and shotguns... It is the stated end game of many who are proposing gun restrictions to do just that, for all practical purposes. They are not the "nutters" (to borrow your terminology), but people who put forth lots of seemingly well reasoned but selective arguments about how the second amendment is a quaint relic of a bygone era applying only to hunting or militia or muskets. That is the dif
  3. "Scouting has a long history with paramilitary operations and training," Feinstein said. "Scouting was created by a military commander and many of its conventions--from uniforms to army-style 'patrols' to wide-action pseduo-combat 'games,' clearly encourage impressionable young boys to follow their violent instincts. Couple that with the BSA's long history of intolerance and discriminatory policies, and I think we can all agree that the BSA is a tremendous danger to civilized society."
  4. >>Perhaps that was da reason that Harris and Klebold weren't able to get access to that sort of weapon, and had to settle for shotguns and semi-auto handguns. How convenient that you forget to mention the Hi-Point 995 semi-auto carbine rifle Eric brought with him, along with 13 10-round magazines. Interestingly it is a gun made during the period of the 1994 assault weapons ban... (This message has been edited by brewmeister)
  5. Eagle732, I wish we had more people that think like you. Ah heck, I'd be happy if we had more people who think, period, rather than just assume, guess, and feel.
  6. "The boy had also learned to shoot high powered arrows and had been encouraged to use knives since he was in second grade."
  7. Wasn't there an "assault weapons" ban in place when Columbine happened? Yup.
  8. So then let's issue every teacher a Glock .40 with their contract and have them go to firearms trainingi during inservice. About a year or so ago a state senator in my state proposed arming faculty, He was laughed at, at the time. Now it's back in the news. Interesting stuff.
  9. So that would ban semiautomatic arms: rifles, pistols, revolvers, shotguns. That leaves me with breach action shotguns or bolt action rifles. Fine by me if you can give me an ironclad guarantee that nobody else will have a semi auto weapon either.
  10. Well, if we follow the logic being espoused lately that one=all, we should eliminate all armed guards everywhere because they are ineffective.
  11. >>We lost scouts in Sandy Hook. Let's approach this as somethin' other than a political lobbying game. We know. And we're not. Just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are either "mentally ill" or a "nutter." You might want to entertain the possiblility that the people proposing a solution are quite sane and believe in their solution as quite reasonable. I know it's a stretch.
  12. Maybe you're just old and uncoordinated basement. I dunno. Anyhoo, as I've said before, we have accepted restrictions on the first amendment as well as the second. The problem is there is a significant contingent of people, including here, who think the second amendment is irrelevant, outdated, or should be abolished. The news already has politicos talking about confiscation. Nobody argues that the first amendment is outdated when proposing restrictions in the interest of public safety. That's the slippery slope of gun control--the end game of many who are proposing it.
  13. Unlike you, I don't need to mock any religion. So you'd be wrong, again. Now just sit their your wrongness and be wrong.
  14. I'd be willing to bet that if a group of atheists set up a display in the public square to celebrate one of their own special holidays, whenever those days might be, or perhaps looked to highlight the public works and philanthropy of some renowned athiests or atheistic societies, whatever those efforts might be, that there wouldn't be any sort of counter display from undie-bundled Judeo Christian devotees. I've also noticed over time that, as a rule, anti-theists tend not to mock religions where there is a chance that their head would be unceremoniously removed from their body by militan
  15. Well well, it seems we do care more for our money and our political elite than our children. The logic of some of the knuckleheads here who are dismissing solutions out of hand just because it comes from the NRA is baffling. Let's see...we post armed guards in various places already because...why? Discuss amongst yourselves. If you'd like to wish the problem away with some more feel good legislation that will do diddly squat, go ahead, but I'm not jumping on your bandwagon. Nothing short of the elimination of ALL, and I do mean ALL guns will prevent gun violence in schools. So
  16. We don't Yeah, yeah you do. Your cabal of anti-theists takes your "equal access" rights and uses it to mock religious displays. Specifically Christian religious displays to be precise. Hence, panties in a wad.
  17. The same people who think this is about "offensiveness" (which is not illegal) are failing to distinguish between private actions and government actions/endorsement, and cannot see that they're comparing apples and oranges. If it wasn't about offensiveness you anti theists wouldn't get your panties in a wad every time you didn't like what a private citizen does.
  18. Just went to the public grade school Christmas concert this afternoon where we got treated to all the classics. Started with a solemn Silent Night, segued into Hark the Herald Angels Sing...lots of other favorites too. The principal closed it by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  19. The same anti-theists whose sensibilities are offended by a Christmas concert at school or display in the public square have no problem with intentionally mocking religions and religious symbols, and cannot see the bigotry and hypocrisy in their actions.
  20. Beavah sez: As a fellow who grew up with firearms, I confess I find da obsession with carryin' everywhere to border on mental illness. At the risk of making an ad hominem attack, you are a total knob. I do agree that with rights come responsibilities, but characterizing people who prefer to carry as mentally ill is just....well, it's just so Beavah.
  21. >> It seems inconsistent There is a rationale for that inconsistency; namely, "Give them an inch and the'll take a mile." Let's compare the second amendment to the first. We've already accepted as a society that there are certain limits on free speech--no yelling fire in a crowded theatre, for instance. And we quibble about things like "hate speech" and whatnot. But nobody calls for the abolition of the first amendment (or if they do I haven't seen it). Rather, the first amendment is considered to be a right that should be most broadly interpreted in favor of individual
  22. Basementdweller asks: So what in the world is everyone afraid of???? I'm afraid of someone who would walk into a school and gun down innocent children without remorse.
  23. WasE61 says: You asked ... for private individuals ... Assault rifles - Ban Automatics - Ban Clips larger than 10 - Ban You might want them...but you don't need them. Mandatory prison for violations. Well, half of these (the first 2) are already in place, so...
  24. Oh come on Beavah. There is no way Obama is going to "surrender" on this issue. Why should he? He has the complete upper hand!!! It's to his total advantage to slow walk this. He will blame the Republicans for going over the cliff, the media will dutifully report it, and the average uniformed voter will squawk when his or her paycheck goes down. Which of course gives Obama the opening to come in and propose a "tax cut for the middle class" which, of course, get us right back to where we are today for the majority of folks in the country. Heck, he can even propose to restore some of the mi
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