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Everything posted by dedkad

  1. I'm a little concerned that we haven't heard anything from him for months.
  2. You have an animated avatar! Trippy!
  3. I see that the meningitis immunization has been added to the new health form.
  4. The fund link won't work for me. Anyone else tried it successfully?
  5. Next it will be BSA's discriminatory policy against girls. It is never-ending.
  6. To earn your Webelos badge and AOL, there is a requirement to be active in the den for "x" amount of months. Maybe they need something like that for the other ranks.
  7. So out of all the Walt Disney employees in the U.S., $4.8 million was raised for numerous charities through this Voluntears program in 2010. How much of that actually went to BSA? I bet the number is insignificant. The negative publicity will cost us more than any loss in donations from Disney.
  8. Maybe he could be a Den Chief for the pack.
  9. It costs our pack $200 to $300 a night to camp at the council camp. However, the scout camps have their benefits, like a shooting range.
  10. I hope so too because the troop he is joining are mostly younger scouts, and I would like for him to stay in the program longer.
  11. We aren't new to Scouting. My son has been involved in Cub Scouts since he was a Tiger, and I was his den leader the entire time. He just bridged over last night to Boy Scouts with his Arrow of Light. I just had to share because I am so excited for him!
  12. So I was following the various threads on the IRS stance on ISA's, and was wondering about the possibility of having some kind of a point system to earn "awards" for selling "x" amount of items or working "x" amount of hours at a fundraiser. Our Council has offered gift card incentives for selling popcorn, and the Girl Scouts offer incentives for selling cookies, like even an iPad, and that seems to have passed muster so far. As an example, the point incentive system would work as follows: The boys sell an item where the net profit is $4 per item. They earn 2 points for every item sold, and wh
  13. I don't think there is any set number on how big or small a den should be. Factors that would govern it are the ability of the den leader to manage a large group, the amount of parent helpers, and the behavior of the boys. Even if your DL is capable of taking on the new boys, I'm not sure that is such a good idea. Depending on the boys, it could totally change the dynamics of your den, and not always for the positive. Is it worth 3 new boys when it could result in a possible meltdown of your DL and the existing den? If it were me, I would welcome the 3 boys and their parents into the pack and
  14. So I talked to a friend whose son Eagled with the troop my son will be joining. She said her son and his friends do not like this leader, and it's part of the reason they don't attend the meetings. She said this guy has only been with the troop for 3 years. Might have been involved previously, but just 3 years on this latest go-around. Knowing these details makes me definitely want to talk to the CC about this problem. My son officially joins the troop in 2 weeks. I'll be talking to the CC shortly thereafter. I think I'll take the Boy Scout leader training online before then so I can be armed
  15. My son does not plan on joining another troop. We've visited others, and every troop in town has some kind of issue, none are perfect. Unlike some of the other troops, this issue seems like one that can be resolved. I'm just looking for ideas on how best to handle it.
  16. My son and I have visited the troop he will be joining about 4 times now. Each time, I have noticed that there is one adult, I think he is the chaplain, who spends way too much time up in front. He doesn't just do a prayer, he calls up kids to do the Scout Oath and makes them do push-ups if they don't get it right. He corrects boys' behavior constantly (no talking, no slouching, no eating, etc.), by making them do more push-ups, and he always has a comment about something that someone is saying. The other night one boy decided it would be good to practice a fire drill. The boy was explaining h
  17. My boys wanted to wear their CS uniforms over their BS uniforms and when they went across the bridge they would rip off the CS uniform like superman. I told them that was a "no". I honestly don't care what uniform they wear, as long as it is tucked in. I don't even think we will swap out shoulder loops at the crossover. Takes up too much time with an already packed agenda.
  18. I get emails from our Council, and I didn't ask to be on any list. I also got the email from National when they were polling members about the possible changes to the gay member policy. So the emails are used. At least mine was.
  19. dedkad

    Dues question

    $60 for a Tiger den expense for one meeting sounds a bit excessive to me, especially for a project that doesn't specifically meet a certain requirement to earn their Tiger Cub badge. That's the type of expense I would expect to see for a wood-working project at the Bear or Webelos level where it is a requirement. I'd eat the cost and learn from the mistake and find out from your CC if den expenses are reimbursable and what your budget is for the year.
  20. dedkad


    Qwazse, it's the leaders of all the other troops who may have a problem.
  21. I understand your concern because I am having the same issue with our CO troop. You want the CO troop to succeed, but unless they want to change their ways and are willing to listen to constructive input, then it is not going to happen. Our CO SM has not contacted me to ask why none of my Webelos are joining his troop. I don't think he wants to hear the truth. While we were visiting their troop, they told me that if a boy doesn't want to join their troop, then it's a problem with the boy, not with the troop. That could be the case if that happened sporadically, but when you continue to have de
  22. I like this idea. When reading the BSA rules, it looks like there is nothing preventing you from holding a specific fundraiser to reduce camp registration fees. Those boys who are going to camp participate, the ones who aren't going can choose to participate to help their fellow scouts or not.
  23. Honestly, there are many more controversial topics that are discussed on this forum. I find it hard to believe that this one would be targeted for removal.
  24. The headache comes from those families who are more than able to pay, but are just too lazy to do it. Someone has to keep track of their continually late payments. 100 years ago people carried cash with them so weekly dues probably weren't a problem. Now, unless your unit is set up to take a credit or debit card, there's a good chance that at least several boys or their parents won't have any cash on hand to pay their dues at any given meeting. But for those families who can't afford to pay it all up front, it does make sense to allow for a monthly or weekly payment option.
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