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Posts posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. ScoutmasterBradely


    you read the rules correctly, due to the way Fraterizination is defined, either the relationship ends or one of them does not register in scouting. Thems the rules, how you handle it is another thing entirely.


    I don't expect the couple to break up. The male could continue as an "unregisterd" adult who helps out, or register them and follow the Youth Protection rules and have fun

  2. The Distrct that does the Drive In featured in the magazine is one District over from me. Its billed as the oldest Drive in in America, but living in the Lehigh Valley one gets used to hearing about "AMericas Oldest" if not the Moravian Book store as the longest operating book store in the COuntry to while its not the oldest, but the most often played COllge football rivary in the US, Lehigh vs Lafayette but I digress


    A good acquaintance of mine helped plan the first couple, it had its roots in the District doing it while they did not have ab DE or perhaps it was a very weak DE so the Distrct just acted as if they didnt have one. They are a very strong Distrct with dedicated Distrct workers who seek to provide a program to Distrit Then again, the same guy wanted to establish that unless a scout was wearing a full field uniform he could not sit for an Eagle Court of HOnor and when I opposed him he told me I was responsible for lowering Eagle Scout standards, we dont talk much now

  3. In such a scenario Beavah, I would think it would be best if you drove the overloaded only room for the driver car and let her drive her son in yours...


    Otherwise fred, fred, fred, I come not to defend Beavah, heck I disagree with about half the time I can understand what he is talking about, and that is not often but I am not sure Beavah's behavior raises any red flags. Having said that, if everyone, parents and leaders get to know each other then everyone is well served

  4. I would put political banner ads on the same level as people posting things political on Facebook, annoying but hardly fact filled.


    Right now I see an ad asking me to sign a petition so Karl Rove wont control our elections. As far as I know, Karl wont be in the booth when I vote so I am disinclined to sign. If he is in the booth when I vote, I promise to keep him there as long as I can so others are free to vote their mind

  5. A sexually active gay youth should not be a scout, then again, a sexually active heterosexual scout should not be a scout. I don't know how else to put it.


    Do scouts have sex, certainly, can a troop tolerate youth members recounting tales of sexual encounters? Not in my book



  6. I should tell you a little something about my good friend Pierre


    He was brought up along the banks of the St Lawrence River in a tiny hamlet close to MOntreal. His Uncle, Uncle Earl was one of the first Voyageurs, Earl has been a Coureur des bois but then became a Voyageur the men who paddled the big canoes from Montreal to the great old Northwest. The area we now call Ilinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the like. As the fur trade grew, the routes the canoes would travel also grew longer and uncle would be gone for longer and longer periods of time. As Pierre matured he thought of the wonderful things his uncle had told him, of the great wide plains, the soaring mountains and Pierre wanted to see these things for himself. The uncle came back and announced he was retired, he could no longer meet the harsh physical demands of the job. Pierre said he wanted to go and his uncle gave him his hat so that Pierre would never be far from home and family.


    And so Pierre ventured forth, paddling the canoe from Montreal to where Mackinac is now. He grew weary of being employed so he became a fur trader on his own. Exploring the Rockies in pursuit of the beaver. And let me tell you, he always brought his trusty rifle, dog, and the tuque of Earl


    Pierre will be at the Buckskin Games, look for him and his signature red tuque

  7. The I troop I was in had such a scout, addressed adults as peers, would interrupt in adults conversation to give his thoughts. Total domination over his father. You would have thought he was just a rude spoiled child but wait, there's more


    He had MS and was nearly blind. He had spent so much time around adults (Medical staff) that he didnt know how to act like a kid. yes, his father had to do everything for him, but the youth was having a hard time with boundaries. Thats what scouting was for. To give him a chance to interact with same age youth. He didnt have that opportunity and it took him awahile to adjust.


    Its all on what they live at home. Had totally spoiled brats that were public schooled as well

  8. Interesting thing about partials, I always think they get characterized wrong


    If all had gone well, and BD had signed the card and was thinking what a nice young man who knows his stuff, the nice young man would be thinking he just "finished up" the merit badge he got from Summer Camp




    The merit badge comes from the Counselor who signs it off as compelte. BD is the one certifying the merit badge as complete and he should not/can not do that if he has reservations about the scout's understanding of the material

  9. is it possible the scout he asked " Hey______ is this your crap" and he relate that way, perhaps the scout uses that word often and the scoutmaster was trying to make a point to youth on how it sounds?


    Perhaps when he articulated his comment on "hating" it was to goose the boys along who could/shoul have done what they were doing earlier and faster?


    What sort of run ine have you had with his? What were the issues?


    Not saying you are wrong and the guy is blameless, just would like more information

  10. I understand this is the first time for the Jamboree at the Summit and that's why I want to be there. I will be on staff and I want to be be able to say, I was there at the first one. Maybe its silly, many I am sure will say so, but how many times to you get to be amoung the first ones to do somehting of this magnitude. There certainly is a chance it could be an unitigated diaster, don't you want to be there and be able to say "I was there and this is what I saw" other than "I heard"?


    I see this as one of the greatest adventures possible, this is the total unknown, its never been done why wouldnt you want to be a part of that?


    Now, to cost, that part sucks. National and International Jamborees have been part of scouting since B-P started things and I don't think they were ever "Cheap" or inexpensive. Its part of the program and attend if you want or not. But I am thinking, in 20 years when Jamboree time rolls around, how many will be able to say,


    Jamboree? At the SUmmit? I was at the first one and forget about what you heard, this is what I saw


    I can't wait, it will be a great time

  11. Just a thought,


    Everytime we talk about training and how to make it better and what should be taught and whether or it should be manditory, there is always a fairly large component of people who complain about the cost and time involved in training and learning how to do several outdoor skills well will take longer than a week end. WHat was it that was said? Experience? Is there a receptive audience to put in the time and effort to gain the skills?

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