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Posts posted by OldGreyEagle

  1. anyone can read a story, well, almost anyone, you do have to have a measure of volume and clarity. There is the telling of stories by memory, and my good friend Pierre has the following in his repertoire. This list is a must "hear" at summer camp and the boys request them by name


    The Cremation of Sam McGee

    Casey at the Bat

    The Bugville Nine

    The Ballad of William Sycamore

    Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening

    The Voyageur

    The Sons of Molly McGuire

    Rainy Day at Camp

    Little Bateste



    Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald


    When Pirre gets rolling, he is a sight to see, or so I have told by thems who knows



    * The Poem by Rudyard Kipling, not the song by Bread

  2. I am not sure I would need a guideline to quote other other than shooting acorns and the like at other people is not very scoutlike at a pack event or other venue


    As far as "Punishment" at the next unit meeting levels of behavior have to be established and I am not talking about writing rules, just establishing that an action causing pain and possible injury is not a good idea, under any circumstances

  3. I am not sure I would need a guideline to quote other other than shooting acorns and the like at other people is not very scoutlike at a pack event or other venue


    As far as "Punishment" at the next unit meeting levels of behavior have to be established and I am not talking about writing rules, just establishing that an action causing pain and possible injury is not a good idea, under any circumstances

  4. I went to Philmont this summer, had a great time, but is was not what I would call a "mountain top" experience, and that was even with climbing Baldy up the gully trail.


    Perhaps its because I have backpacked the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. I have been west before and Philmont looks like the west. Its great and I had a great time but I have other things I want to experience as well.


    A trip up at Northern Tier, a trek at Sea Base, Being at the National Jamboree, such potential for so many experiences. One would think a group of Scouters would respect each others vision of how they wish to serve to the program and as such the individual choice would be respected then again, Haters gonna Hate...

  5. I said 1960, not the 50's and do you think the shinanigans in Chicago voting ended then? Indeed, are you willing to say all Democrats everywhere are totally above reproach and would never do anything to steal any election?


    Is that a horse you think you can ride?


    I beleive in scouting, but I am not willing to say everyone who is a member of the BSA upholds 100% of our ideals 100% of the time.


    All humans have their frailities and to be blinded by that is not being realistic


    Do we want to get into a corruption citation war? Sorry, I could be on both sides and give reams of malfeasance from both sides.


    The Parties platforms see to be summed up as Democrats = We need more time to do what we need to do and Republicans = Had enough? Try us,


    Not much specific on either side


    Kruschev was wrong, they wont buty us, it will be an inside job



  6. I don't know what the statue of limitations is on voter fraud but if you want to talk voter fraud you must start with the place where the phrase "Vote early and often" was coined, as in Chicago, a Democratic stronghold since, well, forever


    It was often said Mayot Richard J Daley, the original "Hizzoner" and not the pale imitation his son became, was responsible for JFK's election in 1960 as the vaults and graves everywhere in Chicago opened and the dead all voted straight Democratic tickets.


    Or are we saying the Democrats have not cheated since 1960?


    Saying either side is clean on any topic is not a defensible position, any side that contains humans will be fallible and subject to human frailities

  7. awhile back we had a kid transfer in from a "scoutreach" troop. Very Poor, or so the parents always said. Active family though, mother an asset on the comittee and father a strong asst scoutmaster. Always needed help for summer camp money wise though. Always had old rusted cars and marginal equipment. Then at one meeting another scout just back from DisneyWorld started talking about his favorite ride, and the poor kid chimes in on where his favorite rides were and where the best places to eat was and where he just had to go "every time we go to Orlando, and did you go to Sea WOrld, we always do"


    How people spend their money is their business, I have no idea how some people arrive to the conclusions they do on how they spend their money but its their money, their choices and we have to similarly choose


    Still scratching my head over that family however

  8. I can understand the passing out of the morning after pill I guess. Certainly dont think its a good idea but society, for some reason, doesnt ask me my opinions on much.



    I would think that after sone number, say 3 or so, 3 times the patient asks for the morning after pill that some sort of consequence occur. Counseling, education, torture (just kidding) something that demonstrates that actions do have consequences.


    Was there sex going on in the High School I graduayed from? ALmost certainly although I don't know from personal experiene but I did know what caused pregnancy as did all the other guys I knew and it was considered somehting of being a moron if you got a girl pregnant because there were ways of preventing that. Have we stopped talking contraception to the point the morning after pill, or possible abortion is the preferred manner of birth control?

  9. I understand this group has difficulty with focus. I have often used Forest Gumps feather as an illustration of how a thread meanders, herding cats is another, although over used cliche


    What would be G W's legacy if Iraq had used weapons of mass destruction in a Terrorist attack?

  10. I understand this group has difficulty with focus. I have often used Forest Gumps feather as an illustration of how a thread meanders, herding cats is another, although over used cliche


    What would be G W's legacy if Iraq had used weapons of mass destruction in a Terrorist attack?

  11. The peace treaty that ended the first Iraq war called for UN weapon inspectors to visit the country. Iraq refused, it was this refusal, this not following the Peace treaty that lead to the UN resolutions. If Iraq did not have anything to hide, why did they refuse the UM inspectors access to the country? If Saddam thought that he would be seen as a hero for standing up to the UN by refusing the UN weapons inspectors entry into his country, he was also betting the Western World would not have the guts to follow up with all the resolutions.


    Now, lets not cloud the issue, what was my first intent with this line of thinking?


    What would Bush's legacy be if he did nothing and they did have weapons of mass destructions and used the to kill Americans?


    We will never know but I do know what would have happened had he done nothing

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