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Posts posted by Scouter99

  1. I enjoy the Boys' Life archive to no end, and it never fails to turn up a laugh whenever I visit. Today's? From the state-by-state news in Pennsylvania:

    "Boys Stop Smoking

    Edward G. Jenkins, Scout Master of troop No. 11, Honesdale, Pa, Boy Scouts of America,* is highly pleased with the work his 20 Boy Scouts have done in the last four or five months . . . 'If,' writes Jenkins, 'I say that the boys in short time have developed far beyond my expectations and that I am as proud of them as any mother could be, am I not telling you enough of what my boys are doing constantly and the great interest among the people. Of the inveterate cigarette smokers who have quit the habit and are fighting it every day in their heart I could write much.' . . ."


    Full text at http://boyslife.org/wayback/#issue=twUG1X-LzB8C&pg=31


    The only thing I hate is that there doesn't seem to be a good way to print anything from the archive.


    *At the time there were still other scouting organizations getting space in Boys' Life, such as the Rhode Island Boy Scouts and New England Boy Scouts.

  2. Why the edit 99? I am sure everyone here wants to hear what you really think and how you follow the Scout Law.


    I said that based on your posts about drugs for all I know you were stoned when you were dumb posting. But then I figured that was a low blow and you're generally just a funny guy, so I edited like a nice scout, but if you want it you've got it.


    (I love the "Scout Law" kindergarten comments sometimes, I'm tickled that a guy who thinks drug use on scout trips is no big deal speaking in a thread where people are advocating scouts marching beside half-naked BDSM fetishists wants to try to call me out on scout anything)

  3. That's not a pass for the bad' date=' but it's enough for me to try. There are other scouts that, if they did this, I'd just show them the door and say that's it. This kid doesn't fit that[/quote']


    Oh boy, the kids with the least resources get the boot but the golden boy gets the golden parachute. Have fun with the fallout when you kick the next kid out but not this one.

    Now that the troubled kids know golden boy has the hookup I bet he'll be even better at motivating them to show up.

  4. Problem is' date=' S, scouts in our communities are being asked to participate in pride events. Having a thread where things are hashed out helps us to be prepared to address folks who won't like our decision. (Because, no matter what's decided, someone is going to approach us about it.)[/quote']


    The decision has already been made, it's not your decision. "...nor may any member use Scouting to promote or advance any social or political position or agenda..." http://www.scouting.org/MembershipStandards/Resolution/Resolution.aspx

  5. I read a comment by Mike Walton on Bryan's blog once where Mike said that there's no database. Apparently NESA has big books, and if you want to find a name you're welcome to come look through the books. If Mike lurks maybe he can elaborate, but I don't think he uses this forum.


    Anyway, it's not in national's interest to make an easily accessible list, you get some turd with an axe to grind and all of a sudden here's a list of 50 Eagle Scouts who are felons. There's already an Amazon list of books to that effect http://www.amazon.com/Boy-Scouts-Gone-Bad/lm/37WH3HKAM7XH2

  6. Like I said, I'm not interested in insulting anyone's projects in particular or Eagle projects in general. Just expressing my opinion. If you need to insult everyone else's projects to feel good about your son's go right ahead.


    Duckfoot, maybe what we need is more Eagles to spend $3000 to deliver their park benches to third world locales. :D

  7. I read into it a little, presuming the boy's church was the CO (and would have an interest in its parishioners performing service like this be it via an NGO or otherwise).

    We don't have all of the details of the story to "connect the dots". It could be the boy's "inside the beltway" connections led him to think "community" on a global scale. In which case, we'd both agree that could be stretching the definition a little (although clearly his district advancement chair didn't think so).


    In general, I think it isn't a very thrifty way to deliver mosquito nets. Some of our Eagles have run drives for supplying 3rd would countries, but have done so through a relief and development organization whose warehouses are an integral part of our community.


    Yeah, exactly. I also wonder how much "leadership" is involved in getting on a plane and dropping off 50 nets and candy.


    I'm not denigrating this project in particular or this Eagle in particular, I just think that while international projects in general are a neat way to do good, and are good PR, they miss the mark for an Eagle project.


    A flight from my city on the East coast to Lagos, Nigeria in September is $1,500

  8. I do not think he is trying to convince you of anything. One contends for those not committed to the other side.


    Indeed, accepting homosexuality as normal means accepting the nastiness on full display at the parades. These people know exactly what a gay pride parade looks like and they think of things like father-son sex roleplay as "diversity" not the perversion that it is. Accepting homosexuality as normal means foregoing any moral stance on the most depraved sex acts because the most depraved sex acts are part of homosexual culture, which they see as no different than a guy dressed like a leprechaun at a St Patrick's Day parade.

    If a daddy leading a twink around on a leash is normal then of course they have no problem taking our sons to see it.


    In a stylized manner' date=' tied up, hooked like fish, led around like dogs or donkeys, running through the campfire in underwear, probably not what you have in mind though. [/quote']

    And nothing like what we're discussing but we appreciate your intellectual dishonesty.

  9. And yet I have been called chauvinistic, prejudiced, old-fashioned, etc. throughout the years.... and never by any of the people I do nice things for, always a third-party observer. MYOB is another social norm that has been lost on today's society as well.


    Yep, a female (not a lady) I didn't really know took extreme offense that I dared call her, get this . . . . . . . "Mrs. Lastname" How dare I? I explained where I'm from misserus is good manners. Not good enough for her, not my problem.

  10. "Make me"? What are you' date=' six years old?[/quote']

    Says the guy who wants an apology for a rhetorical phenomenon so hackneyed that it has it's own name (everywhere, I'm not sure that some of you understand that Godwining is an internet phenomenon, not an OGE thing). But who can blame you? Stamping your feet and demanding a halt to all activity and an apology because you're offended is stock pap nowadays.


    I also referenced Bastiat; I am sincerely apologetic to all French lower-case-s-socialists (who should not be confused with contemporary capital-S-Socialists).


    You're not interested in the actual matter at hand--government ransoming business permits to punish personal beliefs, which you apparently support--so you must derail the issue to an emotional meltdown. We get it. Others may not like that I took the analogy to its actual historical climax, but they understand what I meant. When governments seek to control the beliefs and association and thought of citizens, people eventually die.


    I cannot be actually sorry that I took middle school history, or that you overreacted to my analogy, so I cannot apologize. I'm a jerkwad that way: I'm sorry I won't issue fake apologies in response to fake internet offense.


    If it makes you feel better, next time I'll say "gulag" instead of "gas chamber." Or "death march." Or "re-education." Or waaayyy back, "hemlock." You will still think it's OK for government to withhold business permits on the basis of beliefs as long as they're beliefs you yourself don't hold, but at least we'll avoid your tantrum.

  11. As for 1983' date=' I think you are a year off[/quote']

    :o I do it every time.


    I think that you' date=' on the other, need to apologize to the entire forum for your "gas chambers" remark[/quote']

    Make me, it will fit this entire scenario perfectly. We know what happens when people in power seek to control association and speech. No one will miss me, and you can shut up Huzzar, AZMike, etc.

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