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Everything posted by yaworski

  1. I'm with KoreaScouter on the jacket thing. A jacket like the M65 field jacket in OD would be great. Big pockets, removable liner, etc. Actually the M65 would be ideal. It has epaulets for wearing the red loop and you could even put the CSP and troop number on it. I just wish that BSA made some trousers that fit me. I'm fairly tall and their trousers don't have a rise that is high enough for me so their trousers or shorts just dangle off my butt. I'm always on the lookout for OD trousers and shorts that fit me.
  2. Our troop has the troop number in huge digits on the back in black. You could put a big scout emblem on the back with the troop number and your town. Your shirts are hot because they are too big. Cotton doesn't breathe when it gets wet so you just have a big balloon holding the heat in. Cotton t-shirts should fit snugly (horrors!) so when it gets wet with sweat, it acts as an evaporative cooler. I've worked in a steel mill (120 degrees on a cool day) and I've umpired baseball for 20 years so I've spent my time in the heat. Unfortunately, today's gangsta fashions dictate HUGE c
  3. The neckerchief absorbs sweat; protects the collar of the shirt; and can be used for a signal flag, bandange, water filter, hat, and many other things. Like many things in the original Boy Scout uniform, it served a very important purpose (the campaign hat provided shade and the uniform was designed to be worn in the field) but those purposes have been lost as the uniform was redesigned.
  4. The immediate recognition kits are for the parents and kids who cannot understand that it takes time to earn a rank. Just like the karate schools that have belts, belts with stripes and stripes on the stripes. We didn't use those silly plastic things for the past few years and all of our boys made rank.
  5. " 'What would the ramifications to BSA be if BSA said "Fine, we don't want to belong to WOSM anymore'? " Hmmmm. . . .lessee . . . you wouldn't have to wear that silly purple patch on your left breast anymore. That's about it.
  6. "Also in the Council, the girl scouts of the same age cannot carry a knife at the family campouts." What about a girl who isn't a Girl Scout? "How often does a Cub Scout need to be walking around with a knife?" I've carried a knife nearly every day since I was nine. It has been used almost daily since then. I'm sorry if you can't see the utility of having a knife at all times. "You may get to carry your knife at home but we follow the rules of Scouting when we are at a Scouting event." Sure you do. I'd be willing to bet that I could find more than a dozen violations
  7. "Same as a sister who can carry a pocketknife in Girl Scouts, cannot carry that same pocketknife at a Cub Scout event." Sorry but that dog don't hunt. Using your logic, a Cub Scout couldn't carry his knife when he visits a Camporee, and a Boy Scout can't carry his knife when he visits a Cub Scout bike rodeo. The certification is for life in general, not just scouting events. Alas, today kids cannot carry knives with them everywhere but that doesn't change the meaning of the chip.
  8. Dan, Since your Cub Scouts learned the square knot while working on Wolf did you give them credit for that when they were working on Bear? Some requirements repeat. Some don't.
  9. "I do agree with your definitions Rooster but where we part ways is that I don't find it necessary to call others faiths fraudulent." If I believe the teachings of my religion, by definition, all other religions must be wrong or their teachings would also be taught by my religion. Religion is not a matter of opinion, it is what we believe to be fact. So should we give other religions any more respect than we give the Flat Earth Society?
  10. What I don't understand is why all these furriners want to tell us how to run things in our country. If the US ever says anything about how another country does something, we're called "Damned Yankees" and told to mind our own business. Hell, all of Yurrip loves us when the **** s the fan but can't stand us any other time. Their decandent cultures can't produce a military to save their asses.
  11. I didn't answer the question, "Do most UCs wear their patches?" The UCs that I know have been in scouting for more than a few years and have more stuff on their uniform than a Napoleonic general.
  12. I'll answer you, Tim :-) As a Unit Commissioner you have the same right to wear your awards as any other Scouter. You don't stop wearing your "Cub Scouter" knot when you move into Boy Scouts, do you? The same goes for OA, if you are entitled to wear it, wear it. It does strike me as curious that in the picture in the catalog of the head honcho he is wearing no knots or service stars. Was he found by some executive search firm and brought in because he knows how to run a non-profit organization?
  13. "I think that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to create a uniform that 1. Will work for both ceremonies *and* outdoor activities; " Don't know if I can agree with that. The old cotton uniform was pretty versatile. Durable fabric, sturdy trousers, pockets that could be buttoned. Even the leggings were practical. The new "perma-pressed" shirts just don't stand up. As for cost, I still say that most of the people that I know that complain about the expense of the uniform have no problem spending $100 on sneakers or $150 on an NBA jacket.
  14. "That is true. Does that mean you think all discrimination is acceptable?" Discrimination is the truth. Why should we be forced by legislation to live a lie. Why should I have to hire someone that I don't like? It is my company and my money, no where in the Bill of Rights are you guaranteed a job. For my part, I don't care what color you are. I don't particularly care for obese or smelly people. Remember, education always works better than legislation for fixing social problems. Who knows, maybe I'll even come to like people with BO.
  15. Visit http://www.geocities.com/o_sheffler/experien.html Also, many councils or districts have a uniform bank. Check with your District Executive.
  16. " had an ASM (retired military person) that was too rigid with the boys." Did he require them to be quiet while he spoke, keep their shirts tucked in and wear their caps forward? As for needing to wait for rechartering, I don't think that you do. All leaders serve at the pleasure of the CO. If the leader displeases the CO, good bye.
  17. It strikes me that today's kids cannot differentiate between clothes that they can get filty and clothes that they cannot. Way back when, we used to play football after church in our "Sunday go to meetin' " clothes. Oddly, we remained clean because we knew that we need to remain so. What has changed? In any case, you should wear your uniform for travelling. BSA says to do it to take advantage of the good will that we have built up over the years. People treat scouts differently then they treat "just kids." Take advantage of it.
  18. We all discriminate. Plain and simple. Your wife discriminated by marrying you and not the other guy. All those girls that I knew in college discriminated by not jumping into the sack with me. The VFW discriminates against non-veterans. Discrimination is part of life.
  19. Ah gee, OGE, I made you bite your tongue. Did that hurt? :-) Why do I call it all crap? Because it is. With few exceptions Scouting has become the refuge for the kids who lack athletic ability or social skills. We have to mollycoddle them or they might quit and then the parents would have to actually deal with their children.
  20. "At the next troop formation, I mention the act as a good turn, calling forward the Scout who found/returned the item. Does the troop know who lost his whistle? Sure. But, there's no question over hazing" Sure that's hazing. The boy who did the find could be embarassed and the boy who lost the item is now embarassed because everyone knows that he lost something. Wot a bunch of old wimmen. Hell, that's an insult to old wimmen. You sound like the fat kids who got picked last to play on a team. Anything can be construed as hazing or embarassing. Latrine duty was pointed
  21. OGE, I read your entire thread on the dangers of Snipe Hunts on the psyches of young men, perhaps you should change your name to Old Grey Haired Woman. To answer your question about "Dedicated Dad," I only use my own name, unlike you and many others here.
  22. As I understand it, adults could continue to earn rank up to Eagle until the early '50s. Evidently there was no age limit on being a Scout and it wasn't unusual for someone to continue working on merit badges while in college.
  23. Old Grey Eagle wimpered, "Actually since I voted for Nxon twice, so that answers the question of me being over 21. " That's my point. You're well over 21, much less likely to be trying to zoom a 16 year old.
  24. "One of my best friends, also an Eagle Scout, is a homosexual and has been one of the best and most inspiring mentors of my life, the knowlege that he has pasted on to me has been invaluable." Doesn't say much for you, does it? "I know for a fact almost all of my friends, some fellow Eagle Scouts,and myself included, sleep around almost everychance we get" Doesn't say much for your generation, does it? "So to say that homosexuals are the only ones who 'cant keep their pants zipped' is absurd." Glad to see that the education at Penn State still sucks. Go back and rea
  25. Old Grey Eagle whined: Actually I have been camping with 16 year old daughters, I am in a Venture Crew. Are you 21 years old? Heterosexual? Male?
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