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Everything posted by WHEELER

  1. I was a Shabbas goy for two and half years at the Kol Ami in Tampa Bay Florida. I was also on the construction crew that built it. For those of you who accuse me of various things, I worked seven days a week. You may call Rabbi Wasser and confirm it. I also attended every service and prayed right along with it. A scout is reverent and I enjoyed immensely their services; they had a lively, yet solemn, and manly service, not the wimpy chants that accompanied the Catholic Church I attended. I bought my own prayer books and my own skull cap. The Bat Mitzvah is only in Liberal and Conser
  2. Creation is an historical event. It did happen. Creation does not dismiss dinosaurs and the fossil record. All life came from God though. We have the same DNA as animals because God created them all. Philosophy, which is a science, proves the story of Creation. You disregard the inerrancy of the Scriptures, you disregard the God who made the scriptures. Life begats life. All living things came from a direct creation of God. Speciation did not make apes into humans Sorry. We are made up of 75 % water, and the rest is carbon, nitrogen and other elements. Is water alive? I
  3. (This message has been edited by WHEELER)
  4. There is a misconception that cheerful is "to be fun" and that one can not be cheerful when doing serious work. The people who held to be most gravitas of the Greeks were the Spartans. Herodotus recounts an event at the beginning of the battle at Thermopylae. "Before battle was joined, they say that someone from Trachis warned him how many Persians there were by saying that when they fired their bows, they hid the sun with the mass of arrows. "Dianeces (a Spartiate), so the story goes, was so dismissive of the Persian numbers that he calmly replied, 'All to the good my f
  5. Plato in the Laws says that Atheism is a malady. Atheists had no place in his community. (Laws 908c) Anaxagoras proved thru logic that there is a God. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle continued his line of thought. It says in Scripture, "only a fool says in his heart that there is no god." And that "the heavens and earth declare the wisdom of God". Atheism really manifests itself in the philosophy of Nihilism. Atheists are Nihilists and therefore materialists. Nietzche is the propounder of this and helped the rise of national socialism. Plato says that those who do not
  6. Philosophy proves the creation story true? No man has seen quarks but they are there. No man can see atoms but they are there and the very name atom comes from the Greek thinkers, WHO THRU LOGIC, saw that things are made up of smaller units. Look how philosophy of the Greeks came up with atoms. Not exact but the concept of them. If the mind is intelligent, isn't it intelligent enough to communicate with us? To Firstpusk, Truth does not contradict truth. Scriptural truth is in harmony with physical truth. Both were created thru the Logos of God. God is wiser t
  7. A definition of Effeminacy, I did the research and presented it. You have all learned. How valuable is that? This education you will never learn at any of the universities or colleges. The philosophy department at Berea College would not let me into the department. Even with my transcripts from Rome, NO go. Conservative websites are now noticing a trend in many colleges and universities that discriminate against them by giving lower grades than their peers and other things. Is there discrimination out there yes. Is obscurantism wide spread? Sure is. Did you not learn
  8. To evmori Do you desire opinion or knowledge? Do you want to remain ignorant? I can pull up the same things from Socrates. Aristotle Virtues and Vices, Vol 285, pg 499 "To profligacy belongs choosing harmful and base pleasures and enjoyments, and thinking that the happiest people are those who pass their lives in pleasures of that kind, and being fond of laughter and mockery and jokes and levity in words and deeds. "Profligacy is accompanied by disorder, shamelessness, irregularity, luxury, slackness, carelessness, negligence, remissness.
  9. To Mr. White: "Do not confuse experience or knowledge with wisdom." Is this the truth? Socrates in the Republic: "Then knowledge and opinion having distinct powers have also distinct spheres or subject matters? reply: That is certain Socrates: Being is the sphere or subject-matter of knowledge and knowledge is to know the nature of being? reply: Yes Socrates: And opinion is to have an opinion? reply: Yes Socrates: And do we know what we opine? or is the subject-matter of opinion the same as the subject-matter of knowledge? reply: Nay, that has been already disprove
  10. To NJCubScouter Aristotle disproves evolution in the Metaphysics, one way; and I can using the rest of his philosophy prove other points as well. Yes to both questions.
  11. I did not descend from an ape nor did I descend from a common ancestor that produced apes and man. I am a creation of God. God made a form from the mud, and BREATHED into it spirit. All men are reproductions of this first man. We have differentiated into races but we are all created. Human reasoning can not know this; only divine revelation, 'revealed' it to us. Modern day understanding of evolution is that we descended from animals. And those animals from the sea. Wrong. God made every primary form breathed life into it and from there every specific form differentia
  12. I have never been married nor do I have any children. To the question do I refuse to be gainfully employed: Book of Sirach: 3:24 "Many are decieved by their own vain opinion." 38:24 "The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure: and he that hath little business shall become wise." 31:9 "A man that hath travellled knoweth many things: and he that hath much experience will declare wisdom. He that hath no experience knoweth little: but he that hath travelled is full of prudence. When I travelled, I saw many things; and I understand mroe that I can
  13. To Mr. White: This is a response to the post "The training of boys to Men": Sorry I don't see your point. I have never looked at Scouting as training boys to be men. Even as a Scout Leader in Baden Powell's back yard we looked at Scouting as: The mental, Physical and spiritual development of the young person to become a worthwhile member of Society. This was posted by Eamonn. Obviously, this is just plain hypocrisy on your behalf Mr. White. This proves my point and not yours. Here is a scoutmaster that has been involved continously and what does he say: have never looked a
  14. From France, I moved back into Switzerland. I returned to the Canton of Ticino, to the village of Loco in Valle Osernone. This was the Swiss Alps. Valle Osernone had no valley floor, it was a river between two huge mountain ranges. A single road ran on the high right side of the valley. The houses and roofs were all made out of field stone without mortar. Though much of the valley was covered in forests, some of it was terraced by stone walls. Valle Osernone was known as Robber Valley or the Valley of Starvation. The main staple through the 1800s, believe it or not, was corn. The terr
  15. To Firstpusk I understand differentiation. I read about the alleles in Scientific America. I understand how species get developed. When people speak of evolution, they mean land animals crawled out of the sea. And sea animals mysteriously formed out the mud of the earth and the bottom of some lagoon? Nothing you said in your first post said where life came from. Where did the first species come from? Where did the first cell come from? I understand that one can make 50,000 different species of bacteria from a single bacteria form. But after 50,000 changes, t
  16. there is no way of determining either of these mens religious beliefs because they are dead, When one looks at nature, one sees order. Order presupposes Intelligence. Intelligence exists in something. That something is mind. This is credited to the pre-socratic Philosopher Anaxagoras. The pre-socratic philosophers were trying to find the "arche" of reality; some said earth, others water, still others fire, some said aire. But Aristotle credits Anaxagoras with the right answer. Socrates was accused of impiety. Socrates was a monotheist. In his trial, Socrates mentions Anaxagoras an
  17. While you like to take pot shots at me... Mary was listening to Jesus and Martha was taking care of the hospitality. Martha walked up to Jesus and said, Tell her to help me for I am very busy. Jesus said, Martha Martha, you are very concerned with many things; one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her." I choose the good portion.
  18. We have learned how to destroy the world many times over and built the means to do it, yet we haven't. What keeps us from doing it? We have learned to survive our own destructive bad habits. That is a truth that keeps us in balance. The ancients did not need to worry about such a truth, unless it was an interesting idea to ponder. This quote that "The ancients did not need to worry about such truth." As the saying goes there is nothing new under the sun. The ancients did have an ideal of total destruction. Both of the Flood stories in the Bible and in the Gilgamesh Epic of Babylon. So
  19. Being Cheerful is not the same as being fun. Being cheerful, is about having a cheerful attitude whether one is at a campfire or scrubbing the patrol's pans in cold creek water. Are we confusing the terms here? Cannot one have a cheerful attitude when one is doing his duty? Are we climatizing boys to expect that if it ain't fun, I'm not participating in it. This concept of "having fun" is not the same as "being cheerful".
  20. "but they don't need to be serious now. They need to be allowed to be children." This quote is by Laurie who voted down the post "To be a man". These exact same words were spoken to me eight years ago by a college professor at Berea College. Let me count the ways for you: While in Saudi Arabia, though after the war, I caught nine people sleeping on post. When in construction, I had to deal with lots many young men who couldn't do work or shied away, because they sought fun. I got a lot of work out of men that were 30 years and older. At the college we were at, more
  21. Would you please notice the ranking on this post? This post has received a 100% thumbs down. Four people have voted this way. I can understand my other posts receiving 100% disapproval but not this one. I am shocked by this. One may disagree with my conclusion at the bottom but how can anybody disagree with the information in the text? Is there a discrepancy out there to the mission and the fundamentals of Boy Scouting? Are we unsure of what we are doing?
  22. Wheeler, there are many philosophies. "Philosophy" indeed exists, but it is a discipline, a means of arriving at answers, not an answer itself. And what you are talking about is really religion (which I realize some consider a type of philosophy) and specifically YOUR religion. Religion, by itself, can prove or disprove nothing, it is a matter of faith, belief and opinion. Science, on the other hand, deals with facts. Philosophy is not a Religion. Philosophy deals with facts. Was Aristotle or Plato Christians? What religion did they practice? Yet with using Aristotelian philosophy I can
  23. George Bush is AWOL! What about the Constitution? George Bush has shown total disregard for the Constitution. He campaigned on being the "Educational President". Yet, the Constitution does not delegate this job to the federal government. Education is not the purview of the federal government. Both Bill Clinton and George Bush took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States yet neither does. Words have no meaning and laws have no meaning. What is an oath? Empty words. In all of his education at Yale, George Bush never learned that this is a Rep
  24. Well, when four people vote thumbs down on the post, "To be Man' which is 3/4 of an extractfrom an old field manual, something is wrong, don't you think? I think we have people unsure of the concept and its importance. I think that I can address this part. Isn't the Boy Scouts about manhood? Isn't virtue about being a man? Then how can not my posts further the knowledge toward this goal? Now, I am participating in the Boy Scout movement from a computer. Is that okay? My poverty prevents my travel but I can by my posting be of some value to others who do participate in
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