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Everything posted by WHEELER

  1. This was printed in the Battle Creek Enquirer before the Iraq war. Furthermore, with the Administration now seeking the UN help this letter is more apropos. Dear Editor, I hear that a new oath will be administered to new recruits of the military; I solemnly swear to defend and uphold the authority and legitimacy of the United Nations (a communist organization whose constitution was written by Alger Hiss who was outed as a communist); it is my duty to further International Law (another communist idea); to protect Israel by destroying hostile Arab nations and be an emissary for
  2. Brave is the idea that originally was Greek. The Greek word is 'andrea'. 'Andre' means man. So, when one says to instill 'brave' in a boy it means to masculinize him to have fortitude, boldness of character, courage, all these things. St. Paul says women are to be taught 'submissiveness'. To Two cub Dad please read the post "The training of boys to be men" in the Open discussion section. There it explains all these things in the Scout law and others are part and parcel of the Greek word 'arete' which "best" in the Scout Oath comes from. Arete changes characteristics
  3. This thread was spun from another thread.Which shall we use? Ayn Rand in her book the Fountainhead sketched the details of how a society is moulded or turned in one direction or the other by the simple use of words. Words connate ideas and words are powerfull. To promote an idea or demonize an opponent, use certain words or to make an idea disappear, just stop using the words. Words are like points on a compass: THEY POINT TO A DIRECTION. Ayn Rand plays this concept in her novel. She lived under socialist tyranny; she ought to know. We call these code words. Each human organi
  4. Your late to the debate Marty Doyle, look further down in the section you will find a post called On Effeminacy. Where are those period documents?(This message has been edited by WHEELER)
  5. Very funny guys but OGE in his response to the post of the Boy Scouts and the United Nations is quoting a mission statement, Boy Scout oath, Boy Scout law, and a vision statement. None of this is included in the Federal Charter. A purpose statement is but not the rest. The Federal Charter is just what the law requires to be submitted and is not the total package, nor the founding documents of any organization. This Federal Charter, though interesting, is not the complete picture. So we would like to know where OGE got his information and from what book printed when? Where is the miss
  6. Isocrates: "Athens has in many respects been plunged into such a state of topsy-turvy and confusion that some of our people no longer use words in their proper meaning but wrest them from the most honourable associations and apply them to the basest pursuits." Isocrates and Socrates were both reactions against the degradations of democracy. Words lost their meaning and people lost their 'loyalty' to the meanings of those words. That is why most of the time, Socrates went around asking for definitions. Human nature does not change and the modus operandi doesn't either. Rome we
  7. What you are witnessing is the "transformation" of ideals thru the changing of words. Words carry meaning. That is why the word "democracy" is very important. When one uses this word, the mind conjures up the concept of "free to do as one pleases". "Republic" on the other hand conjures up the image of "I have to obey laws". I have just demonstrated in the post "On Effeminancy", how this word has been dropped from modern bibles and so has the concept. If one doesn't know the word, then one doesn't know if he is one or not. For NJ Cub Scouter, Does Art imitate life or does Art m
  8. First, many people accuse me of having an agenda. No. There are people who are within the BSA program that do have an agenda. Just like Antonio Gramsci wanted. To convert the BSA program to serve socialist ideology and sociology. That is why the word changes and no references to any thing classical in the BSA literature, the change in modalities, no pictures of historical pictures of men and the oxymorons appearing. They are all signs of this process. (just like Ayn Rand prophesied in Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead.) Second, Righteousness is a V-I-Rtue. "To Righteousness it belongs
  9. Have any of you read the Federalist papers? Full of historical references to prove points. 98% of my books are in storage, but if I remember correctly on of the first 'papers' quoted the necessity of knowing history for it provided foresight. Thycidides did the same thing. For him, human nature never changes. same causes produce the same effects. Studying history provided foresight in the conduct of human affairs. In conjunction of the saying, "Know yourself", Plato's sixth rule is "for the ignorant to follow and for the wise men to take the lead and rule." I am ignorant an
  10. Now we are getting somewhere! Thanks for the congressional record. THANK YOU FOG!!!! We are now uncovering our hidden heritage. Let us continue. Now for the hard part. Is there somebody down at Irving TX that can search the archives for the original charter? They have original paperwork. Is there somebody out there with more old paperwork??? Quick before they hire the shredder!
  11. Will somebody vote the original post 'thumbs down'. I'm losing my reputation if that doesn't happen. In answer to 'Be prepared', there was persection and injustice and in Christian ethics there are nine ways to be an accesory to sin. To participate any further in that school would have been sanctioning the things going on there and I could not do it. I voted with my feet. When you are not wanted, it is time to leave.
  12. Ayn Rand wrote an essay titled, The Comprachicos in l970. What are Comprachicos? (or comprapequenos in Spanish) A nomadic group in the 17th century, Comprachicos went around buying children so they could purposely physically deform them in order to produce a freak so that they could make a living entertaining kings and city people, i.e. they were turned into court jesters. Miss Rand also quotes from Victor Hugo who relates a similar account in China (The Man Who Laughs). But in todays modern world, Ayn Rand sees comprachicos, not in the physical sense but of the mind. She discerns that h
  13. This thread was spun from another thread.Titus 2:2 Bid the older men be temperate, serious, sensible, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. (The Greek is semnous.) Titus 2:7 Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds and in your teaching show integrity, gravity (semnous), (8) and sound speech that cannot be censured, so that an opponent may be put to shame, have nothing evil to say of us. 1 Timothy 3.4 He must manage his own household well, keeping his children submissive and respectful (semnous) in every way (KJV 1 Timothy 2:4 One that ruleth his own house, h
  14. Snycretism is also the basis of Unisexism. The inclusion of females in the scouting program is just that---Unisexism and Unisexism is syncretism, making everything the same. The Boy Scouts are being closed out by the United Way and being persecuted by the City of San Diego. These people that are persecuting the Boy Scouts and hampering them are the same people that support the United Nations. Isn't there a little duplicity going on here? Is it the conservatives who are persecting the BSA or is it the liberals? This is how foolish the BSA program and its leaders look, they are feeding the ha
  15. Do you know why the oxymorons are not answered? Syncretism is the socialist modality. Everything is in greys. Socrates is the founder and father of Western Culture. He brought to light the central core of Western Culture and the essence of man and that is Truth. Truth exists and it must be defended. Black and White thinking. "To define and divide" is Western Modality. Western Culture is masculine. Hellenism is masculine. Syncretism is an Eastern modality. Syncretism is femal thought. Syncretism is the basis of socialist modality. One can be a Hindo and a Christian,
  16. Laurie: You are the one that voted down the post "The training of boys to be men". Scripture commands the training of men. Yet, you have voted this post down. If you really sought after truth, would you have voted this post down?? If you were really loyal to the original intent of the BSA, would you have voted this post down? All the rest of my posts you have voted down continuously and consistently. This is what we call an hypocrite and then you want to attack me. I did not attack anybody with the first post. All I did was present evidence. The second post refuted false prece
  17. Nothing goes "ad infinitum" except maybe space. Cause and effect do not go "ad infinitum". Aristotle said so. He called the Mind of Anaxagoras the Prime Mover. That which can move yet is not moved by itself. The Mind is pure spirit. Aristotle's four causes describe physical change in the universe; does not apply to God. Aristotle is much more smarter than you and I yet he wrote of both the four causes and a prime mover. There is no contradiction here or else Aristotle would have seen it himself. My books are in storage, so I can not do my research on this more thoroughly.
  18. I am wondering if the spin off couldn't stay in the same box as the original. Like a tree diretory, one could place things in order to be read. For example, a Post called Virtue. Then, people will comment on the original post. But then someone wants to add something significant like the a post of the virtue of gravitas. Spin off the thread but then it appears as under the original post. So on and so forth. Is that possible?
  19. Old Grey Eagle, I follow an higher Wisdom. Acts 5.29 "We must obey God rather than men." I John 4.6 "We know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error". James 4.17 "Whoever knows what is right and fails to do it for him, it is sin." Keeping silent is not an option. Titus 2.15 "Declare these things; exhort and reprove with all authority, let no one disregard you." ITim 4.11 "Command and Teach." A definition of effeminacy is available for all men so that they will know the truth. Who else provided it? A definition of virtue is available for all men so t
  20. I do not post for the fun of it or to goad anything. I am deadly serious about everything I write. I stand behind everything I write and say. Life is not game that many on this website take it as. It is dangerous serious business. Nature kills fools. As Thycidides in his history likes to point out "...Like causes are always followed by like effects: that kind of sequence makes experience possible, and therefore allows some sort of foresight of things to come..." Padeia pg 389. That is why history does repeat itself because human nature does not change.
  21. The Athenian Oath as is printed in the l948 Boy Scout Handbook pg 119: "We will never bring disgrace on this, our city, by an act of dishonesty or cowardice. "We will fight for the ideals and Sacred Things of the city both alone and with many. "We will revere and obey the City's laws, and will do our best to incite a like reverence and respect in those about us who are prone to annul them or set them at naught. We will strive increasingly to quicken the public's sense of civic duty. "Thus in all these ways we will transmit this city, not only not less, but greater, better
  22. Nice to see the socialists come out in defense of their organization. Notice in a previous post where Old Grey Eagle wants to make leather britches but doesn't want to read a book. Tell me Old Grey Eagle, will any Boy Scout you lead hear the word "virtue" out of your mouth. Or is this term too GENDER SPECIFIC for you? How can a boy know what it means to be a man if he never hears the word 'virtue'? Socialists will never use the word 'virtue'. They hate it and will not teach it. Notice how none of the respondents answered to the oxymorons as stated. They cannot. They atta
  23. I noticed Laurie that you have quoted nothing to back up your opinion: Life is fun. This is just your opinion. Why should we believe that statement? Where is that stated elsewhere? Psalm 118:143 "Afflictions and distresses found me." Book of Sirach 40:1 "Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother's womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things." Sirach 41:14 "My children, keep discipline in peace." Titus 2:7 "Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds, and i
  24. Who were the Zulus? They were the largest, strongest tribe who ruled a greater portion of South Africa. Why were they that way? Because they were weak or effeminate? They ruled because they were hard. They were the best. They got that way because of their training. The good comes through the hard. They were hard and they were number one! Baden-Powell was inspired by the Zulu nation. It had a lot in common with Bristish mentality. The Zulus were winners in the game of life and so were good examples to follow. Every Boy Scout is a Zulu Warrior, as he is an Indian Bra
  25. Thanks for correcting me. Yes, I wrote fast and myself was imprecise on details. Yes, He was an Archduke. Yes, it was in Saravejo. But I stand that WWI was about destroying the monarchies of Europe which it did, so that new forms could take their place. Anarchists were both the assasins of President McKinley and Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. Both to provoke change and destroy the old to bring in the new. Socialism seeks the destruction of monarchy. Monarchy is the metaphysical expression of patriarchy. If the Boy Scouts are about making men out of boys which is patriar
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