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Everything posted by WHEELER

  1. To OGE: Find yourself a Greek English New Testament and look up Luke 5:39. "O palaios xristos estin". I've shortened it to "Palios Christos" maybe I shouldn't have done that. Any way there is the full Greek. They have 'the old is good'. It could read, "The Old is Golden". To Bob White: Three? posts up you justified everything you said because it was "ESTABLISHED BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE." I was responding to this quote of yours. You think just because the "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE" spoke, it is written in stone. Because the "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE" says this, we do this. If i
  2. A Christian did write a book, it is out there, called "Leadership is Male". It has all the Biblical references there. St. Paul said that the HEAD OF EVERY WOMAN IS A MALE and that ALL women shall be quiet in Church for her husband is to teach her. The term "misogyny" is a new term created by feminists in order to undermine and attack patriarchy. For OGE to use the term is to agree with their ideology. It is natural for young boys to withdraw from women. In the book, Sex Differences, Modern Biology and the Unisex Fallacy", proves that this is a natural reaction of all boys. L
  3. One of the principles of warfare that Sun Tzu laid out was the principle of "Know your Enemy". I know my enemy. My enemies are Communists, Socialist, Liberals. I am an anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, an anti-liberal. Why? They are all nihilists to some degree. They are moral relativists and non-believers. I believe that there is absolute truth. There is a standard of truth. And I am a born-again child of God. All forms of socialism are antagonistic to true orthodox Christianity. Herbert Hoover wrote his book "The Challenge to Liberty" because Franklin Roo
  4. From the book, The Church Impotent, The Feminization of Christianity, by Leon Podles, who is an Assistant Scoutmaster, Pg177: "The Boy Scouts were founded by Baden-Powell because recruits for the British army were too often found to be physically unfit-unfit, that is, for military service. The Bristich Scouts encouraged physical fitness by teaching boys to be observers and trackers.....Instead, the regimen of the Scouts is designed to teach boys how to endure moderate discomfort, cooperate with others and ultimately save others." He footnotes the above to page 250, "Michael Ros
  5. When two Greek words have the same ending like Palios Xristos the verb "is" is assumed. Palios is the subject and Xristos is the predicate. Palios is not an adjective of Xristos. It is not Old Christ. It is "The Old is Golden". To Bob White: We have just witnessed how judges are making law left and right. They do want ever they want to do irregardless of the original law. I have seen the executive committee of a college do things against its own constitution of the school. Executive committees don't mean didley when it comes to truth. You can not explain a
  6. Leon Podles is a Roman Catholic with six sons. In his book, on page 177 he talks of the Boy Scouts. He devotes three pages to this topic. His son is in the Boy Scouts. He has a PHD. Pg 179, "It was a little visual reminder of the ultimate purpose of the Scout's training: to lead boys to accept responsiblity and sacrifice, even, although this is rarely mentioned among men even in the military, to the point of dying for their country." Now, on page 137 he writes: "Feminism is multiform, but many strains are clearly incompatible with historic Christianity. In our time, theolo
  7. "Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, and has not stood in the way of sinners, and has not sat in the seat of evil men. "But his pleasure is in the law of the Lord; and in his law he will meditate both day and night.
  8. Palios Xristos is in English "Old is Golden". It is in the parable of old wine in new wineskins. Xristos in the Greek means Golden. Xristos is also applied to Jesus i.e. Christ is English for Xristos and St. John Chrysostomos, i.e. St. John the Golden mouthed. Xristos is the Greek for the Hebrew word annointed.
  9. It is not permitted to a woman to speak in the church, not to teach, baptize, offer, or to claim to herself a lot in any manly function, not to mention the priestly office. Tertullian (c. 207, W), 4.33 Leadership is Male. The Bible teaches this. St. Paul teaches this. The Criterion of Truth is Consistency. This is the Truth. Palios Xristos, said Jesus. St. Paul says "What does Nature teach..." That is what this Jurist did was use nature to say that women and men are not equal. Nature, Bible, Philosophy, the Constant teaching of the Church Fathers, all proclaim these self-evident t
  10. BRADWELL v. ILLINOIS 83 U.S. 130 (1873) Justice Joseph D. Bradley, Concurring Opinion Myra Brandwells application for a license to practice law was denied by the Illinois Supreme Court simply on the basis of sex. Her appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States was made and denied on constitutional grounds. I concur in the judgement of the court in this case, by which the judgment of the Supreme Court of Illinois is affirmed, but not for the reasons specified in the opinion just read. ... The claim that, under the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution, which declares
  11. This thread was spun from another thread.1. Abolition of private property. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. 3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. A central bank. 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. 7. State ownership of the means of production 8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolitio
  12. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency. Consistency is the criterian of truth. You want to re-write the rules and say "no use of out-dated manuals". They are not outdated. They are a WITNESS to the ORIGINAL Philosophy of the BSA program not this progressive whitewashed program you are provided now. Whose right and whose wrong? I am consistent with the original intent of the BSA program. You have hijacked it to serve socialist principle of unisexism and progressiveism. That is why you hate "out-dated" manuals. You are even trying to "slander" and "demean" the old. Those manuals
  13. If you would scroll up the thread You will see where I posted to why the Federal Charter was written. I am a Doric Greek, our character is to be honest and straightforward. I do not beat around the bush. St. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ did not one instant refrain from DEFINING the character of the Jewish Leadership of their times and neither shall I. If it talks like an hypocrite, it is an hypocrite and I will say so. Hypocrisy is when one's speech is inconsistent. One day you decry that the BSA had anything to do with "being a man"; the l948 BSA book proves that wro
  14. I must be talking to a group of Pharisees and Saducees. In the mission and vision statements of the BSA is the word "value". The word virtue appears in the Federal Charter and not the word value. "Value" does not at all have the same meaning of the term virtue. In the post "Socialist words or Christian Classical Words" I pointed out the total lack of KNOWLEDGE of the BSA for putting this mission and vision statement out. It seems we don't have a clue what we are talking about anywhere on this message board. NOT A SINGLE PERSON HERE KNEW THE MEANING AND THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD
  15. The word is from classical times and unless one understands the milleu one cannot understand the meaning of the word. Never in conscious understanding of the 25 years of my adult christianity have I ever heard this word preached on. Never. Mr. Hunt I gave plenty of sources for the correct meaning of the word effeminate. At least, I count four quotes from Church Fathers in that post who use the word. It doesn't sound that they had trouble using or understanding the word. I question your reading comprehension. Crudens Concordance had no trouble defining the idea of the word.
  16. I am putting this post here to demonstrate the correlation between the effeminancy and the founding idea of the Boy Scout Organization. From the l948 Copyright Handbook for Boys pg6. Titled: HOW SCOUTING BEGAN "...A young British army officer, Robert Baden-Powell, was stationed in the wild South African country to train new soldiers from England in the skills of tracking, trailing, and wilderness living. "HE FOUND THAT HIS MEN WERE SO USED TO CITY LIVING THAT THEY COULD NOT STAND THE VIGOROUS LIFE OF THE OUTDOORS." What were this young Bristish city boys? They were effeminate.
  17. The mission of scouting is not to turn boys into men. How does one deliver a scouting program without understanding its purpose? From Bob White. 1948 Field Manual: "Becoming a Man". l962 Scoutmasters Manual: , "See to it that each boy . . . has the chance to develop himself into a MAN (emphasis original)" You are a HYPOCRITE Bob White. Many derided the word virtue but it is found in the Federal Charter of the Boy Scouts. I know the ROOTS of the Boy Scout Program Bob White you and headquarters do not. You are the hypocrite par excellence. The Pharisees and the Sa
  18. I stand corrected on the why of the charter. From the l948 Handbook for boys, pg 447 "On June 15, 1916, because they had proved themselves such useful citizens, Congress granted a Federal Charter to the Boy Scouts of America, protecting the name and insignia, and authorizing the Scout uniform so that no one but Scouts might use the uniform of Scouting." But on pg 446, "The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated on Feb. *, l910". Are these incorporation documents also on line???? OGE do you have your magic? If not, these incoporation documents would also be helpful from Irving
  19. But this is a document for you Marty Doyle (and for the yahoos at headquarters). Knowledge is to define. From thence, just take the definition of truth and say Truth is the faithful representation of truth. They can remember that and memorize that. As they grow older more parts are dribbled out and when they reach first class they can handle this as a learning experience. Let's not forget, the entrance examination for the University of Virginia and other places in 179o's was to translate 10 chapters of John's Gospel from Greek into Latin; not even English. They did this at t
  20. I forgot. Thank you very much OGE for your post. It will help me a lot. Yahoo could also be a "country bumpkin". (How many did I offend here?) It is also the name of a chocolate drink. Anyway I see that "yahoo" will now enter the Boy Scout lexicon.
  21. (This is a cross reference.) The word virtue appears in the Federal Charter of the Boy Scouts of America. 23. Purpose of corporation The purpose of the corporation shall be to promote, through otganization, and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance and kindred virtues, using the methods which were in common use by the Boy Scouts on June 15, 1916. This appeared in the post below: http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=54494&
  22. Yahoos is slang for country people much like rednecks. "Those yahoos sitting on the porch over there". Where did the l948 Field Manual get the idea of "Becoming a man" from? There must of been something in the Boy Scouts that triggered this phrase to be written in the manual Where does "See to it that each boy . . . has the chance to develop himself into a MAN (emphasis original)" from the l962 Scoutmasters handbook come from? Look there is a huge discrepancy here! We have two seperate books that say "Being a Man". These were central ideas of the Boy Scouts. Now, in these
  23. Iraq was the next logical step. The fallacious argument of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their imminent threat of use was the perfect ruse to manipulate public opinion and congress into going for war. Iraq had great strategic significance for the growing globalization plans. The seizing of Iraq is about the splitting of the Muslim World in two. It was about isolating Iran from the rest of the Muslim World and Islolating Saudia Arabia from the eastern half of the Muslim World. It is about controlling movement among them especially the poorer half that travelled by bus and ground.
  24. The two stars symbolize the ideals of truth and knowledge which are the foundations of strong Scout citizenship. These stars guide the Scout (1) Nature, herself, dictates the importance of these two words. When one is in a survival mode, the truth and knowledge of which plants are dangerous or good, is necessary. False knowledge, eating the wrong thing, leads to death. Scouting is very important for the military. The commander must know the forces, direction, and layout of his enemy. Life and death depend on this. A scout must know the true disposition of enemy forces and relay
  25. The charter does not have the Scout Oath nor the Scout Law in it. The charter is just to set up the Boy Scouts as a Corporate entity. What is required and would be loved by all is the original scouting documents of the founders of the American program. The current mission and vision statements (vision statements come from those marxist five year planning councils corporations and schools go through which are conducted by little socialist hacks) are majorally flawed. They are compromised with 'political correct' language. There is no need for more website material. It is what
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