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Everything posted by WHEELER

  1. Just like in the White Stag program, one has what is called the "guided discovery". I polled these scouts to see what message they are getting. It is called "debreifing" in intelligence parlance. That these boys did not have a clue and never heard "be a Man" from anybody within the Scouting organization, prove my points exactly. A First Class Scout and a Star Scout never heard the words "virtue" or "be a Man" from their Scouting organization. And when polled, do you want to be effeminate or Manly? They chose Manly. If this is a youth run organization, why is the BSA encouraging effemin
  2. Earlier while rummaging through the links I came upon an article called "Evolution of Scouting". I am not able to get back to the site since the URL has went kaput for some reason. I went to Net Compass, clicked on BSA, then clicked on "Description and History". There was an article called "Evolution of Scouting". I have tried several times to get back to that because I didn't have time when I stumbled across it. I do most certainly want to read it. If somebody else can retrieve that and post it here, I would be greatly obliged. Curious Minds want to know.
  3. Good point Marty. Should I have used the word "oozes" instead. Maybe the correct word is "emphasis". The "umph" has gone out. Maybe we need to start looking at restoring the "umph" of the message of Boy Scouting. If one is not enthusiastic about winning, one might just lose. If we are not enthusiastic about manhood, then boys will not be enthusiastic either. The older handbook has an enthusiasm that the modern has dropped.
  4. OGE axiom is the "Blind lead the Blind". If making stupid hay is a science, the post on "Nature's Lesson" how much more important is the science of masculinity? The second principle of leadership is "Know your Job". You don't have to be a know it all but one does have to know the basics of what one does or stay the heck out or you get somebody killed.
  5. Androgyny is effeminacy. Socialism seeks in its equality, syncretism of the sexes. Socialist modality is androgyny. What the Boy Scouts really do is Androgynize with the syncretism of mixing the genders. I read the post the night before I wrote this post also OldGrey Eagle. You run a venturing post with women in it. You have your agenda and you are protecting your turf. But what you really don't have is "the science of male paedogogy" because that interferes with your socialist ideology. Again, Lord Baden-Powell promoted the League of Nations which is the forerunner of the
  6. There is some dispute of the word malakoi as used by St. Paul in I Cor. 6.9. Malakoi means soft or effeminate. Others contend that it means boy prostitutes. The word Malakoi appears in Matthew 11:8 and at Luke 7:25. These are the words of Jesus at verse 8: Why then did you go out? To see a man clothed in SOFT rainment? Behold those who wear SOFT rainment are in kings houses. Did Jesus and the writers of Matthew and Luke mean a man clothed in boy prostitute clothes. Behold those who wear boy prostitute rainment are found in kings houses. Strongs concordance say mala
  7. Duty to Country means fidelity to the Constitution of the United States. It is the premier law of the land. Duty to Country means that the Constitution is read and understood. Duty to Country is to understand that we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. Loyalty and Fidelity are virtues. Loyalty and fidelity to the original intent of the Founding Fathers. It is important that boys understand the difference between a Republic and a Democracy. There is a post at "Issues and Politics" on "What is a Republic". This is the first and primary duty.
  8. Another thing I forgot to add is that just like the modality of truth, in order to have the truth, one must be have "a want for it" "a zeal for it", manhood is the same way. If you don't want to be a man, you will never get it. You gotta want it, in order to get it. One must want to have it in order to reach it. Winning is the same thing for football teams. you gotta want to win, in order to WIN the game. If boys are never chided to it, they will never get it. To Adrian To busy right now to answer the question, I don't know the answer to that either. To Dan Here y
  9. Are civilians automatic and inbred as soldiers? Does soldiering come natural? If it is natural why the necessity of boot camps? At military boot camps, do civilians step on the parade deck and train themselves to be soldiers? Do civilians train other civilians to be soldiers? In order for a civilian to be turned into a sailor or a soldier requires training. But again, turning back to Aristotles four causes, in order to reach the TELOS one needs an efficient cause. The efficient cause in military boot camps are the Drill Instructors. (Drill Sergeants for the Army.) The
  10. How about the Scoutmasters hold a poll in their troop. First, Ask them what the purpose of Boy Scouting is? What answers do you get? Ask them Do you want to be effeminate or manly? Do you want to become a androgynous or a Man? The other night a Boy Scout in Battle Creek sat next to me at the desk. He saw I was on Scouter.com and he said Are you a Scout? I said "Used to be". I asked him, Did anybody say to you "To be a Man"? He said no. I asked him what is the purpose of Scouting and he said to have fun. He was amazed that the purpose of Scouting was to be trained as a Man.
  11. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. (1) Scouting promises you experience and duties that will help you mature into a strong, wise adult. (2) What is missing or confusing in each of these statements? There really isnt any ideal or Telos presented in the BSA mission statement. If the Boy Scouts of America is a Movement, what the mission statement should be presenting is the end product (or in Greek, the telos) or the Ideal.
  12. They are being taught, by implication, that there is no such thing as a firm, objective reality, which mans mind must learn to perceive correctly; that reality, is an indeterminate flux and can be anything the pack wants it to be; that truth and falsehood is determined by majority vote. And more: that knowledge is unnecessary and irrelevant, since the teachers views have no greater validity than the oratory of the dullest and most ignorant studentand, therefore, that reason, thinking, intelligence and education are of no importance or value. To the extent that a student absorbs these notions,
  13. In the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of Program: 1. A public notice. 2a. A descriptive notice, issued beforehand, of any formal series of proceedings, as a festive celebration, a course of study, etc,; a prospectus; in current use esp. a written or printed list of the 'pieces', items, or 'numbers' of a concert or other public entertainment... b. A definite plan or scheme of any intended proceedings; an outline or abstract of something to be done (whether in writing or not). Also, a planned series of activities. h. Psychol. and Educ. In human and animal learning, a serie
  14. One needs to read "What is a Republic" to understand the way I used it. "demos" is short from democracy meaning "the People". All human institutions are of the tripartite paradigm!!! "What is a Republic" is necessary for understanding leadership paradigms of all human insititutions.
  15. My mom called me a "Male Chauvinist Pig" all the time. I was quite proud of the title. I was also completely obedient to my Mom. She ran the whole house and had my Dad under her thumb. She was an ardent feminist. I grew up in an ardent Democratic house. My Dad did her bidding at all times because if not divorce was there. So in order to "keep it together" my dad compromised. At 16, my mom decided to send me to get a perm. I protested. I still went under great protest, I ended up as the laughing stock of the school yard. I also see this in my friend's son here in town. His wi
  16. The following quotes are from Hunt from the thread, "On Effeminacy". The first post in this thread shows how a little bit of education, linked to a willingness to believe in conspiracies, can lead a person astray. In fact, there is a scholarly dispute (with political overtones) over what the word "malakoi" means in 1 Cor. 6:9. [Tune out now if you don't care.] But the dispute isn't over whether it means "effeminate." Pretty much everybody knowledgeable about Greek recognizes now that this was a bad translation. There are three main lines of thought: first, that it means "soft" as in morall
  17. The Scoutmaster has to be involved. The Scoutmaster leds the Senior Patrol Leader, the Patrol leaders and the Leadership Corps. These in turn, SPL, PL, LC, led the boys. Everything in Heirarchical fashion. Just like in a Republic and the Military. Only the Scoutmaster can lead because he is "THE MAN". He sets the example and shows the scouts the ideal of manliness and manhood. He corrects and guides and teaches wisdom. All leadership is by example and Scoutmasters are the leadership par excellence. They have the fullness of knowledge and experience. They KNOW what needs to be don
  18. The Boy Scout Troop is a Republic. Boys learn by leading as Patrol leaders. The Old Scout handbook said "BOY AND MAN LEADERS". Both are needed. I was responding to the slant of the previous thread where boys are to assume ALL leadership. The Scoutmaster is the guide, a Leader, the Monarchy. The Boy Leaders are the aristocracy; the non-commissioned officers of the Troop. They are learning to lead. The others are the demos, learning the ropes. It is all a paideia. It is a harmony of all for all. To make it ALL youth led leds to disproportion. Disproportion is what is evil. You
  19. OHHHHH FOG You hit the nail on the head. Thank you Thank you thank you!!!!!!! I realized something else. It is a movement. It is to take city boys move them to be OUTDOORSMEN AND FRONTEIRSMEN AND SCOUTS. IT IS A MOVEMENT. From ignorance to knowledge, From effeminacy, to hardiness, from boyhood to manhood. IT IS A MOVEMENT. OORAH!!!!
  20. You have hit on something FOG. Yes it is a movement and not a program. I will stop calling it a program from now on. Yes it is a movement. Definition of movement: The action or process of moving; change of position; passage from place to place or from situation to another. This is the very first definition from the Oxford Dictionary. There is sixth definition defined thus: A course or series of actions and endeavours on the part of a body of persons, moving or tending more or less continuously towards some special end. Often with defining word prefixed, as in the OXFORD movement. This
  21. This rant by "catbird" and others that somehow not allowing women in the BSA leads to "hate" is just riduculous. Lord Baden-Powell did not notice this in any of the cultures he visited. Every primitive culture and the Bar Mitzvah were all tuned to the development of men. Even Roman society had a program whereupon the puberty age, the young man was given different clothes to wear. But catbird does hit on the essential point, that the current modality of the Boy Scout program is to acclimate boys to be led by women. This is a dangerous precept. This is socialisty ideology at its finest
  22. I was copying the previous man's post and did not add "contempt for" in front of altruistic. To Mr. Hunt: There are now Classical references, Biblical references, Church Fathers references, documented 500 years of use in the English language, and two references from the l967 Catholic Encyclopaedia, and WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT MODERN SCHOLARS THINK? This all tells me that the MEANING of the word "effeminate" is very clear. It just also might mean that those "modern scholars" don't know anything after all.
  23. Yes, I saw that picture too. There is no such thing as "World Citizenship" because the world is not a single state. The BSA has mixed two incompatible predicates in a subject. One subject is the training of boys to be men and the other subject is the leftist, unisexism of the United Nations. This is an oxymoron. But to get back on thread. The l948 manual GUSHES with enthusiasm for men, for manhood. One can not say the same for the modern handbook. It is almost afraid to say the word "man". As I have said, It looks like the BSA program has accepted the language of hate toward men a
  24. This is provided as a reference for boys and men for the context of the word effeminate. Lord Baden-Powell and the people of his time were VERY familiar with this word. They were formed with this word constantly in their literature!!!!! This word had meaning and had a powerful influence in Victorian culture! Take for instance the reference to Gibbon in the definition. He wrote the massive Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that was one of the influences the American Founding Fathers. Boys can see the context of the word and see the wide and deep influence it had in England.
  25. The youth are involved in the BSA. They are the patrol leaders and the SPL's. They are there leading---in an aristocratic mould. They earn the right of advancement through merit. They get involved in doing "leadership" duties. Correct me if I am wrong, but originally there was no SPL. That is what the American side added. In the B-P original law, the scout is to have complete obedience to the Scoutmaster. It needs to be adult lead. Boys are boys. This idea that children need to lead and to have some say is purely the drivel of John Dewey and his marxist philosophy of educatio
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