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Everything posted by vol_scouter

  1. Packsaddle, I have presented cogent arguments why homosexuals should not be held as an OK alternative lifestyle and for special risks for scouting from my reading. DanKroh was saying that many religions are accepting of homosexual lifestyles and no longer consider it sinful. My religion does not and my reading of the bible and of scholars leads to believe that it is a sin. So just because there is a movement among some religions to accept homosexuality as not sinful does not make them correct. In science, many times the lone voice that has been demonized has turned out to be the c
  2. So ephebophiles are heterosexual and they are the ones who are having non-consensual sex whereas if it is consensual it is homosexual. In other words, the male homosexuals only do good things with youth but the bad heterosexuals do bad things. That is semantics and nonsense. You can't have it both ways. If someone is having sex with the same sex, the relationship is homosexual. If it is opposite, then heterosexual and for both it is bisexual. We obviously read different studies because what I have read indicates a significant risk for homosexuals to molest youth. As you say, all studies
  3. John in KC, I agree. The baby boomers (I am one) have caused this nation much harm, some of which may be irreparable. Hal, You may be correct but I suspect that the actual percent is higher even when adjusted for under-reporting. That is just my opinion which is all that either of us can say.
  4. John in KC, I agree. The baby boomers (I am one) have caused this nation much harm, some of which may be irreparable. Hal, You may be correct but I suspect that the actual percent is higher even when adjusted for under-reporting. That is just my opinion which is all that either of us can say.
  5. Dan, I subscribed in the mid 1980's to a hardback series that was published every other month. It would pick a disease to explore with several articles written by expert specialists from all over the country. An issue was devoted to homosexual bowel problems. I did not pay to move those volumes many years ago. It was not made up by Cameron whoever he is. So sorry, it is you who are wrong. I am not demonizing homosexuals, I am saying that the homosexual lifestyle of many (most) homosexuals is not healthy and should not be held as a lifestyle to be emulated. It is not a fallacy t
  6. Gern, Your question was should obese scouters be regarded as good role models. I do not think that they should be role models. I would not favor 'banning' them. Restrictions on activities are appropriate and perhaps many of us will lose their excess weight. I agree with a ban on homosexuals because of my religion and risk of sexual abuse of boys. 'Studies' about homosexuals abusing youth are fraught with politics from both sides. However, heterosexuals by definition do not have homosexual relationships with youth of the same sex unless it is a crime of violence. So it is either
  7. Gern, I agree. The BSA is establishing some weight standards with which I agree even though I am not able to meet those standards presently. We do not allow drinking or illicit drug use. Smoking is not allowed in the presence of the boys.
  8. Dan, Gay bowel syndrome was described as a health issue in homosexual men well before AIDs was first being discovered by observing Kaposi's sarcoma in young homosexual men. Male homosexuals in the typical American homosexual lifestyle have higher rates of Hep B and Hep C than age matched controls. They have high rates of STDs including Condyloma Acuminatum due to the large number of partners tat most male homosexuals report. I have read several studies in JAMA and other journals that indicate many homosexuals still have risky behaviors despite the AIDs risk. AIDs remains primarily
  9. Gern, I think that young Nick is correct. Although 'heterosexuals' may make up the largest number of sexual assaults, they are by far the largest group. When adjusted for the total estimated numbers, my understanding is that homosexual are much more likely to sexually assault someone of the same sex. As for the heterosexuals having sex with someone of their own sex, if it is not a crime of dominance then the label of heterosexual is questionable. They may be bisexual or a closet homosexual. One way or the other, homosexuality does not fit with morally straight and does not repres
  10. Scouting effectively bans alcoholics and chain smokers (though if one can wait long enough they can still smoke away from the youth). Obesity is being squeezed out. So the BSA is excluding some unhealthy lifestyles. My point was not that homosexuals should be excluded because they are unhealthy rather that their lifestyle should not be considered a healthy lifestyle to be promoted. The other point is that whether homosexuality is genetic or not does not effect whether it is right or wrong. The Jewish and Christian faiths are based on a Bible that condemns homosexuality. The BSA has decide
  11. If you wish to argue that homosexuality is primarily inherited rather primarily learned there are issues as well. Saying that homosexuality is inherited doesn't make it right or a good life style. We do not say that persons who are genetically predisposed for alcoholism should continue to drink. Alcoholism is self destructive as well as risky to others, e.g. drunk drivers. Males with extra Y chromosomes are prone to violent crimes. Should we say that it is OK to assault and murder others because someone has the predisposition? Of course not! Male homosexuality is typically a very unheal
  12. Pack, I have wondered if this forum has been shut down as well. The talk that you describe provides interesting insights as do your comments. One must hope that the people can obtain the rightful outcome. I doubt it since they do not have the right to bear arms.
  13. Merlyn, I see nothing more personal than your attacks and accusations at others. You usually lose your arguments and attack others.
  14. First, I did not say that my personal belief equates all abortions to murder but some of my colleagues believe so. Second, professionals in this country currently have the right to decide which cases that they wish to take and which they wish to refuse for whatever their reasons. An attorney does not have to accept ever case that walks through their door. Likewise accountants, architects, and until now physicians. Physicians have recognized an obligation to take anyone who presents in an emergency situation and care for them in an appropriate manner. In that situation, the physici
  15. Pack and Dan, The issue is that many consider it MURDER!! Just as most on the left believe that a legal execution is a murder. I know that the left has a hard time accepting that reasonable, well educated, thoughtful professionals view of the world is different than the left.
  16. So pack, you are comfortable with being forced to do something that you consider murder. After 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, and then 4 years of residency to become an Ob/gyn, you cannot just say that the physician can do something else - what? Many have > $120,000 in debt. In order to practice, you must work at a hospital where you must take patients from the ER. You are essentially forced to participate in government programs. This is not right. It is coercion at its best and fascism at its worst. I believe that you are a teacher. What if in order to continue your j
  17. Good analogy Beevah. Big government is a mistake but both parties are moving towards larger more intrusive government. We will all pay an enormous price for our folly. Merlyn, being present on a board that discusses an organization which you are not a member illustrates what others have pointed out. The minority groups wish to deny others free exercise of religion and other rights. Whenever you start losing the argument as you usually do, you resort to name calling. I doubt that anyone on this board posts on atheist boards to annoy others. If I had any sympathy for your point of vie
  18. Free exercise of religion means non-interference. The Amendment was written to assure that the states could have state supported religion but the federal government could not infringe upon the choices of the states. It was never intended to penalize religious groups as it has been twisted. The BSA has a contract with the city of Philadelphia for the long term rental. The city should live up to the agreement or deed the land back to the BSA for $1.
  19. It is interesting to me that the left wishes to quote the non-establishment clause of the First Amendment but never mentions the next clause that guarantees the free exercise of religion. They are more than happy to prevent the free exercise of religion in order to make sure that the government can not be construed as aiding religious organizations in any way even thought that was not the intent of the clause. The Boy Scouts are not violating anyone's civil rights by having membership standards. The right to associate with whom we please is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights as well. If
  20. Packsaddle, Hopefully all your students did well and learned the subject! I believe that the Fair Tax is a sales tax only. So churches, businesses, etc. would have no national tax burden. Those who earn more and consume more, pay more. Except for the poor for essentials like food, there are no deductions. It will never pass because congress could no longer give tax breaks to friends - the businesses wouldn't need them and their would be none for individuals. Congress would lose to much power. Also, when congress increased the sales tax it would affect everyone so they w
  21. 89camper, Having a government own it with rights to use by the boy scouts will likely engender a lawsuit from those who wish to destroy scouting.
  22. Lisabob, I am very sympathetic to what you are saying and just read your vent on another thread. I will go out on a limb here because I feel that it is not that the adults in most troops do not know about having a boy led troop but that they really do not wish to relinquish control. It does not not take multiple days of training to be taught that the youth lead the program and that we guide them (sometimes loosely and sometimes more tightly). I just believe that too many adults don't believe in that portion of the program or just will not give up authority. They do not understand
  23. Lisabob, That is certainly a frustrating situation. Since your son wants to stay in the troop, keep trying to get the direct adult involvement to a minimum, i.e. 2 adults hiking with the boys. If the other adults stay behind and if the adults camp a fair distance from the boys (we always did that), then the number should not be a problem. Also, only one adult should function as the SM who helps to direct the troop through the SPL. The other adults should NOT give orders except in an immediate safety risk - i.e. likely immediate harm without intervention. The adults should be the
  24. Grog's site is excellent but don't forget the classic: Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford Ashley for a comprehensive treatise on different knots and their uses.
  25. Eamonn, In a world where many adults have had leadership and management courses in school or through their jibs, the element missing is skills. Many years ago when many scout leaders were in more rural settings, WB taught outdoor skills when they likely had little management skills. Now people have management skills but little out door skills so what does scouting teach - management of course! If the adult leaders do not possess a wealth of outdoor skills, then no amount of management skills will create a good scouting program.
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