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Everything posted by theysawyoucomin'

  1. Yes John I agree, The last time we had a fun shoot I wanted to segregate the boys into two groups, who has the Rifle MB and who doesn't? I had the less experienced boys watch the RSO run the range. The "virgins" watched while the more experienced boys shot. The only other thing I might add: Both Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are really good at correcting each other. I always ask the boys, "Who is allowed to call for a cease fire on the range when they see something unsafe?" They know that range safety is everyone's job. After getting the offender to stop offending and g
  2. I hate to hear crap like this. We are here to teach boys lifelong skills and hobbies. The proper mix of firmness, fairness and tact must be observed at all times. Do I raise my voice at times , yes. 100 lbs ago I was an infantry platoon sergeant. I'm not anymore and these kids aren't Marines. Simply saying to the offending Scout, "Shooter step back from the line!" would have sufficed. When all the people came back to the line prior to "making ready" you could re school the Scouts and say, "No one is to go near the benched rifles while shooters are down range!". And then state, "If
  3. Sure Baden can you tell us when the term "assault weapon" was made up by the gun grabbers.
  4. Hal, The M1 does not have a detachable magazine. The M1 has an 8 round clip. A clip is not a magazine, a magazine is not a clip. To all, Why is it when somebody robs a bank or the trash in gangs does some killing for self worth do the anti gun, anti rights people want to infringe upon the gun owning rights of the 70 million people that did not commit the crime? Hilter took the firearms owning rights away from Jews. Imagine if every Jew in prewar Germany owned a gun, would Hilter have been able to do what he did? If you don't want to own a gu
  5. There was a post on the uniform thread a while back, I have recently sent an email to the Gold Star mothers organization asking them to tell their members to tell our members to honor their fallen sons. The Gold Star mothers and siblings know if their loved ones were Scouts. First to review the reg from the uniform guide: GOLD STARS (MEMORIAL) Gold stars may be affixed to the unit flag indicating members of the unit who died in the service of their country. The stars should be placed along the staff edge of the flag, parallel to the staff, with the bottom star 6 inches from the
  6. As a boy I was only a Boy Scout for a year. The Troop dissolved. I did not want to go to a neighboring Troop. I guarantee I read my Boy Scout book one heck of a lot more than my soon to be Life Scout son. As the SM, I would say I read that book more than most of "my" Scouts. $10 to put a book in the hands of a young man is not alot to do. They may come back. I would not have the Cub walk the bridge and be received on the other side. My question is why do the parents want it? AsK them, I think you have a "right" to know.
  7. Kudu, Bake a 9" full blown apple pie in a D.O. Show them how easy it is. I had the same response you did, one of them said, "We gotta do this from now on!!" Google --------Hague freezeout See the maple apple dumpling recipe let me know how much you like it.
  8. Can somebody please post a sample DAM reccomendation here so I can look at the format? Thank you in advance
  9. We've whipped this dead horse so much it's now a rusty can of Alpo. Until we change National we aren't going to get anywhere Only in a country where the sitting President needs a definition of the word "is" could we possibly need to define the word active. Anybody want to come to an Eage ceremony in January for a boy that doesn't deserve it? I'll be there.
  10. A few years ago we took the cubs on a Pack overnight to Sayre and we were treated very well by those folks. The pool was under construction at that time, schedule time for that. We then drove to the "T" station and rode into the city. We saw the Aquarium, which was great. There is a water taxi for a couple of bucks that runs fron near the aquarium to Ironsides, however it may close for winter. A trip to the Constitution is well worth the trip. I think it is closed in Monday and Tuesday. And be ready for "the search" prior to boarding her. The Museum is very good with some "tryit
  11. Marbles. Silly? Not when I had one of my parents come up to me and say, Who would have thought that he could play mables with his brother for over an hour. There is a reason why they have been around since the Egyptians...they work.
  12. Scout Mom SD "fears for the children of people that would boo a new president" Did you fear for the children of people who threw garbage at the Pres. Bush limo in Jan 2001? Or was that OK "cause he really didn't win" ???? The nation and the left did a lot more than just boo. I don't recall anybody but Al Gore saying we should support Mr. Bush Chas Schumer (a load from NY) equated conservative talk radio with pornography. That's tolerance for you. Look for the "Fairness DOCTRINE" soon. Reminds me of the German "Democratic" Republic. Two legs
  13. Scouter Terry you are an idiot. If that is offensive I find your "America has not forgotten 9/11" very offensive. If I drive my jet into Hamas HQ, killing innocent people and children visiting Grandma sitting in my plane, does that mean Hamas will stop burning our flag? Will Hamas "change"? Winston Churchill did not bend to Hitler. FDR did not think the rape of Nanking was OK after Pearl Harbor. Let's see if the "I'm not George Bush " line works on the rest of the world the way it did on 50 million Americans. I'm all in favor of giving him as much of a chance as the
  14. On this date in 1983 two guys I was in the same platoon with were killed. I lived in the same building the winter before. The guy that killed him didn't wear a uniform The people in Iraq don't wear uniforms. According to every land warfare class I ever attended they aren't playing according to "Hoyle". Therefore they don't get afforded the same rights. I am for civilian control of the military, it has worked for 200 years. I am against the armchair generals who never even had the stones to serve as a Private that watch the news and comment. Jack Nicholson played a crazy fictici
  15. Rythos, Did you just start to wonder where the normal people where? How about when the food was thrown at the Presidential limo in George Bush's inaugural? I the town of Clifton Park NY someone painted F----Bush on a very large American flag mounted on a wall. When Palin's daughter really had the infant with Downs Syndrome(and it was fathered by Palin's husband). Or so they said. As somebody here said the election is close. The nation really is divided about 50/50 with 80% of the people really angry. If Obama doesn't win people will be really angry. The polls have ha
  16. Fishing Fly fishing Rifle Salesmanship I am thinking about getting a dedicated cell phone for the last one as the boys are clamoring to take it and there is so much interest.
  17. Do you have a Troop Bugler? When does he bugle? Camporees? Camping? I think a soldiers lullaby heard from far off would not be too objectionable to most. 'Course some eco purists want to remove fire towers that used to keep the woods from going up in flames. They might flip at a bugle. I have an old Rexcraft BSA bugle that looks as old as our 84 year old Troop. Does play get effected with dents? The solder joint is broke at the top coil. Can I resolder this without making the whole thing come loose. I would bring it to a music store but I am afraid they would laugh at me and tell me
  18. Interesting trip to the hardware store last week. They have chunk charcoal there. I know this is how charcoal is supposed to be or was before Henry Ford had to dispose of all those wood boxes that did not become floorboards so he put his relative Kingsford in charge of making pulverized remoulded stuff. (run on sentence) Interesting thing is you can put it out with water and reuse what's left. You cannot do that with briquettes we have all seen them fall apart. Do any of you D.O. maestros use this? A Scout is thrifty. I am a cheap old buzzard. You could put the stuff out right
  19. We have 5 aluminum Grummans and one Michicraft. The boys claim the Michicraft is cursed as they have rolled her before. My son and I took her for the last two days of a Long Lk.-Raquette-Tupper trip. Once I got some rocks under my son's seat(i'm fat)to trim us a bit the Michicraft was fine. We got our trailer from Navy morale welfare and recreation(they were about to scrap it) On buying: We had the 2 Grummans bfore we went on a 4 boat buying spree. We paid from $250 to $400 for used canoes. The Michicraft was $250 she's dented but still running. The Three Grummans were more
  20. We do it like Lisabob says. Everybody is positive and maybe points out pitfalls that they may see. Members also allow the Scout into their network of friends to help boy get the job done. You hear a whole lot of, "Give me a call tomorrow, I'll call my friend the Civil Engineer and he can explain the process to you." The field of mentors gets bigger that way. I would think the the boys tell each other that it is something to prepare for but not something to dread, the Scout leaves the room in relief not feeling like he got pounded.
  21. Who are you people to say who works and who doesn't. We can all point to situations that worked and some that didn't. Here's one: two little girls in Scouts together. Sarah, mom is a teacher, Dad worked a 50 hour salary job, served in the national guard, worked minimum wage part time to make ends meet. Kaitlyn, mom stayed home until 2nd grade, dad worked. This morning Sarah is waking up at college where she holds a 3.65 cum, plans on going to law school, and is doing fine. Parents pay the full shot for school, not a dime in financial aid that won't have to be pa
  22. I thought he would gas me like a cockroach in between the two minefield belts in 1991. One reason we surmised then was the laws of land warfare (or whatever they are called, maybe John in KC can add something) allow and "victim nation" of NBC warfare to respond in kind with any other weapon. It was explained to us that if he used gas we could nuke him and be justified. That was the only satisfaction I though I would get whilst I got jiggy on the desert floor with a lung full of nerve gas. I hoped we would obliterated him. Fast forward to today, I don't know why gas in arty shells wer
  23. Wait somebody at National has the time and gumption to change policy on laser tag, yet we have "be active" for advancement worded and defined so lads can make a last minute appearance and make Eagle? Oh I'm glad we have our priorities straight! that really is beautiful
  24. Wait somebody at National has the time and gumption to change policy on laser tag, yet we have "be active" for advancement worded and defined so lads can make a last minute appearance and make Eagle? Oh I'm glad we have our priorities straight! that really is beautiful
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