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Everything posted by stricklat

  1. Let me explain. As a committee there should be nothing to vote on. The Committee Chairman recruits Committee Members to run the behind-the-scenes aspects of scouting: arranging fundraisers, filing tour permits, buying awards, Blue and gold things, etc. The Committee Chairman makes sure all of these things run smoothly. If it doesn't, then the Chairman finds someone else to do the job. But there is nothing to vote upon. Maybe the Committee Chairman would like a pack Committee Member to find and plan a large overnight experience- i.e. spening the night in a museum or naval ship muse
  2. my question is what are you voting on? As CC you should have a vision of what you want for the pack. the other CM's and DL's can make suggestions, but that's all. A pack is not a democracy. Think Tyrant, like a Ceasar. The COR should ahve enough faith in the CC that the chartering organizations wishes will be followed.
  3. Personal opinion: Cub Scouting is about Family. I would let the siblings stay and even try to involve them to some decree. If the sibling is a boy then he will be a tiger soon and whats better the wet the appetite. If the sibling is a girl, thing long range. She will eventually be 14. She'll remember a great scouting experience and join a venturing crew. If space is an issue then you have a great problem to have. It is not difficult to find a space, other than a house, that would be a great den meeting spot. For those who think that it is favoritism, remind them that one of
  4. It is what it is. like all things in scouting, if you want to have fun and a worthwhile experience, then it will be. If you want to see good youth leadership, either as a new adult or as a youth, then watch the OA. Personally, the OA was and is one of the best things that has happened in my scouting experience.
  5. If you want structure and a sweet uniform, check out Sea Scouting. You do not have to be near water to do it either. I have heard of SS Ships in Ohio and Nebraska.
  6. My Council puts together a one day snow day camp in the month of January. it runs for four sessions and is one of our biggest hits during the cold months. you can pm me if you want more information.
  7. contact you DE. I am sure he wants you unit to grow. he will have access to flyers, handouts, postcards, you name it, he can probably get it. If you do not a: know what a DE is, or B: know who your DE is contact your local council.
  8. Theoretically, a Sea Scout could receive the Ranger Award, the Quest Award, the Silver Award, and the Quartermaster? Or is a sea scout only allowed to receive the Silver and Quartermaster?
  9. Just to let everyone know who may be in Oregon or Northern California, the Crater Lake Council's Woodbadge course this summer has a few openings. The event is over two weekends: June 5-7 and 19-21. If any one wants any further information, you can pm me or go to
  10. So i live in a council that has one ship in the entire council. My new DE and I are trying to get a new ship put together in my district. We could not figure out who makes up the Key 3 in sea scouting. We do not have a venturing executive(our district is rural and our council is very small). Is the DE the Squadron Director and the District Commissioner the Squadron Commodore? Or is it a completely new position? Please help. I know it sounds like a stupid question.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. I was just curious. I hear things about what the DE's are supposed to do, but never what the volunteers really think. I am recently returning to scouting. I am an eagle, but i was never overly invovled in council politics.
  12. If you had a new DE who would actually listen to what you had to say,what would you tell him?
  13. Sighing. Really? Anyways. I was wrong about the temporary insignia. The right chest is only for Jamobree or International Scouting Programs. The right pocket is for all temporary insignia. THe right pocket flap is encourged to be mainly OA, although there is not any hard and fast rule on the only OA. Again, sorry for the misinformation.
  14. i believe that you are both correct. the insignia may be allocated to either, the right pocket or the right chest. The oa feels that the right pocket is their domain, so it has been noted that the above the right pocket, above the interpreter strips can be temporary isignia, or on the right pocket. But, i believe, the temporary insignia can only be on one of the two locations.
  15. Neither are president nor our congress really has the support or know-how to create a feeling of optimism in the country right now, it resides in the realm of the indivdual citizen to create, and promote, optimism. It seems to me that, with national behind us or not, the scouting movement should look into how they can help their fellow man to create the needed optimism to pull the country into a position where change, which ever direction change goes, can be produced. I have long felt that our government no longer can achieve the same goals that it once could. As with many others, I a
  16. ich habe keine ahnung. weilicht, Amerikaners hattet keine geld haben.
  17. it seems to me that whatever side of the aisle you are on, those who were, or are, BSA or military, in one shape or another, undestand the great sacrifice that occurs. I am young. When i watched this with my wife, she didn't understand it. Here i am balling like a baby, while my wife is bored. I tried to explain, but...
  18. I have recently gradauted from college and am returning once more to Scouting. I am an Eagle Scout and a Brotherhood member. I have been a lurker for about a week now, and i finally had something worth saying.
  19. What did the scouts do during the depression? They perververed. we as scouters must tighten our belts and lead the way through any means neccessary. I live in a state that has bottle deposits. We as scouts and scouters collect collect bottles and turn them in for cash. Yes, it is not much. Yes, it is grueling work. Yes i hate it. Do we get much out of such a lowly endeavor. Absolutely. The community sees that not only are we trying to help ourselves instead of waiting to be helped, but we can clean up a park while we are at it. Double whammy. Do i think that this is a great idea. Ab
  20. I know that most of what the Seatle paper states is bad journalism. In my local council, we too have been forced to log land at our summer camps. Because of forest fires and safety issues due to dead trees and gypsy moth infestations. Our local paper and news stations tried to run a biased story about the council being in financial straights. Where I live in the Pacific Northwest our councils are fiscally sound. In some cases, I am sure, logging has had to occur becuase of fiscal irresponsibility. But i do not know of one. We are taught that to be good stewards of the land. What would
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