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Posts posted by SSScout

  1. "...how an individual... can have a positive effect on a community."


    I think that many times, the young Scout may not have seen (or heard about)enough appropriate movies to meet this requirement.

    When my kids would say "ah, why do I have to watchTHAT old movie" or "why can't I listen to MY music?" I always told them (and they came to expect it!) it's part of my duties as a parent to make sure they have a COMPLETE cultural education. How will they know how the music/movie/anime/novel/comic of today came to be without what came before? Scout son now that wants to know more about the good ole days. I have a grown stepson who wants to be a computer graphic artist/game designer. Part of that came from my insistance that they watch, with me and MTSO, old movies, important movies, and THEN Scout son could choose a movie to use for the CiC MB: Twelve Angry Men.


    Give them choices, watch with them, let them ask questions and answer as you can.


    Try The 49th Parrallel,British movie produced while the US was still nuetral, before entering WW2.

  2. The thing to note is the idea that (as mentioned in Nationals response, paraphrased) "the voluneers direct the affairs of the Council". Such is not always the case, as we all know. When was the last time your COR attended the Council Meeting? Does Owassippee ring a bell? Chicago Area Council? If the insiders don't let the outsiders know about what is portended, then things happen that maybe shouldn't or at least should be discussed a little more.


    I believe the modern term is "transperancy".



  3. Love it!


    Concerning 4H: There are lots of "clubs" for interested kids. You can be in a club up to your own level. Mostly, it depends on the adult leader, how involved they get. Around here, along with the more expected live stock clubs (beef, cattle, dairy, goats and sheep, pork) there's a "Pets" club, "Electricity", "Rocketry" and "Landscaping" and even "Modelmaking". Scout son also raises rabbits (4H Rabbit Club) and competes in the Rabbit judging team. His County Rabbit Judging Team won State championship, much to the amazement of the more rural county teams. Once you are in 4H, you can participate in lots of stuff, not just in your "Club". If you feel Scouting is not appropriate for your son's situation, by all means pursue 4H.


    Hey, take some like minded families and found another 4H club! Dog! I bet the 4H folks would find no problem with that!


  4. Congrats on your new Troop!

    Contact your Unit Commissioner (if you have one and know who), otherwise, contact your Dist. Exec. At the next (first?) Troop meeting, Have them come to say some "appropriate words" and present the flag, not yet on it's pole, to you, the SM (yes?), and the CChair and CO IHead. Next, the SPL and his PLs should come up and together tie the Troop flag to it's pole. If you feel like it, The first SM and SPL might sign and date the halyard edge of the flag. Forty three years later, when the Troop seeks to replace the old flag, they can see the date and signatures and say "who the heck are them?".

    With the flag on it's pole, and the appropriate words said, ask the Patrol Leaders and SPL and any other Scout Officers to come up. In a circle, they hold the flag pole with left hands, give Scout sign with right hand and say the Scout Promise on behalf of the rest of the Troop.

    See also http://www.inquiry.net/patrol/leaders_promise.htm


    Applause and cheers...


    Punch and cookies...



  5. Ideas I have seen used (or used ourselves)


    Food? Pot luck.

    Local VFD did a pancake supper for the Cub Pack.

    One year, Outback Steak House catered our B&G for $5. a person. Steak and salad and hot vegetable (!!!). And we divied up the left overs!

    Local Chicken Out or the Italian place down the block may do the same.

    Attached Scout Troop did a cookout for "it's" Cub Pack.

    Indoor picnic... Hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw, etc.



    Local hospital has "community rooms" for free.


    Local Volunteer Fire Dept. used their hall for free.


    Check any local church/synagogue/temple, even if it is not your faith.



    Knights of Columbus, Lions club, Kiwanis, American Legion, Vets of Foreign Wars, Moose, Isaac Walton League, etc. Knock on their door and mention"Scouts" and watch the opportunities open up.


    MiF KiS YiS

  6. Once upon a time, a Scout Troop went winter camping with a Girl Scout Troop... snow on the ground, camp fire with CHESTNUT for fuel (does that date it for you?), and -- here's the good part-- the "traditional" division of labor. B's cleared the site, chopped wood, hauled water, and the G's cooked and both B's and G's cleaned up. Cocoa and skits in the evening.

    The G's brought all the food pre packaged. Lunch was "homemade" chicken/vegie soup, in reused (didn't know the term 'recycle' back then)milk cartons, froze solid. Peel back the milk cartons, soup blocks dropped in pans and boiled up. Ritz crackers. Dinner was milk carton chili, same arrangement, prefrozen and boiled up. 'Pop' package biscuits, fried on a griddle. Us BS's were duly impressed with the pre-preparation and copied it often in future expeditions.

    Breakfast was oatmeal with'stuff' in it and more cocoa.



  7. Here's a challenge for you and your Scouts:

    How can you use your local library to help Scouting?


    Here's some ideas:

    =Source for advancement: Are there books about animal ID, tracking, camping, first aid, etc.? And for merit badge things...

    =One local Troop donated a complete set of Merit Badge Books to our local library. Good PR! The Librarian (Media Specialist) put'em out for a display. Much finger pointing ensued.

    =Encourage your Scouts to avail themselves of this resource for Citizenship MBs...

    =Books about BP? Scout stuff? Donate some Scout manuals for others to borrow.

    = Tapes, DVDs about Scouty stuff? "Down and Derby", "Follow Me Boys", "Castaway", "Second Hand Lions", more?

    = Topo maps of the area for study? On the wall?

    = Meeting rooms for (!) Meetings?

    = Howzabout a Scout display in their lobby or display cases? Check with your 'Media Specialist'. Set up a Pinewood Derby some Saturday morning. Recruit! Model campsite. History of the Scout unit. Scouting serves the community. Don't forget to include your Contact Info!!

    ==Check with your 'Media Specialist' about donation requirements... You can probabbly include a plate (sticker) inside the cover of your donation: "Donated by Scout Troop XYZ, Anytown".


    And you...?

  8. Now, granted, the requirements (as usual) do lend themselves to some interpretation, and we aren't supposed to ADD or SUBTRACT from the requirements, but I frankly have never heard of this one being "homework".

    Ideally, the Scout goes out in the woods with his leader and points or otherwise ID's the critter "in situ". Here's a gnawed acorn, that's a rabbit track, look! that's a white tail deer, listen to that blue jay, a crow, beaver chewed that tree, ants, cricket noise, fish fry in the stream, hawk (redtail? osprey?) over head, deer rub on the tree trunk, chickadeedeedee, mouse or vole tunnel thru the grass, there's a Scout's tent (wildlife!).

    IDing them comes from instruction or study. Passing the requirement comes from doing it "out in the field". A Scout is Trustworthy, so it ultimately is up to the PASSER's judgement of the PASSEE.

  9. Sad to hear about the Scout who's leadership was put down by some uber urban Scout Leader. So how do we use Buffalo Chips any more?


    I'd like to start off here by listing some of the more unusual, "oh wow" fire starting techniques I've seen. (and used)


    * Homasote board, 3/4 thick, cut into 2x2" chunks, soaked in parafin/wax. Portable, burn for 30 minutes or more, start any wet wood.

    * Fritos... Some potatoe chips, some not. But regular Fritos. Even seen'em started with F&S!.

    * human hair (off mom's hair brush) and yeah, it does have an aroma.

    * Pocket Lint, mostly dry, but it can absorb the humidity and be hard to light.

    Other sources of lint: Shoe linings, the cuff of a pant, the cloth tube behind the shirt buttons,

    * Old wool socks. The wool is still oily (lanolin), even after many years use. Use cotton for char cloth.

    *Qtips soaked in earwax (use your imagination). It's wax, it burns.

    * Deoderants. The aerosols make blowtorches (bad example) the rollons are mostly alcohol or wax. Careful! and expensive, but in a pinch...

    * I like that belly button lint stunt! Havta remember that one!


    ***Any more??


    !!!And don't forget::: melt the parafin ONLY in a double boiler arrangement, And don't use mom's best D/B either, use a dedicated #10 can for the wax!



    >>>Things that MIGHT make a good fire starter, but I've always been told not to consider'em: Bacon fat.It burns, but the storing will attract varmints. Fluids (alky, gas, vegetable oil) Some too volitile, some too smelly, again attracts varmints.

    And if you have gas, where's the stove?


    Y'all be careful out thear!


  10. Well, lemme think... Without the "Requirements" book in front of me,


    How 'bout Paul Bunyan, 50 Miler, Scout Band, "Triple Crown"...


    Oh, and check with your local Council, might be some purely local things.


    Here in Merlun, (local dialect), you can earn a special patch for traversing the C&O Canal.

    (This message has been edited by SSScout)

  11. So howcum they only televised the oathing from the chest up? Did he have his fingers crossed??? Hah???? No pinky pull!! I double dog dare you to promise to protect that Constitution!! Hah!!


    Come on, fellas, the promise was said, the intention was honestly expressed, the man is our POTUS. Enough already. Wish him God speed and give him our counsel and support. Send him a birthday card.



  12. Well, now, somewhere it is we are getting.


    Calico, you get the "atta" and Be, I give you the "boy".


    So, pickers of nit, Mr. O is either the 44th, or 45th, or 52nd or 56th POTUS. So be it.


    Recommend Howard Zinn, "A People's History of the United States".

  13. * sigh*


    Yeah, so that's why the "father son" overnights are now called "Son and One" to INCLUDE those boys that must invite the Granddad or uncle or mom to come along. If there is no dad in the boy's life, (for what ever reason. Not our business), let's try and make sure we don't unconsciously UNinvite some Cubs by our naming of the event.

    "Dad and Lad" didn't work either.


    If, as has been suggested, GSUSA seems to view male adults as less desirable girl accompani-ists, then politely re-educate them, for the same reason.

    When I was granted sole custody of my 4 year old daughter at my divorce, yep, I had to re-educate alot of people. My ex-inlaws, the school officials, my daughter's friends parents, my own mother. About the only folks that accepted the idea of a single dad raising a daughter was my First Day School at Meeting (Quaker speak for 'sunday school').

    Be polite. Be visible. Be insistant. Be absolutely trustworthy, loyal, etc. and the epitomy of a loving, attentive, supportive parent.

    And bake cupcakes for class birthdays.

  14. Firstly, has anyone produced any "official" stuff to show Mr. Obama was born anywhere ELSE than Hawaii? Thot not.


    More examples: My most significant other was born in Galveston Texas. Family lost all paper records in one of their local hurricanes. Wife wants to apply for a passport. Email writes away to Texas Bureau of Records for a "copy" of her "Birth Cerificate". Gets back a computer printed page labeled "Record of Life Birth", signed and imprinted.

    Me, I have a paper before me (I want a passport too), Labeled "Birth Registration Notice" that pronounces that "a certificate of birth has been filed with the State Registrar of Vital Statistics" (Maryland) and lists my name , pop's name, mom's name (maiden) and the date(60 years previous) (signed) by the State Registrar, stamp imprint.



  15. ...but sit down with him and purposefully go thru the book with him and point out what he has accomplished and ask him how you and he can achieve the next few things on his way to the Bear rank?

    Make sure he is included in the advancement!


    Know what I mean?

  16. Faith Merit Badge: (badge is a gold/silver/red flame on a light blue background)


    1) Speak to a faith leader of your family's faith. Become knowledgeable about the beliefs and practice of your family's faith.

    2) List for your Counselor at least 10 of the major named faiths of the world. Explain the major tenets of each.

    3) Visit at least 6 houses of worship of faiths other than your own. Speak with the faith leaders at each. Learn something of their history and belief. Take notes. Discuss with your counselor how they are similar, one to another, in belief and practice, and how they are different. Can you say how these faiths came to profess what they do?

    4) Define to your counselor the following terms: Monotheism. Pantheism. Atheism. Agnosticism. Meditation. Prayer. Ministry. Discuss with your counselor examples of each.

    5) Assist your Troop Chaplain with a "Scouts Own" religious observance at a Troop or Patrol Campout. If your Troop does not have a named Chaplain, assist at a religious observance at your home house of worship. Discuss with your counselor what you did and why.

    6) Discuss with your counselor and family how you "do my duty to God".

    7) Discuss with your counselor and family how the twelvth point of the BSA Law is important to world peace.

    8) Do any TWO of the following:

    a) Plan to earn and discuss with your counselor your plans and progress in earning the religious award of your faith.

    b) Assist in the observance of a special holiday or remembrance (other than #4) at your house of worship. Have your faith leader or family speak to your counselor about your assistance.

    c) Plan and help to hold a "Scout Sabbath" at your house of worship (other than #b or #4).

    d) If your house of worship holds an "Open House" for visitors or the greater community, participate and report to your counselor how you helped.

    e) If your house of worship is a member or participant in a community interfaith service organization, join in a project and report to your counselor how you participated and what other groups participated.

    f) Participate in some other project of your house of worship that is important to your faith or to the physical building that your faith meets in. Report to your counselor about how this project helped or improved your house of worship and why this project was important to you?






  17. Reminders:


    The US Guvmnt does not REQUIRE it's citizenry to attend church/temple/mission/synagogue/mosque/meeting/discussion group.

    It does not COLLECT tax or tithe for financing any of the above institutions.

    It does not PUNISH it's citizenry or visitors (both invited and not) for NOT attending church/temple/missiion/synagogue/mosque/meeting/discussion group.


    The majority of our voting citizenry, thru their representatives, chose to present their belief that we try to trust in God (mebbe not always successfully.Another discussion another time), however anyone may or may not perceive him/her/it to be, by a short motto on our publicly available currency.


    It is altogether appropriate for the citizenry to petition their representatives to reconsider that decision.


    Perhaps a better question is not whether we should publicly express our trust in God, but if it is possible for God to trust in us.(This message has been edited by SSScout)

  18. Camp Cookery: Things to learn (and remember) from instruction and experience.

    Woodfires take more planning and time.

    Duty roster needs to be "fairly" assigned and rotated. Boys needing to pass requirements have priority in assignments and teaching (fire making, cooking).Wood and water tenders shold be reminded of the importance of their jobs.

    Not too many cooks.

    Cooks need to BOIL water first, for cooking, tea & coffee & cocoa AND WASHING. Put water on fire while prepping meal. Water will be hot when cleanup starts.

    Wood fire? Rub Soap on outside of pans. Easier cleanup. OUTSIDE of pans.

    Cooks CLEAN as they go. Do Not make unnecessary mess. Put things away when done.

    If cleanup crew is seperate from cook crew, cook crew understands that THEY (CC) need to leave things ready to clean. (see previous).

    Diners need to EAT what they take, and leave little or no leftovers.

    Therefore, menu planning can go a long way to eliminating waste.

    Give the cooks a cheer as thanks for their efforts.


    By all means, if there seems to be a problem, debrief and discuss what could be done better. Do not be accusatory or cast blame, only look to improving things.


    DO NOT pretend you are Arabs and burp as a sign of your appreciation.(This message has been edited by SSScout)

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