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Posts posted by sheldonsmom

  1. My Eagle son directly solicited funds to cover the costs of his Eagle project 2 years ago. He raised the money to build benches around the walking path at a retirement community. He had hoped to raise enough for 8 benches but had enough for 9. This was done with the blessing of our local district and council.


  2. So let me get this straight....we should only have 2 kids because it is enviornmentally responsible? Which ones of mine should I get rid of?

    We have four living children. Most of my friends have four or five kids. We live in a three bedroom, one bathroom house. I stay at home and homeschool the kids. Our oldest attends community college because of finances. Our son has enlisted in the Army Reserve to pay for college (and because he intends to make the Army his career). I have no idea about the younger two yet.

    We do need larger families. Not just for "economic" considerations of the future (i.e. Social Security) but because we are designed to be social. I still believe the Bible when it tells us to be fruitful and multiply.

    I wonder what you all think of the Duggar clan with 18 kids! A family should have the number of children the parents think they should have not what "society" thinks they should have. Last I checked, China's one child policy wasn't working so great there.

  3. I, as a religous nut, am against the cervical cancer vaccine because we do NOT know the long term repercussions. I simply ask for more information.

    Also, when I refer to the "church" I refer to Christianity in general not the Roman Catholic Church since I am not Roman Catholic. I belong to a small, non-denominational, independent Christian church. (As in Dodge Memorial Christian Church...85 members).


  4. The "Church building" does not pay taxes but the congregation does. Every member of our church pays taxes, including the pastor, his wife, the youth minister, EVERYONE. Do nursing homes pay taxes? schools? orphanages? hospitals? Do they get a free ride? or tax money? In the listed cases, here at least, they do not pay taxes, receive all services AND our tax dollars.

  5. My husband lost his job and has only been able to find work at Target at about 1/3 of his previous income. We are a one income family so we are definately hurting. Anybody need a computer expert? The Omaha market got flooded when 3 or 4 companies dumped a huge portion of their IT departments. Ironically, I don't know that many other people (other than my husband's former co-workers) personally who are laid off.

  6. Gern,

    When is abortion wrong? Is there a right and wrong? When do YOU say life begins?

    I believe we should err on the side of life. When in doubt, let them live. I am pro-death penalty but I live in a state without the death penalty and am not lobbying for it to be added because we have life without parole. I believe we should not withhold food and water (not saying it cannot be refused but should not be withheld).


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