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Posts posted by sheldonsmom

  1. When my daughter decided to study culinary arts (2 years), many people critizied the decision and said she should get a bachelor's in business and study culinary as a minor. My Eagle son will go to boot camp next year and many people are telling him that is a mistake. He should get a degree first. Why are we telling our children to go thousands and thousands of dollars into debt for a degree? A degree in business will not help my daughter get a job in a restaurant or catering business. She does not want to start a company or run a business, she just wants to be a chef, not a restaurantuer. My son plans to go to college, but not until he can pay for it. He does not want to spend most of his adult life paying for a degree.


    Too many students are told the only way to succeed is to go to college, but that is not the path for everyone. Yes, education is a good thing, but university is not the only way to success.

  2. I am often frustrated by public education being the sacred cow in budget cuts. Here in Iowa, the govenor has said that education will face no cuts but everything else will. Judiciary has been cut to the point some counties cannot hold court sessions! There are almost no court reporters left.

    At the same time, here in our town of 60,000, our school superintendent is one of the highest paid in the region, more than even Omaha which is many times larger! I do not advocate cutting teacher's pay, but do we need all those administrators? Our bus routes here allow rides for anything over a mile.

    We, as a family, have had to cut back on so much over the last year, but our government will not do the same.

    Sometimes budget cuts hurt, but we cannot afford everything.


  3. Just a random thought on the topic....

    Every one must lead something at some point. A husband will lead his family, a father will lead his children. Leadership is a skill that can be taught. A great leader is not born being a great leader; he must learn somewhere. No man is worse off for the training acquired in scouting.

  4. Hi,

    Welcome to the forums!

    Our tiny pack watches the thrift stores carefully (found a brand new cub shirt yesterday!) and also eBay and shopgoodwill.com for scout stuff. We also have talked to larger packs in our area about any extra uniform pieces they might have available. Check with your council office, too, to see if they have a uniform closet of donated uniforms.


    Wish I had a better answer for you

  5. XL, I think you are missing the point about telling parents one thing and allowing another. My concern was and is that alone. Little Johnny Boy Scout may very well be homeschooled (mine are, just for the record). My son is also, at age 17, in the Army Reserve awaiting boot camp. It is not that a scout was exposed to something like this. The issue is about ADULTS telling parents one thing and seeing nothing wrong when rules are broken.


    I expect Scouters to be trustworthy as well as scouts, don't you?

  6. We use only the age. Because most of our boys are homeschooled, our grade system is a bit different. (A boy might be in 2nd grade math and 4th grade reading).


    Have you asked the parents which they prefer? If it was maturity issues, they might prefer him to repeat the scout level but the decision should be made with their input.





  7. Personally, I would start with a SM conference on what the law means. Also I would ask him why he thought he could not complete the requirements.


    There really is no easy way to approach this. Few things anger me more than cheating/lying and I tend to have knee jerk reactions to it.

  8. Beavah,

    Just to clarify, I never said the parents didn't blame their son. They did and he was punished accordingly. But, the leaders had told boys and parents that these movies and games would not be present. To me at least it seems that the boys are being taught that rules are made to be broken. If the parents of a 12 year old boy are told that there are going to be R movies then they can make the choice of whether or not to send Johnny to the campout. If they are told there will be no R movies, and then the movies "appear" at camp and are watched by one and all with the blessing of the adults, then that is a trust issue. MY beef is the fact that the parents were told one thing and the opposite was done. Can you trust the leadership in anything else?


    Yes, we need to teach the boys to make good choices. Is it a good idea to teach them to lie just to have fun? Should we condone telling parents that Johnny will only watch Disney movies and then pull out American Pie? If you tell parents, we are showing American Pie, then the parents can discuss it with Johnny Boy Scout and come to an agreement. If you tell them we are watching Snow White, then that is what should be shown.





  9. I want to clarify one point. The scout did NOT blame the others for his actions. He confessed because he knew he had done wrong and should be punished for his own actions. The mother did punish him. The parents were upset that the games were there in the first place. Isn't it ironic that the only boy to be punished for breaking a troop rule is the one that confessed. The adult leadership's attitude was more that the parents knew the rules would be broken and it was no big deal. If the boy had not said anything to his mother, she would not have known, eh? It took courage to say, I have done wrong and take the punishment. Isn't that showing responsibility and leadership? Yes, he should have never played the game in the first place, but he owned up to his error.

  10. After reading the topic on pornography, I am wondering about another problem.


    A local troop has an annual "fun campout" to which boys may bring electronic devices (game systems, ipods, tv, movies). The rule was that no games may be rated above teen and no movies above pg13. Parents of new scouts were told that this would be strictly adhered to.


    After the campout, a scout came home and told his mother that many games of mature rating had been played and a few r rated movies had been aired. He confessed to his parents that he had played one of the games and it was bothering him because he knew he was not allowed to play these and it was against family policy. He was duly punished by his parents. His mother called some of the adult leaders who were present to inquire about the movies and games. The first thing every leader said was that the son had played the game so who is he to complain that they were there? There was never an acknowledgement that the rules set by the adults had been broken by the boys with the full awareness of the adult leaders, only a comment that the parents had no right to complain since their boy had broken the rules, too.


    The family left the troop very angry at the attitude of the adult leadership.



  11. Ciao to a fellow Italian! I was born at Vicenza Army Hospital when my dad was stationed at Aviano AFB. He was the Cubmaster there for my brothers but we won't discuss what years!!!!


    Welcome to the campfire.

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