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Posts posted by Papadaddy

  1. In the Navy, it is "tradition" that the one with his hands on the helm steering the ship is one of the lowest ranking sailors, and the Officer of the Deck issuing orders is a junior officer. If the ship runs aground, the Captain gets fired, even if he was in his bed asleep at the time. The charge is "loss of confidence in his/her ability to command". The Captain is accountable for whatever happens on his ship, whether he knew about it or not. He doesn't get to go to the Board of Inquiry and say, "i had no knowledge of what the minions were doing". It's his job to know, or to establish the "command climate" to ensure that the right things happen, even in the absence of a direct order. The POTUS is rapidly "losing the confidence" of his superiors, WE THE PEOPLE, and needs to be relieved of command. We do not accept the juvenile excuse of Holder, Lew, Geithner, Hillary and others, of "we had no idea", and "what difference does it make". It makes a LOT of difference. And for you to characterize this as "hysterical belly aching" is, quite frankly, insulting and infuriating. I agree, we need to fix the economy and put people back to work...and the first step is to get rid of the corrupt thugs occupying the White House.

  2. We had a scouter who wore an older style uniform (green) with the 1937 Jamboree patch...that he earned because he was there and stood shoulder to shoulder with BP, West, Beard, and other.. He died a few years ago at the age of 90-something. He also wore his original Eagle medal, from the 1930s. Who among you would have been rude enough to criticise his wearing of the uniform? Sheesh.

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  3. IN reality, if you submit a nomination with words written on it, it will be accepted. Labor skills are a plus, but I would consider things such as are outlined in the Obligation. How well do they "play with others", and set a good example for an Arrowman? It is the "Brotherhood of Cheerful Service"...how well do they exemplify that?

  4. I have been overweight since birth...I have resigned myself to the genetics of it. I was always "fatty fatty two by four, can't get through the bathroom door", or "Tubby" or whatever. It always hurt. It still does, as I am amazed that people think it is still ok to mention someone's weight. WHere I work, a certain gate guard used to greet me with ""Mornin, Big Guy...have a bless (sic) day"...I often wonder what the response would be if I responded, "mornin, Black Guy", or "skinny guy" or "stupid guy"... KIds can be cruel...and at that age they are not "used to it" or are able to let it slide off their backs, like a 58 year old senior manager can.

  5. Sorry for the double post...site is giving me problems this morning. My point was, those are the positions with the authority...doesn't matter who the people are at the time. It's like the CO of a ship...even though they change every 3 years, they are the ones with the authority to make decisions.

  6. Replying to what bnelon said, I would assume that the Dale decision applies to other private, non-governmental organizations as well, allowing them to set membership standards. Suing the chartering organizaition (a scout unit is not a legal entity), would be akin to a Jewish kid suing the local Catholic church because they won't let him be an altar boy. It's a non-starter.

  7. All MB counsellors must be registered with the District as MBC ...and my units never participated in MB days, but I would venture a guess that any registration fee charged was purely to cover expenses, such as materials, refreshments, etc.


    First things first...you need to file a "Unit Fundraising Application" with your Council and go from there. My guess is, it won't be approved.

  8. Agree with Perdidochas about it being regional. Many units in my neck fo the woods have privately expressed that things not change as they fear families will go elsewhere.


    Was doing food collection recently where someone said they would fill the bag larger if BSA "made the right decision", of course they did not say what they considered to be the "right" decision. When I told them that BSA could make a decision to end the ban but our CO (now given the power to do what they want) could keep the ban, it seemed to be news to this person. I don't think they really understood what BSA was doing. They were not ending the ban, per se, but merely leaving it to the COs. We know this, but I suspect the general public may not.

    Did you ask the person how they thought punishing the hungry would influence the BSA memership policy decision?
  9. THis was all that was posted on the Camp FB page. I assume they are talking about formal Resident Camp, not weekend Family Camp. Cub Resident Camp was usually the last two weeks of the summer, after Boy Scout Resident Camp. I will post more details as I learn them.

  10. Just a few observations as a former DIstrict Committee member...first of all, the DE doesn't "run" the district committee and assign tasks to its members. That's the District Chairman's job. The DE is one third of the "Key 3", consisting of the DE, District Chair and District Commissioner. Second of all, your CORs are the voting members of the District Committee...that is who the unit Scouters should be working through. Thirdly, the SE is the "supervisor" of all the other professional staff and can set goals and review performance as he/she sees fit. I don't think they really care what the volunteers think. They just want results. I would say to complain to the Executive Board, but in most councils, they are hand picked by the SE and are only there because of their connections with potential deep pocket donors in the community. So, my bottom line advice is to try not to make waves for your DE..."do your best", and let the politics handle themselves. If your husband doesn't like the district and council politics, then withdraw and concentrate on the kids. That's what I had to do. It also explains why there's such a high turnover rate in new DE's...it's a horrible job.

  11. I thought I had replied to this, but it's not showing up. I agree with the "no Eagle" crowd. If you are not registered, you cannot be awarded ranks, whether you did the work or not. I don't even agree with allowing the parent to register "retroactively", but whatever. The mom insisted on having her way and it is costing her son the Eagle Scout award. The only thing the unit did wrong was to allow the boy to continue to participate without being officially registered. A huge liability for the CO and the BSA. Sorry, but the program has rules, and the parents don't get to do it "their way"...

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