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Posts posted by Papadaddy

  1. My heart goes out to Trayvon's family. I can't imagine burying one of my sons, and I wish an arrest can be made so that a court of law can discover the facts. But hundreds of youth get shot or stabbed every week. Why the outrage over this one? Any loss of someone's child is tragic. Why are Jackson and Sharpton picking this one? Because that's where the TV cameras are? Where are they when a white or hispanic youth is killed for no good reason? Do we not deserve equal outrage despite the color of our skin?

  2. I would say you need to find a new CO located within the new Council. Your current SE/DE are likely not going to give up a unit to another Council without a fight. Hurts the numbers, dontcha know? We did this with districts, but it was allowed only because the IH's home address was used on the charter, which was within the district we wanted to remain in. Our meeting place remained in the other district.

  3. We recently paid tribute to a 90-something year old Scouter who passed on. He still proudly wore the 1937 Jamboree patch on his 1960's vintage uniform, which he attended as a young Scout. THe only other patch on the uniform, besides unit numerals and CSP, was his Eagle square knot.

  4. The rule has always been that if a SCout had earned First Class as a Boy SCout, he could continue on to earn Eagle after he joined a Crew/Ship/Explorer Post. Since girls cannot be Boy Scouts and earn First Class, they cannot be Eagles under the current rules. In order for them to earn Eagle, Boy Scout troops would have to be made co-ed. I don't see that happening any time soon, although it is common in Europe where all levels are co-ed. BTW, I was a member if an Explorer Post in 1970's when the program first went co-ed. The addition of females to the mix completely changed the dynamics. There were no Explorer awards back then, other than for those of us who were continuing on to Eagle.

  5. I'll admit, I'm one of those who orders extra stuff just to get free shipping from Amazon. I ordered and just viewed "The First Encampment" DVD directed by Scout Blake Cortright. The story of Silver Bay YMCA camp at Lake George NY, the site of the first American scout encampment organized by Dan Beard, Ernest Thompson Seton, et al. The documentary has been seen on PBS. Well done. I highly recommend it.

  6. Well, if they are not "gals" they must be "guys". I have no problem with the term used among peers. What I do object to is when a 19 year old "waitperson" addresses my wife and I, as "you guys". Don't we teach respect for elders any more? Your tip may depend on it. I think the SM was out of line...the SPL's comment was innocuous.

  7. My wife is an elementary school nurse and deals with stuff like this all the time. She does call the parents, and in extreme cases, calls Social Services to see if it's a neglect issue. But you'd be surprised how many families are homeless, but still manage to get their kids to school every day. She keeps a supply of clean clothes in the clinic in case of "accidents", and sometimes brings their clothes home to launder them herself. Talk to the parents, not in an accusatory way, but to reach out (confidentially) and offer help if needed. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, give the school nurse a call. She may not be able to "discuss" with you, due to confidentiality, but might appreciate the "heads' up" to investigate a little further. It could be a medical issue that can be fixed.

  8. I have battled a weight problem all my life (since first being bullied in first grade) and I know how frustrating it can be, and 51 years later, I'm still bullied by people who think it's ok to comment on my size (2XL). I've been doing Weight Watchers online, but am stuck at a plateau after quickly losing 20 lbs. Good Luck, TwinDad...and welcome to the campfire!

  9. When I was trained, we were taught that the signed handbook was the ultimate authority in case of a conflict in records, whether it be the troop's records, or COuncil's. That's all it is. If the handbook is lost and can be reconstructed using troop records that all agree to, then buy a new one and start over. No big deal. I've had scouts go through 3-4 handbooks from the time they cross over until their ECOH. They get lost, wet, torn, and replaced with new editions.

  10. Agree with much of the above...except keep the knots. If you earned them, wear them. They represent hundreds, if not thousands of hours of volunteer service and should be recognized. As to POR, I would prefer the POR patches of the 60's. Go back to the "green bars", without the FDL and lettering, and reduce the size. Eliminate the oversized QU patches. As I understand it, that program is meaningless now anyway.

  11. The "book answer" is, "it's not your job". Notify the CC when your last meeting will be. It is then his/her responsibility, along with the Committee and COR, to recruit and fill the position. Good luck and thanks for your service.

  12. The DE's job is "outside sales", plain and simple. They live and die by the numbers. Money, units, members are the key metrics, and if they don't hit their goals, they are let go. I once saw our DE at camp splitting firewood by himself, on the weekend. They were cutting down trees and selling the wood to raise money.

  13. It varies by each unit's circumstances. Some units are flush with cash from various sources. Some, like ours was, barely kept enough in the checkbook to buy the basic rank badges. There is no requirement that the unit buy all the Eagle stuff. A rank presentation kit is about $25 and includes the medal, cloth patch, mom, dad and mentor pins. Each unit should start out with an annual planning session, including a Unit budget plan. Predict ahead of time what you will be able to fund, and what the source of that income will be.

  14. The reality is, the scouts, volunteers, and parents are "customers" of the BSA, not "members". We purchase the program from them, and donate additional money to pay their salaries. If we had to pay the real cost of the program, not many would, so they make up the balance in corporate and personal donations, in the form of money and volunteer hours. Pretty ingenious.

  15. I once looked up my council's Form 990 on guidestar.com. The detail was about the same as what momof2 describes. There were only two employees listed (only those making >50K have to be listed)...the SE at WELL over 6 figures, and one other person at about 50K. I can't speak to mismanagement, but the public would be surprised to know that the money they pay for that box of popcorn at 10x market price isn't going to where they think it goes. And when the popcorn and FOS revenue doesn't cover it, the answer is to sell off camp properties.

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