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Posts posted by Papadaddy

  1. I got a similar request by postcard from Harris Direct, in the name of NESA, asking me to call an 800 number and "confirm my information" for publication in a directory of Eagle Scouts. I have dealt with this company before, and they are in the business of printing "directories" of alumni and other organizations, and then selling them to those printed in the book. I made the mistake of buying one for my High School about 20 years ago. Of course, within a year, it's obsolete as people move and change jobs, etc. I see no purpose for such a directory, other than to make money for the organization sponsoring it and the publishing company.

  2. For the legal beagles here...what are the copyright ramifications of copying and redistributing BSA literature, although "out of print"? I have often thought if the key pubs could be scanned and put on a CD/DVD, and redistributed on a "not for profit" basis, what a wonderful resource that could be. I suspect I know the answer...I recently was given a hard time by Costco because I had scanned and uploaded for printing some old family photos...apparently my mother didn't get a signed copyright release from the department store photographer who took my portrait back in 1954.

  3. Last 2 years were our "eventful" years...MIL passed, settled her estate, 1st grandaughter born, #1 son got married, wife's brother died suddenly at age 50 and now I'm handling his estate, and "inherited" a nephew to keep on track until graduation in 2 years. They say God won't put more on our plate than we can handle, but I wish he wouldn't keep it so full.


    Congrats on the PWD win!

  4. mbscoutmom: Don't try to blame or judge right now...it won't help you to heal. Just be thankful that your son felt there was an adult he could trust and who was there for him. Too many kids end up on the streets with tragic results. Your son is alive, has a safe place to live, is still in school, and sounds like on his way to college (but I wonder who's going to pay for it?). We don't know the reasons for the schism in your family. There are always two sides to every story, and we usually only hear one of them. But trust me, it could be a LOT worse.

  5. mbscoutmom, we are not family therapists. You asked a vague question without disclosing the reason you were asking. The answer to that question is "NO", not every boy deserves to be an Eagle Scout. Those in charge of making that decision are the volunteers who know the boy ... not a bunch of anonymous online yahoos who are also just parents and volunteers who are doing the best we can. I hear the hurt and the frustration ... but I have to echo what the others have said...a scout rank is the least of your worries...do yourself a favor and seek out some family therapy to try and figure out why the relationship with your son went sour. If he won't go, go without him. You may not be able to salvage the relationship, but it may help you to accept things and move on with your life. Good luck and God bless.

  6. Not to parse words, but "participate in" doesn't necessarily mean "be a member of" or "be a registered leader". It could mean "attend a pack meeting with your child" or "send in an FOS donation". That being said, I personally disagree with the BSA's policy, but I defend their right as a private organization to have that policy.

  7. Consumer grade scales are probably only accurate +/- half an ounce, at best, and can be affected by temperature, humidity, etc. Can your scale be "tared" (zeroed)? If so, have someone take a car from last year, and take it to your local friendly lab and have it "certified" on a lab-quality scale. That is your "reference" car. Then put it on your scale and adjust the reading to the reference weight.

  8. Notify his parents, then block his number. One-on-one communications between a youth and adult is a gray area anyway, except for innocuous questions by e-mail...then be sure to cc his parents and the CC on each one. I'm still a dinosaur...I don't do texting. If I need to say something, I'll call and leave a voice mail, if necessary.

  9. I can think of numerous scout camps which were named for their corporate sponsors. Including the Bechtel Scout Reserve, or whatever the heck they call it. BSA is touchy about how their trademarks are used lest they be construed as endorsing a product or company (e.g. you can't sell products in uniform except those approved by the BSA). I think it's between the CO, the Council, and the donor to hash out, not the unit committee.

  10. At summer camp, we had a "SCoutmaster's Chair" competition...making a chair out of natural materials (usually lashed together). Also had an "Aluminum Chef" competition modeled after the Iron Chef show. Each team was issued a propane stove and an aluminum cook kit. In our case, the secret ingredient was Spam, but use your imagination. Each troop could enter a team, and the adults were a separate category.

  11. I'm with the Beav on this one. You need to ask yourself the same question as those contemplating divorce..."are we better off with him or without him"...because I agree, if you push the issue, he will probably disappear, with his kid. The reasons why are irrelevant.

  12. Was it the scouts who shirked, or were they just the victims of the rude parent who showed up unexpectedly to take their kid home early? We used to have a similar problem at summer camp when they moved family night from Weds to Fri. I would notice scouts packing up after dinner, and when I asked what they were doing, say, "oh, I'm going home with mom tonight so she doesn't have to come back tomorrow." I hated family night.


    PS: and if the other 2 scouts didn't have permission from their parents to leave early with "rude parent", that should not have happened.(This message has been edited by papadaddy)

  13. I think it's the current culture. My son got married last November. 2 weeks before the wedding, we were chasing people down to extract an RSVP from them. Most would say, "of course, we're coming, didn't I send that in?" Um, no. And of an invitation list of 200 people, 50 responded YES...then didn't show up, resulting in a lot of wasted money. Partially balanced by some who brought their 3 kids because, "we thought it would be ok". Again, um, no, it was an adults-only dinner, at almost $100 each. People are just rude, ignorant, self-absorbed, whatever adjective applies...it stinks.

  14. There is plenty of ignorance to go around...both on the part of the BSA and those who "hate" us. I, myself, wrestle with the dichotomy every day. Do I turn my back on the organization which defined me as a youth, now that I know of their ignorance? Or do I acknowledge the good and try to downplay the rest? I have dear friends who are gay and some who are atheist and some who are liberal Democrats. We have civil discourse, and always agree to disagree. But we still love each other.

  15. Sure, you can train a cat. A friend had a cat who would get thrown out the door every time he scratched on the sofa. So whenever he wanted to go out, he would scratch on the sofa. I had a cat who would "fetch"...I would throw his favorite toy and he would bring it back and lay it at my feet and wait for me to throw it again. He would also come running every time he heard the electric can opener...

  16. If I'm not mistaken, I think most BSA pubs can already be ordered en Espanol. Not sure what all the hubbub is about. We are all in this business to help young people become responsible, ethical citizens. Does it really matter what language we do that in? It will benefit us all. If you are in a dark alley, would you rather encounter an Eagle Scout who speaks Spanish, or a thug who speaks only English? Es preparado!

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