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Posts posted by Papadaddy

  1. Years ago when I traveled a lot in my job, I would make a point to look up the local council office and pay them a visit...just to buy a CSP, if nothing else. At one of the shops, I struck up a conversation with the lady and she asked me if I were going to Jambo. I said, "no", I couldn't afford it. Then she told me that she was going to serve on some kind of admin staff, but she was being forced to pay her own registration fees, and on top of that, had to use VACATION TIME from her Council job to go! I was flabbergasted! Now that is a local SE decision, as far as I know... Do the Pros also have to use their vacation time if they serve on Jambo staff? I once considered changing careers and becoming a Pro. Glad I came to my senses in time.

  2. The true value of what we do (to the Council), is what they would have to pay someone to do the same job with the same skillset and training. Not what our employer pays us. Some people do it because they get recognized with beads, little pieces of pot metal shaped like a beaver, and bits of colored cloth to put on your uniform. Some of us don't get recognized, but do it anyway. Because as a citizen of this country, it's the right thing to do. Councils are getting quite a bargain when it comes to volunteer labor for keeping camps maintained, fundraising, establishing new units and recruiting new members. It's a crying shame that sometimes we are treated like crap. I think we've all experienced it.

  3. Pack...sounds good on its face. What is your source for that?


    I think the Achilles heel is this, "Every employer would be required to offer this to all full time employees"...so instead of full time employees, he just hires part time...or goes out of business. We need to get away from this outdated model that healthcare is tied to employment. There is no reason that other groups can't bargain for insurance coverage, e.g., religious groups, fraternal groups (BSA?), employee unions, and other charities, such as the Salvation Army, Red Cross, etc. The basic objection I have is the involvement of the Government, FORCING people and employers to do things. If cars become unaffordable, is it the Government's job to take over car dealerships?? No wait, bad example.

  4. I am writing my COngressmen and demanding that the government supply me with affordable car insurance. And I want gas and oil changes covered by insurance with no co-pay. I mean, have you seen the price of a gallon lately? And it's going to get worse. An oil change is preventive maintenance and it will prevent catastrophic bills later on. It's only right that they be covered!!! Transportation is a basic human right and it is unconscionable that I should have to pay for it out of my pocket. I mean, i have BILLS to pay...smartphones, satellite TV, Starbucks lattes every day! Just yesterday I had to pay $45 for a mani=pedi and that didn't even include nail art! This economy SUCKS. I demand relief from the Government. YOu can't get any car repairs done any more without costing an arm and a leg. I'm voting for CHANGE!

  5. Outrageous. I hope you have the good sense to refuse. Not sure who to complain to, either, since each council is an independent corporation. I would write a very blunt letter to the Council President, stating clearly that they have seen your last FOS donation.

  6. Actually the BSA insignia are registered trademarks. Not sure how that differs from copyright, but I'll leave that up to the legal beagles, er..beavers. Last Christmas, a friend gave me a set of the centennial rank badges that he had purchased on Ebay, because he thought I would like them as a collector. If the BSA wants them back, they can pry them from my cold, dead, fingers...or buy them for a buck at the yard sale after I die.

  7. qwazse is correct, I spoke too soon. It appears the current Venturing Ranger is a youth award, and is not worn by adults. Whether or not you would wear the medal on formal occasions, is up to the individual, I guess.

  8. We recently had a survival lesson at RT. The instructor, a scouter with military survival school training, told us about how he got lost in the Great Dismal Swamp. He had marked his trail with surveyor's tape...but to his dismay, found that many other people had also marked their trail...and failed to remove the tape on their way back out. It was of no help whatsoever. He eventually made it back to civilization, but never did find his bicycle.

  9. I'm agreeing with perdidochas here. The Government has no Constitutional basis for dictating what employee benefits they will provide...just that they may not discriminate as to which employees get them. What we see happening...employers will simply get around the dictates by, a)not hiring people, b)not offering benefits at all, or c) moving jobs offshore.

  10. In my mind, contraception is not "healthcare" or the prevention of disease. It is to facilitate recreation. I don't think ANYONE should pay for it, except the participants who choose to use it. So, if we, the taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception, does that get us off the hook for paying welfare to those who neglect to use it??? If so, I think it's a bargain.

  11. Traditionally (in these parts, anyway), the annual uniform inspection was done at the same time as the annual charter presentation...by the Unit Commissioner. Over the years, we saw very little of the UC (if we even had one), and our charter was handed to us at Roundtable and it went in the SM's briefcase where it would stay until replaced the next year.

  12. "it appears that religious organization may drop insurance coverage, forcing many to get onto state programs"


    What surprises me is that anyone is surprised. Wasn't that the grand plan all along? To force everyone into a single-payer system controlled by the Government?



  13. As one who always appreciates a competent command of the King's English, I enjoy your posts, CC. But, if I may ask, if one is adamant about raising his son "his way", and not listening to the sage advice of those of us who have successfully raised our sons and helped to develop countless others, why in the world would he enroll him in Scouts? To force everyone else to alter the program and do it HIS way???

  14. Lots of good answers above. One word of emphasis, a Merit Badge Counselor is a registered position in the District and the application is approved at that level. Many MBC register with the caveat that they will counsel "Troop XXX Only". I personally do not like that, but it is allowed. So, if you are indeed a bona fide "expert" by vocation or avocation in a certain subject, by all means, submit an application and get on the District list. Hopefully you will welcome "all comers" who can take advantage of your special knowledge and/or training. CAN you counsel your own son? There is no written prohibition, however my opinion is it is shortchanging him of the opportunity for "Adult Association" with OTHER adults and teaches him initiative and confidence.

  15. Event 1 would have prompted a call to parents to come get him. I would have also explained they would be getting a bill to repair the drywall. Toothpaste doesn't cut it. Event 2 would result in being removed from the troop, Eagle or not. His EBOR should be interesting...if he makes it that far.

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