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Posts posted by ozemu

  1. Not such a long shot I imagine. I have met a number of 10 pound emigrants. Wish I could head the other way for 10 pounds. I want to visit Scotland, around Berwick on the Tweed. A place called Galasheils apparently is the starting point for the move to Aus some four generations ago.


    Back to the tv...I listen to the ABC and prefer to watch that channel also. It is equal to the BBC here. Is there a state owned channel in the US?


    Anyway one announcer called for a 'turn the tv toward the wall' day. It was to declare that we are not controlled by the tv. We don't have to be back home in time for ### nor do we need to watch tv to find out what is going on etc. Hanging a towel over the plasma tv on the wall was allowed.


    Couldn't convince my family. CSI was on!(This message has been edited by ozemu)

  2. usedtobeafox I think Beavah has something there. The PLC makes some of those decisions. Now I watch the cycle turn every three years or so and the PLC goes from being strong and active to being inexperienced and apathetic as the characters come and go.


    If you PLC is up to it or if you are able to lead them toward writing their own newsletter, planning their camps etc you can cut the parents out. The Scouts will not learn the skills of leadership and management if mum and dad are too involved. As MB counsellors etc parents can get real busy.


    Is the PLC supposed to have the ultimate say in the MB being up to standard? We do that. Scouts get some knock backs and some do extra work when they realise it is not the adult who has the say - their peers are not as easily fooled or as soft either. In fact I sometimes have to remind the PLC to consider the individual Scouts abilities etc.


    Would that help you out? That the PLC steers the ship with you in the lookout tower watching for nasty rocks and parents that might be in the way and advising on changes to course?


    Sorry - got a bit carried away with the metaphor.


    It might be easier defending the PLC than fighting the parents. Same issues but different perspective.

  3. The tv is off right now. The family are away.


    I agree with those who believe that tv is getting worse - but some parts are definately improving.


    The worse part is the exposure to murder, mayhem and over indulgence. My kids are sucked in as much as any.


    We watched 'Meet Joe Black' the other day. Remember when the main character gets hit by the car and is flung across the road? When I first watched that I remember my wife and I gasping.


    My kids laughed - it wasn't real enough.


    That struck me as terribly sad.

  4. usetobeafox I understand your frustration but to be honest I, in your situation, would now say


    "thanks for being involved, have you got everything you need, go for your life in the direction that you've chosen and excuse me while I work with the other Scouts" or something like that.


    I would be grateful if ANY parents got involved. My ASM stays only while her son does and she is as busy as hell and not really supported by gher husband - so I am grateful for the time she can give. That's it - no other parent interest at all at present.


    So if that is their motivation and that is what they will commit then I suggest that there is no point in agonising over it - there are other Scouts who you can concentrate on while these parents take care of their own (plus their friends I suspect).

  5. In Oz Council does not have any rule of their own. State and National rules apply.


    A knife is a tool.


    So my answer is that a knife that is correct for the job in the hands of someone trained to use it and in the environment in which it is designed to be used should be ok.


    Sheath knives are ok where you use a strong knife often and move about during the task at hand.


    Folding blades are good for jobs done when moving about carrying your gear but when you are stationary during the course of the job.


    Filleting knives...well...boats or shore, in the presence of fish...


    We are not allowed to carry, as a member of Scouts Australia, a folding blade of over 4 inches and sheath knives are out altogether. Stupid rule but I obey...except when teaching shelter building, skinning, canoeing or rapelling (I use a plastic handled hook safety knife for those two - not really a sheath knife).


    And I carry at Scouts several different folding blades depending on what sort of activity we are doing. None at all when out amongst the public - not legal to carry knives in town.


    I don't see how I can teach Scouts some things without the correct tools. But I obey - mostly.

  6. I too used to think SM was the best job in the world. But time and not so great support from other parts of my Scouting world lead me to think that I might get more out of Scouting (and give more as well) if I move sideways or upwards.


    'But what role' I echo Trevorum.


    There are not so many jobs over here. Two jobs that I favour are occupied. Maybe the third choice - leader training will be OK.

  7. I crossed the line at work a couple of weeks ago. Apparently my saying that a leech up her nose when she was a baby might explain why she is short was taken way more seriously than I had imagined. Got a letter from the 25 year olds mother.


    Naturally I apologised. I regret the effect but see it as a miss rather than crime. Others would have recieved this with a well aimed rebuttle. But there is a bit more history to it that none of us were aware of.


    In my book funny is when the victim laughs. She didn't. The lesson really is how to recieve offense with dignity and how to make ammends with same. The 'incident' is an opportunity for genuine discussion among all parties - but no soap boxes pls.


    But my humour is fairly Monty Pythonish. Who is not the target of those guys?


    Actually the Goodies 'World Domination' MB sketch was pretty funny too.


  8. Yes Eamonn, I am a Queens Scout. It is the senior award in Venturers. If his mum allows Charlie to get the chair it might become the Kings Award again but I can't see her doing that for a long while. Maybe Will'll be the fella.


    We have two versions of the promise as we are half way to being a republic and some don't like 'duty to the Queen of Australia'. Full text at: http://www.scouts.com.au/general/index.asp?iShellID=675&sKeyword=SOZ_HOME_GENERAL


    Only a few hours to go I think.



  9. cracking an egg into a hollowed out potatoe, replacing the top of the potatoe and slowly baking it is pretty tasty for breaky.


    Damper twists are good. Bread mix wrapped on a stick and slow cooked over coals. Fill the hole where the stick was with syrup or jam.




    roasted nuts on a flat rock next to the fire...


    didn't someone here routinely use a flat rock to cook on a few years ago?

  10. Often thought about submariners. Scares the heck out of me just thinking about fighting under water. Prefer the jungle myself. Open country makes me feel like a pawn. Oceans are worse. Cannot express greater regard for such men and women.


    Interesting story I read about D-Day preparation. Someone wanted to know whether the beach sand would support weight of amoured fighting vehicles. Next day a British naval officer handed over a core sample of beach sand from Normandy. He had gone in a sub, swum ashore, taken the sample and returned. Gutsy.

  11. Just curious after OGE's post.


    What are the days on which you remember service in war?


    6 Jun - D Day

    7 Dec - Pearl Harbour

    11 Nov?? - Rememberance/Armistace Day

    and you have one in May - I used to have it in my diary.


    I try to mention our important dates in my SM's Minute before the date(s) fall.

  12. Bardia, Tobruk (Italians defeated), Syria and Lebanon (Vichy French defeated), Greece, Crete,


    And in 1942 : Benghazi, El Alamein (Germans defeated), Malaya and Thailand, Singapore, Timor, Labuan, Rabaul, Kokoda, Milne Bay (first defeat of the Japanese on land) and Gona.


    But surely the most moving would be ferocious and stoic non-battles such as Sandakan (where 6 of 2400 survived - our Bataan Death March) and the Burma Railway. The character of these men amazes and inspires those who know what happened.


    Sad to say my 13 year old son was not aware that we fought against Japan 60 years ago. I found out last night as our team went up against Japan in the World Cup last night. Boy, is he in for an historical treat shortly!


    To tell the truth 1915-1918 campaigns are remembered twice each year (25 Apr and 11 Nov) but 1939-45 barely gets a mention. Why is that?



  13. I understand that this thread has been cleaned up. I did not return after my single post. So I don't know what transpired. If I offended anyone I give my apologies...


    At our Memorial day (ANZAC Day) our Troop attends the Dawn Service. Do you have the same? It is held at the exact time that our troops first went into action as a national army. A few state contingents to overseas conflicts prior to federation but the landing at ANZAC Cove in Turkey in 1915 was the first national action.


    A very moving service, darkness, candles, excellant choir, piper and bugle, vet's standing around the Eternal flame...and no marching...and it is short...and the Scouts just watch. The Scouts really enjoy attending more than the morning parade and service.


    We have been going for 10 years or so. Now the older Scouts are bringing their Venturer Unit and another Troop also attends in a small way. We get about 50% and it is the 10-12 year olds who don't come in numbers.


    I think they keep coming because they really respect the service given by defence pers. For a short moment they feel a part of something big. Some wear grand-dad's medals. All wear full uniform without ever really being seen. On think that we are doing something right with our young people.

  14. Lisabob, we talk about a higher power / spiritual beliefs but definately not exclusively about god.


    For those chartered by a religious body I would expect them to ask about their god.


    We don't actually have a BOR. When the Scout has passed all required tests they get the awarded level. Duty to their god and oath and law are included in the badges required at all levels.


    Our oath contains 'duty to my god' and I wonder what the buddhists (among others) make of that. Surely 'spiritual duty' or some such wording would cover the area more inclusively and not too long windedly.

  15. If we are all Scouts and doing 'our best' with the Oath and Law why introduce another rule? Anything that upsets is another great opening for a discussion about the Oath and Law. Also men are not women. Why expect a 'standard' when we are so obviously and thankfully different?


    The attitude is way more important than the clothing.


    Here we are more concerned about skin cancer. "Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, and wrap on some sunglasses". If there is any skin left exposed then blow whistles, throw ice and 90% uv proof shade cloth.

  16. 1. quarterley plan and nightly meetings = pretty much. Otherwise = no


    2. Yes. Every activity bar some games is in Patrols. They have never camped and eaten as a Troop.


    3. 17 (2 big patrols as we loose several over ageing this year)


    4. mountain bike ride, games, badge work, ceremonies, flood awareness, stalking, (one camp flooded out) Patrol activities this weekend (1 x video and cooking, 1 x bike hike)

  17. Nope, I don't know those ones.


    Ta for the address. Will check it out right now.


    How do the little blokes like Hong Kong? The kids I've met from there don't know what to do with a tree or grass. If they come out again tell them to give us a yell. Lots of grass. Growing too fast to tell the truth.

  18. Thanks Eamonn,


    I too have loaned my copy of that book to a Guide leader in town. She will give it back I am sure but worth remembering.


    Did you read Showell Styles books too? Tiger Patrol is on my shelf. I also had Catch me a Pewit, Lion Patrol and some others.


    Is there a good site for recordings of BP yakking?

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