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Everything posted by morainemom

  1. Eammon, I saw that report last night. Very, very sad. I was quite shocked to learn that he had been charged, I would not have guessed that one in a million years. I thought the news report was very slanted - more focus on the Scout emblem, the statue of the Boy Scout, even the doors of the Scout office - and just a mention that this had happened at his house.
  2. Laura, On the other thread you posted someone said that National has the original copy of the Merit Badges worked on at Jamboree scanned into their computers. I would call National's office and explain your problem to them. Hopefully they can send you a copy of the paperwork.(This message has been edited by morainemom)
  3. When I hadn't heard from you, I was guessing that maybe the patches returned! That's great - but if that's what the other Scouts are doing - they need to quit pulling those kinds of tricks.
  4. I read this piece on their website a few days ago. I wonder why it took so long for the writer to share his views. Why didn't he immediately file this story after the President's visit to the Jamboree? Instead he and the newspaper waited until AFTER the scouts had departed Fort AP Hill, after the majority of the parents quit perusing the website on a daily basis, after I order several prints from them (at a greatly inflated price, I might add!). There's another story from a female reporter - this one just went up yesterday - regarding her thoughts on Jamboree, which mainly se
  5. I have alway been under the assumption that any Scout convicted of a felony crime cannot earn the Eagle Rank. I did several google searches and can't find exact facts to back this up, though. However, I did find some info over at : www.netcommish.com/AskAndy41.asp (This message has been edited by morainemom)
  6. You may be a Merit Badge Counselor if you are age 18 or older.
  7. My 17 yr. old Eagle Scout son just got back from his 2nd Jamboree. He also did a Philmont Trek in '03. He personally has paid for ALL of these trips, including 4 years of summer camp. Each Jamboree and Philmot Trek cost $1,000.00. He sells a lot of popcorn. A lot..... He also has sold T-shirts, and helped operate a Troop Lemondade stand at a festival. They've sld Christmas trees. He also works many truck shows passing out newspapers. His Troop has individual accounts set up for the Scouts and everything they earn is put in their name. He's always been proud of the fa
  8. Pack391, The NASA patch you were wanting is now up for sale on eBay. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7705204105&ssPageName=MERC_BC_ReBay_Pr4_PcY_BID_W0
  9. There's one of these patches now up for sale on eBay. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7705204105&ssPageName=MERC_BC_ReBay_Pr4_PcY_BID_W0
  10. Eamonn, I think you are correct in the statement about the 2nd time around. The first time he was an eager, starry-eyed 13 year old First Class Scout. I had all of the Scoutmasters come up to me after the '01 Jambo and tell me that he was the Scout who set the example of the Troop - he trudged out to all the events and shows every day, dragging that cast around. (That was one thick cast, the Army did a bang-up job of making it to last through all the physical activities at Jambo!) He and the other OA Scouts did make it down to the Section Meet. He loves the OA! He's gearing up for t
  11. Oops! I read the first page and then posted my opinion. I just read Scoutnut's post and his thoughts were very much on the lines of what I asked.
  12. Let me begin by saying that I am personally anti-alcohol. Don't like it - I'mm 44 and have never tasted alcohol. My question to the OP is have you actually observed this Scout drinking? From what I havve read, you or other members of the Scouting organization haven't. It's pretty unsettling to read that the parents of the Scout permit him to drink - but some of my kids' friends have done so as well, with the parents giving them wine at dinner or turning their heads when they see the kid sucking on the keg at a family reunion. Again - I don't approve, but that's none of my busin
  13. Eamonn, My son said he really enjoyed meeting you at your camp. (He didn't mention seeing any mess.... ) He arrived home around 4:00 pm on Wed. They unloaded the truck, put away tents, washed dishes, etc. We pulled out of camp around 5:45. His thoughts on this year's Jambo (his 2nd): had fun - but not quite as much as in '01; heat was horrid - but he survived and never got sick; liked the Action Centers (earned a special patch for his air rifle shooting); wishes there was a better system at the Outback Centers - long, long waits for the water activities; he remarked, much
  14. I have been reading over on the official Jamboree website about bags and bags of patches being turned into Losst & Found. If you can contact your sons, I would suggest that they pop over to the Lost & Found tent and see if their patches have been turned in. It's a longshot - but worth trying.
  15. My son was 13 also when he went to his first Jambo in '01. He fell on an obstacle course the 2nd day there and broke his arm! He stayed and still had a great time. I had told him to lock everything up - he does this at summer camps, even troop camporees -- sad to say, not every Scout is Trustworthy! :9 I can definitely send your son one of our Council patches. I'll see if my son has an extra Blues Brothers one - and if so, I'll send that also. Just PM me with your son's name and address and after my son gets home from Jambo I'll get the patch (es) out to you. I hope tha
  16. Wow - that really stinks! A same thing happened to one of my son's friends and fellow Scouts back in '01. My son went to the '01 Jambo and is currently down at this one. He does lock him patches in his trunk at all times - unfortunately you can't trust all of the people all of the time. I can send your son one of our Council patches - I will look and see if my son had an extra one of the Blues Brothers patches in the ones he obtained before leaving for Jambo. Did he report this to his Scoutmaster? Sounds like the Troop needs a talk on "trustworthy" - it might get the guilty
  17. Pack391, I am not real sure - but I think that the Scouts had to do an activity at the NASA Booth at Jambo to earn that patch. My son briefly spoke of this patch last night when he phoned home. It may be hard to get if you weren't actually at the Jamboree.
  18. The Mr. Rogers patch is one of the popular ones. My son said the Marvel Comic books ones are a big hit, as are the Sobe ones from CT Rivers Council. Also popular are the Central Wyoming JSPs - they are beautiful patches with wildlife embroidered on them. The Salt Lake City ones - dinosaurs and also the ones with the Olympic sports are a hit as well. Blues Brothers JSPs continue to be coveted, too.
  19. Mollie, That is exactly what we are using for the large patches - a scrapbook page protector. I use a couple of those scrapbook adhesive squares to stick the patch to the protector. Walmart, Michaels, etc. sell the pages.
  20. Here's the link to the Fredricksburg, VA newspaper: http://www.fredericksburg.com/
  21. Bolo - I'm sure the boys, although very saddened, will still have some wonderful memories. Today is the opening day - all event action centers were due to open at 9:00 am. Here's the link to the official BSA Jamboree site: http://www.bsajamboree.org/ It's a great site - they will eventually update it every day with photos and I believe they will even post the daily newspaper there. My son attended the '01 Jambo when he was 13. The second day we got a phone call from him in the evening - seems he fell on the TOAP Course and broke his arm! His Buddy stayed with him, they
  22. Bolo, My 17 yr. old son is down at Jambo. He called last night around 10:30 pm. He was pretty shook up. Camp mood is definitely subdued. My impression was that just about everyone down at Fort AP Hill knew about the deaths. My son is in subcamp 4 - he said it's about 1/4 mile from subcamp 7. A pretty good lightning storm also rolled throuygh the Hill last night and the heat index was 116 degrees during the day. Such a sad, sad, tragic event. My prayers to the families and to all the Scouts at the Hill.
  23. My son has checked in twice. Since we are from Western PA, our Council was one of the ones asked to arrive a day early. The chartered bus pulled out of the Scout Camp at midnight on Sat. night/Sunday morning. My son said they stopped for breakfast, etc. and pulled into Fort AP Hill around 7:30 am on Sunday. Security, as expected, was very tight and it took a little over an hour for them to be cleared to proceed to their campsite. They had their camp set up and gateway constructed before noon. Trading posts are well stocked with lots of good stuff! He met up with some of th
  24. Hops, I've been thinking of you and hope you had a safe and good trip to the Hill! My son will be in subcamp 4 - I'll send him over! And Eammon- just the other day Dan asked what your Troop was - he's planning on popping over to say hello and trade patches. He's helping on an Eagle Scout project today and trying to stuff everything into the trunk for Jambo. He pulls out at midnight on Sunday for the Hill. Hope everyone has a great time!!
  25. Hmmmm... Eammmon, I don't know about the over 16 years old part. My son just turned 17 and when he was renewing his permit (feet dragging on taking the driving part of Driver's Ed and wasn't allowed to get his license until he did so, we were discussing the fact that he would need a photo ID for the Jamboree. The PENNDot man then told us about the photo ID. Yay - God Bless Gov. Rendell and his slot machines....... (insert roll eyes incon here!)
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