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Everything posted by morainemom

  1. Eammon, Actually Penna. does have a photo ID card. The cost is $10.00 and you get it at the Drivers License Center. My Jambo bound son got one a month ago when he got his permit renewed. He needed to show 2 forms of ID. He was not fingerprinted.
  2. Eamonn - OJ rested up by now? lol My son has to head back to camp and do some more puttering. The heat has been so unbearable around here. My son is in the same sub-camp as you and just a few Troops down - he would love to trade patches with you - if you don't mind saving one for him, he will stroll down one day/night and meet you face to face!
  3. Eammon, I just picked up my son from camp about 1.5 hours ago. He broke his gear in, gave his Beagle some lovin', took a shower, and then hit the sack! He said that OJ made Section Secretary. The Lodge does have a couple of good cooks. I second what you say about the showers - that's been a complaint for years.... He is totally wiped out - will be going back to camp tomorrow to do some more clean-up. The heat and humidity has been unbearable today and the Ranger finally told everyone to knock off because it [the heat] was making people sick. My son thought it was a good con
  4. Eammon, Well, the rain has stopped and by now OJ should have been properly welcomed by the "Brookies" at Conclave! My son is at the same Conclave, he's the Admin. Vice Chief of the Lodge and could be the next Lodge Chief in August. I know what you mean about the bond between the OA Brothers, my son feels it as well. He's been at camp for many hours over the past couple of months, preparing for Conclave. I agree with you that there is a great deal of pride for the choices my son has made thus far in being involved in Scouting and performing cheeful service. Best of luck to O
  5. Thanks for posting this. I used them for my son's tags for the 2001 Jamboree. They are still intact in the shorts and shirts! They were very reasonably priced, a good product, and very friendly to deal with. I need to order new ones as my son has a new Troop # and sub-camp this time around.
  6. Can't help you with the Eagle certificate question - other than to say that I'd call the National Supply Division and see if they could point you in the right direction. My son made Eagle 2 years ago and my Mother's pin is not a brooch style - just the little tie tack backing to it and the BSA and Eagle emblem. I know that the National catalog sells them. The website is www.scoutingstuff.org
  7. quote: [i'm not on an advancement committee, but I seem to recall a discussion - maybe it was on Scouts-L - that pointed out that while the Eagle app. suggests a letter from a religious reference, one is not required. Is this correct? ] That is what our Troop told us. My son still submitted 4-5 letters from school, religious, and other adult acquaintances.
  8. ScoutNut, Council is correct - your son can complete his Ordeal during the Spring Fellowship. (And has 1 year to complete the Ordeal or he will have to go through the election process again.) My son's SM also scheduled a Troop Camp-out the weekend of the Fall Fellowship/Ordeal weekend (not a big fan of the OA). My son chose to go through his Ordeal. He is now a Brotherhood member and the Administrative Vice Chief of the Lodge.
  9. Our Council performs call-out ceremonies each week at Summer Camp. I was wondering if your Council might do the same? If the Scout can't make it to Camp the week your Troop is attending, maybe he could go another week? I also know that out-of-council Scouts take part in our Call-Out Ceremonies at camp. Obviously some paperwork is filed between the two councils.
  10. Eamonn, I am definitely praying. I watched the news report on WPXI last night.
  11. My son has both the NOAC and the 2001 Jambo boxers. (He has some from Hooter's, too.) When my daughter was in Middle School, on the cheerleading squad one of the cheers was: "I've got spirit in my britches and it really, really itches....." I guess that would be very applicable to the Scouts, huh?? Oh - and after some complaints by the parents - that little ditty disappeared from the cheer book!
  12. Your OA Lodge's Membership Vice Chief should have DVC's for each district of the Council - ours has 4 - they split the one district into a northern and southern region and appoint 2 DVCs because it is such a large area to cover. The DVCs should contact the SMs in late Dec./early Jan. and begin the arudous task on mailing fliers and making at least 3 phone calls to each SM to finally get a date set for the Troop elections. (Can you tell that my son was the DVC last year and that I drove him and his Election Team all over creation? ) My son, who is also the Troop OA Representative w
  13. I am sorry to hear that. It sounds as though Don was a great Scouter. I know that he got the "care" packages I sent to my son in '01 delivered in a timely fashion. My condolences.
  14. Unc. - No offense taken - trust me, you would have felt my 'wrath' if I had!! I caught the humor in your original post and had a little chuckle myself. Actually it's an environmental center - complete with computer lab. I guess when she heard the Scout Exec. talk about Leave No Trace it struck a chord with her.
  15. Eamonn, It was a real shock having our Scout Exec. die like that. He was at our Council for just under 2 years. He seemed like a really nice man. (He was not the Scout Exec. who procured the center.) Unc. - The woman's late husband was a real pioneer in environmental causes and the outdoors. She has given us a first-rate facility! She's always been great to sit and talk with the Scouts when she's up visiting the camp.
  16. Eamonn has pulled me out of lurkdom with this post. I can personally vouch that this story is 100% true! It's my council and an awesome facility!!(This message has been edited by morainemom)
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