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Everything posted by MDScoutMom

  1. Actually, my son has worn the WWII uniform quite a few times - our family all reenacts WWII and he portrays a WWII Boy Scout of his current rank. He has not been able to wear his original items lately because he outgrew the shirt he wore & I can't find a larger one. Depending on how he feels, he will wear the pants or the britches. I am amazed by the quality of the workmanship on this old clothing compared to that of today.
  2. Thanks, I've seen these for my son's WWII Scout living history impression. I have a lot of BSA WWII stuff, including catalogues that are good reference. Email me or post here if you are interested in anything.
  3. "A few minutes later one of the new Webelos walked in all alone and sat down. When his Mom didn't pop in after a few seconds, I asked where she was, and he said when she saw my car was already here she just let him go in and said she'd be back in 45 minutes." --- I did that ONCE and promptly had a "talking to" when we picked up my son. Now that I am an adult leader as well for my son's troop and had to take the YP, I know why. "Cub Scout den meetings are intended to be an activity for the individual boys. They are not a family activity, and the presence of parents can be a distractio
  4. "100th Year Anniverysary patch with all the Ribbons" --- I wasn't even aware of that one. Darn, that's what I get for not visiting here more often. Oh well, he is happy that he got the patches from going to the Star Spangled Jamboree.
  5. December 31, 2010 is just around the corner, so I'm sure there are a lot of busy scouts trying to finish up at least one of the centennial badges or more. I think the program was a success. I am really proud of my own son who received his Pathfinding and Signaling MB's at last week's COH, making him the only one in his troop to all four badges. We can now send morse code messages to each other, LOL!
  6. Ours cost $1300, but we are the Baltimore Area Council. Just packed up the trailer like any regular event and drove down, so transportation costs were not an issue. Also, the boys came right home, no DC visitation (at least for our troop). Our troop can really do that anytime they want, as it is only about 45 minute train ride right into the heart of DC. I don't know what it included because I did not have the funds to send my son to the jamboree. However, I did take him down to DC to visit the Adventure Base 100; no comparison to the jamboree, but was fun enough for something to do and w
  7. Has anyone tried these instead of the thin ones? Do they convert into shorts just the same? Also, do they have the zippers at the bottom? I know that the *vintage* (yes, I see them called that) ODR canvas pants were a lot more sturdy IMO and it took a real bad spill on the pavement for my son to tear them (even then, they could be easily fixed). I was thinking about getting him a set of those, especially come winter. Just looking for opinions and experience, thanks.
  8. Buffalo Skipper~ Boy, you bring back memories! I grew up in Chicagoland and was so accustomed to all the Polish influence. When I moved out to Maryland I must have stopped buying lunch ham at the deli for 6 years until someone realized what I was asking for when I requested Polish ham (they refer to it as imported ham out here). My best friend through life is the daughter of Polish immigrants and her mother got so used to me she would speak to me in Polish, LOL. I would say that the Midwest region might be able to help you or maybe you send an email to Mitch Reis and see if he knows
  9. When did they start putting the necker under the collar? I know that at least up to and during WWII it was always worn over the collar. I'm assuming that when the collarless came in, there was only one way to wear it and then when they returned with collared shirts the guys had the over/under option. Maybe those that first wore them under the collar did so somewhat like a man wearing a tie? I'm just guessing. But if the collar on centennial shirt bothers anyone, I guess you could say that since it represents 100 yrs the Scouts should wear the necker over the collar as they did in the beginning
  10. Well, I have done just that....Scouting into school. I homeschool my son, so I use some of the merit badges for school work. For example, combining the three citizenship badges has made for a real good 7th grade Social Studies course and when we complete the course, that's three Eagle req's done!!
  11. I'm sorry to say that I don't think you are going to find someone of that age, and I don't know if this guy is still with us but he was 96 last year: http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local-beat/Illinois-Man-Honored-as-Oldest-Living-Eagle-Scout.html I remember reading about a 105 yr old man that died fairly recently who was awarded his Eagle shortly before he died as WWI had forced to not be around to get it (although he had completed all the necessary work for it). It was on one the Scouting online sites, maybe Scouting News online. If he would be able to settle for a man who earn
  12. I find it ironic that the book still teaches first using the neckerchief to make a sling and other things and in order to do so you need the full size. But so many troops don't wear a neckerchief at all and if they do, it is rare to see them wearing them out camping, when they would be most likely to need it for first aid.
  13. Ed, Thank you so much for your information. My son is so proud of his WWII Scout portrayal and was very upset when the neckerchief that came with his uniform started to fray. I purchased a red cotton full square 35" one off ebay but because it is more than twice as big as his old one, it doesn't fit through the woggle! This is his joy in collecting that he and I share together. I can promise you that he treats every bit of these items with care. I would be most interested if you could help him out with the neckerchief, feel free to private message me. He was talking to me the ot
  14. Thanks for your answers. As we are a family of WWII reenacters and my son is too young to join a unit like the 3rd I.D., he portrays a WWII Scout, using his current rank for his portrayal. He has a proper uniform (actually dated to 1938 by the previous owner's papers), but the triangle shaped green/yellow stripe neckerchief has a slight tear that I do not want to make worse. Thus, I am looking for a proper vintage replacement. I already have a large red/black stripe full square neckerchief....I am wondering if that would be correct for the period.
  15. jet: I think your idea was a great one and truly wish more scouts had your attitude. I remember seeing scouts wear their uniform to school on meeting days every week when I was in school (um, not mentioning WHEN that was, LOL). My son is having to leave his current troop due to lack of activity. They have not been camping since November 2009 and it is driving him crazy. Now that we are looking for another troop we find that most are so lax about their uniform. They don't wear it to meetings and when they do, they don't bother with neckerchiefs or hats. Why is this? Is because of the boys
  16. I'm hoping I can get some help here...I'd like to get some idea of what the neckerchiefs were like as first issued. Were they the full square type? Did they have just the B.S.A. inside that white diamond at two corners or did they have the broken approximate 1.5" line around the edge? What about colour, and when did the changes take place? From what I can see they are all smaller triangles now, IF the troop chooses to wear it at all. I had ordered the Ries book and hoped to find this information in there, but alas, my post office was it's usual bumbling self and lost it. Thanks very much to an
  17. "If he was presented it as a Boy Scout, then wearing it at special occasions would be ok. Not all medals we wear come from the BSA. This includes the religous medals & community organization awards (given by other groups & approved by the BSA) and trail medals. " --- Actually, he earned as a Webelos II. He is the youngest person ever to receive the medal. I referred to his past "troop" before because I finally got used to Boy Scout vs. Cub Scout lingo and stopped calling it a pack. I am assuming you are saying that he would not be able to wear it?
  18. Just thought I would share this: some very good photos of the uniform: http://www.boyscoutstuff.com/Galleries/Awards/awards.html
  19. Okay, I have another question regarding a medal: My son was awarded the American Legion Americanism Medal. He was told by his last troop that he could wear it on special Scout occasions. What is your thought on this?
  20. rmeints: Here is another place that makes the 1912 uniform; it is overseas (India) but I have dealt with them. My husband purchased a class A British WWII through them. The quality was fantastic, the shipping was not outrageous and best of all, they were quick and had great communication: http://www.replicaters.com/ww1USAEFuniforms.html What were the buttons like at that time? Are they the same shank back using the ring attachers that the shirt had in WWII?
  21. I just checked, and no, they won't let us stand outside and hand out the flyers at the restaurant. Neither will the Home Depot or grocery store nearby. I have a feeling this is not going to be very successful because our troop is very small & I really don't know how motivated the boys are to hand this stuff out at school. It's like a self imposed fine; your troop is small, thus fund raising is more difficult but you also don't attract new members like the big troops do, so your troop suffers the real possibility of dwindling away. IMPO, at least half the boys in the troop see the BSA
  22. I will check in advance. I just hope it works out. Our troop needs the $$$, as we all can understand.
  23. We are attempting a new fundraiser for our troop. Chili's restaurant (I don't know if it is nationwide) has fund-raising nights. You sign up, get a flyer for the chosen night, and give it to as many people as possible, encouraging them to eat at Chili's that chosen day between 4pm and 11pm. For every group that gives the server the flyer you handed out when they dine, your group gets a portion of the total bill (minus taxes, tip, etc). They add up all the tickets with flyers at the end of the evening and the group gets 10%. I am told they would cut us a check about two weeks later. We are
  24. My son had that problem as a Cub as well. Finally, I took some tape (clear duct, I think, but it could have been masking) and wrapped it around those little metal "arms" at the back of the slider; sort of girls used wrap yarn around their boyfriend's class ring to make it fit their own finger. It worked for us because it made the opening smaller, thus tighter, and the tape seemed to make the slide stop acting like it was made of tephlon. Another thing I just recently found when looking for an older slider for my son's WWII uniform is that they were not always made that pressed out way wit
  25. MDScoutMom


    1. "Women seem to love men in kilts...at least in my experience. " ----very true words indeed...the first time I saw my (now) husband in a kilt I was afraid I would laugh when I saw him; then when I did I was amazed how great it looks. When we got married, he and the groomsmen all wore kilts. 2. I would love to see my son in a kilt for the BSA. I know that the boys (after earning their chit) can carry their pocket knives and handle knives at camp, etc, but do you think that wearing the dirk would present a problem? It's a lot bigger to be carrying around on your person. Just wonderin
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