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Everything posted by ASM915

  1. Mike, A few years back, someone had posted about doing a nightime camporee. One was based on Star Wars. If you run a search on the forum, you might be able to find it. It had some great ideas.
  2. emb, Back in the teens, Dan Beard was working out of Massillon, Ohio. National asked how many Negro Scouts he had in his Massillon Area Council. His reply was he refused to answer that question, in his eyes they were all Scouts.
  3. I'm a latecomer to the thread. I took over as CA back in February. Youngest son had been CVC of Activities from the prvious October. The meetings are held at the Roundtable. Back in the spring, we were lucky if we had 2 to 4 members present. the CC, my son and I, contacted the Council Pro. that handled OA. We asked for a list of Chpater members. She gave us lists for 2007-09. The membership had dropped by 50%. We started off by creating an email list of the members, and the SMs of Troops in the Chpater. We then started a mass information campaign about Chapter & LEC meetings, Lodge
  4. Calico, I want the white diamond also. And beware of the dentist and the ferral cats in the oval office!!! Interesting item on "Talk of The Nation" this afternoon. The discussion was about End Of Life Counseling. The person being interviewed nailed several things that we have been discussing about when is treament to much, and overdone. tonight I was involved with two codes. One over 90, and one who was terminal, both with no family. Both initially survived and ended up on ventilators. At least someone, MD, distant relative, whoever, had the common sense to know that neither were g
  5. Wow!!! I could play Devil's Advocate for both sides. I don't want Big Brother dicatating my healthcare, but then again, I'm not to happy with my insurance provider either, and I work in a medical center. We have had personal experience with the insurance bean counter. My wife is on one perticular medication. First time round, the pharm. company balked at having to fill the 90 day script, even though it was on their list of preferred med's. They wanted a diagnoses. Then they wanted something else, and wanted us to contact her physician. When I called in to the office, and talked with
  6. I did email the Lodge Chief and adviser about the situation Wednesday after checking it out. I haven't heard back yet. Then again, the Lodge Chief is also on camp staff. Talking with one of the former CA's, the thought is to talk with the scout, explain nicely what the issue is, and ask him to please hang up and not wear the BARS until next March. In March, contact the Vice Chief of Membership to notify him that the 10 month period is up and he would like to switch sashes. Is this something that can be handled calmly at the Chapter level, or should we toss it up to the Lodge.
  7. Scoutldr, A youth. 2cub, As a CA. John, Yep, it should have worked. But the Vice Chief is also on staff as waterfront director. He's usually good at multi-tasking. The Brotherhood Chairman is probably the one that missed it. A few weeks from Brotherhood is one thing. But this one just went through Ordeal this spring. Plu we run Brotherhood every week at summer camp. I thought something didn't sit right when I heard the name, but coulcn't put my finger on it. When I arrived back at the house last night, I pulled my copies if the Spring Ordeal candidates and there
  8. Does anyone out there in WWW land have a fail-safe way to make sure that Ordeal members seeking Brotherhood are truly eligible, and don't slip through the crackes? Granted, the VC of Membership and the Brotherhood person should be able to prevent this from happening, but when it does, then what? How would you handle the situation where an Ordeal managed to seal their membership with Brotherhood before the allotted 10 months?
  9. On July 2, 2009 Jerrold Lockshin, 81, passed away. Jerry had a 70 year tenure in Scouting, starting at age 11, and still going strong at the end. Jerry was active as an adult volunteer in local, regional and national scouting. He was president of the Buckeye Coucnil, vice-president of Area 5 Central Region, and chairman of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting. He was the recipient of numerous awards within the scouting, civic, and religious communities, including the Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and the Silver Buffalo. He was a Vigil member of the OA, and a fifth year Pipestone ho
  10. Oops!!!! Darn little blackberry keyboards. And life sprouts from where? LOL.
  11. Is the problem missing Mass, or missing Communion? If it is Communion, can not a Eucharistic Minister give Communion? Have one of the parents train as a Eucharist Minister, a give Communion to th RC scouts at the end of a Scouts Own as the Prot. scouts are leaving. Ther other choice could be the round robin approach. This campout we attend a RC church, the next will be a Protestant church. If we have Jewish scouts, the synagogue will be on the third camping trip, etc. This way they can learn about different religions, and maybe come to reaslize that we all aren't that different. Just lik
  12. Chia, Welcome from Ohio. While visiting camp tonight I sat at a table with with a Troop from Carey NC. They brought about 70 people up to Camp Buckeye for summercamp and the Pipestone program. Good luck on the Crew.
  13. Again, my heart goes out to the family and troop. After going and reading the article that NE's listed, I have to agree that they were well prepared, that is except on one point. How would your stamina and strength going to be on your second run down the river? Then the third run? On the third run they had to be a little tired, and their stamina not as good as on the first run. It leads to tragic results when we don't listen to our bodies. They young ones may have the stamina to go two rounds, maybe three. At our age though, I might make two. I would be drained enough to not
  14. Just came across an article talking about the incident Wayne was involved in. Craig McHouston, 48-51 y/o, of Rexburg, Idaho was two scout leaders thrown from their raft on Friday at the Three Oars Rapids on the Snake. The other leader managed to swim to safety. State officials state the flow was between 17,500 to 18,000 cubic feet per second, 4000 more then normal. I guess if your live by the sword, you die by the sword, in this case macho stupidity. Thank God it wasn't one of the scouts. My heart does go out to the family and troop.
  15. Wayne, Basement Dweller is right. Unfortunately the macho male ego will overrule common sense everytime. They think they're invincible, and PREPARED in their own mind, and it will never happen to them or their fare, until it is to late, like Friday. My heart goes out to you. It's hard dealing with idiots who just don't get it. Four years ago I was in a simular situation on the Yough. in W.Virg. The SM set up an unguided trip as a non-scouting event. We had several years experience running this river, and I have Swift Water Rescue training with the FD. I've never been thrilled
  16. 224, AT no longer stands for Appalachian Trail, AT is now Argentinian Trollip, and that is the nice term. The other is an unscout like four letter word I can't use here.
  17. John, That takes care of the adult canidates. How about the adult members? Does your Lodge offer other meaningful adult activities besides the project? After working all day, do they really make an effort to attend the ceremonies?
  18. Hey Codger, (oops, I mean Scoutldr), Unfortunately with the generation of parents that came along just after us. "Camps an hour away!!! And you want to be there every Wednesday evening!!! NOT!!! Find another way to get there." That is how the Chapter became stratled with getting their youth out to camp if they want them there.
  19. 21 & John, On Wednesday's during summer camp, there are ice cream socials, on in the afternoon after the Brotherhood project for Brotherhood candidates and higher, an again that evening after the ceremony and Call-Outs for all OA members, with ice cream and pop. The Lodge also runs a Lodge vs Staff competion in the afternoon. As I stated in the original post, people will come walking in for the social, but not for the BC which is right after dinner and retreat. Ordeal Weekends and Fellowships, we have a COOK CREW, and do I mean a cook crew. How he does it on a $15 weekend budget, I
  20. Since there is nothing revealed here, this was posted on the main OA page. Last night I ran the youngest out to camp to help with Call-Outs and Brotherhood Ceremony. I am our Chapter Adviser. Call-Outs ended up being handled in the dining hall due to several tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings, and Brotherhood a few hundred feet away under the Greenbar Pavilion between storms. With 20 going for Brotherhood the first week of summer camp, the ceremony was going to happen one way or the other. No problem there. It worked out well. The one thing that I have noticed, Wednesday eveni
  21. Knight, Long term camping of at least 5 nights can include Jamborees, Moots, 50 Milers Award, Philmont, Northern Tier, NYLT, Woodbadge for adults if the Council runs the week long program, summer camp, camp staff (talk about real long term camping, LOL), etc. Any camping expierence that last at least 5 night should count.
  22. Ghermanno, Congrat's. As Jack said, now follow through with offering the youth assistances with getting around to events, meetings, and elections. The Chapter Advisor shouldn't be the only person getting dumped on to run the Chapter. A couple of assistants is very helpful. Working 3-11PM shift, I relied heavily on 3 other adults that were willing to split up election team duties four ways. Otherwise the elections would have never been completed. Jack was one of those three. Ask your Chapter Advisor what kind of assistance he/she needs. The LEC and it's advisors is usually pretty
  23. On May 20th, 2009, Ryan Ostronisky, 17, left this world for his final home. Ryan was severely injured in an auto accident on May 10th. Ryan was a former member of Canal Fulton, Ohio Troop 3915 from 2003-2004. Ryan's brother Lucas, and father George, are current members of Troop 3915. In keeping with the spirit of Scouting, Ryan performed his last Good Deed helping countless others. On Ryan's 17th birthday, Ryan's organs were donated so that others may live. Ryan will be buried tomorrow morning with Catholic Rites. Please keep Rayn's family in your prayers. Eric Prather Bicentennial
  24. On May 20th, 2009, Ryan Ostronisky, 17, left this world for his final home. Ryan was severely injured in an auto accident on May 10th. Ryan was a former member of Canal fulton, Ohio troop 3915 from 2003-2004. Ryan's brother Lucas, and father George, are current members of Troop 3915. In keeping with the spirit of Scouting, Ryan performed his last Good Deed helping countless others. On Ryan's 17th birthday, Ryan's organs were donated so that others may live. Please keep Rayn's family in your prayers. Eric Prather bicentennial Eagle ASM Troop 3915 Canal Fulton, Ohio Buckeye Cou
  25. I need some suggestions from some unattached individuals. Our CO is the local VFW. We are asked to do two things a year for the CO, put flags on graves on Saturday, and be in the parade today. This has been a point of no discussion in the past, always mandatory except with a good excuse. If you can't make one, be there for the other unless out of town for the holiday. We are presently a small troop, 10 scouts. One Friday the current SM sent out an email asking about the time for Saturday, and then in the next line made the statement that neither is mandatory to attend. The email wen
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